The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, July 12, 1900, Page 10, Image 10
10 and was pending before the Senate for ratification. The alacrity which had characterized the series of events begin ning with the dethronement of the Ha waiian Queen , in the judgment of the President and Secretary of State , seemed to demand a careful examina tion into the real facts , and the treaty was accordingly withdrawn and an in quiry set on foot , with the result that it developed that what before had been called a "revolution" out in Hawaii was in reality the subversion of the govern ment of a friendly power , the chief and most effective participants in which so- called revolution had been the diplo matic and naval agents of the United States at Honolulu. Judge Oresham's conscience revolted at the proposition to carry this scheme into effect. For nearly a century his government had stood as the guardian of the integrity of Hawaii against the machinations of European powers , and , as the Secretary boldly declared in an official paper , "we should be the last government to acquire sovereignty over the islands by force and fraud. " Secretary Gresharn was profoundly convinced of the integrity of the people , and he never ceased to believe that the ultimate judgment of the great mass of his countrymen would vindicate the de termined refusal of their government to carry into effect a program necessarily involving gross bad faith on our part. Estimate of China nml Japiiii. The estimate which foreigners placed upon the character of Judge Gresham was evidenced by the action "of both China and Japan at the breaking out of the recent war between those countries. Despite the fact that in both China and Japan were large American interests that were to be safeguarded by the United States during the conflict , each belligerent , when the war was declared , hastened to place the interests of its subjects in the territory of the other belligerent in charge of the American government. While this action was a splendid tribute to the reputation of the United States for honesty and fair deal ing , at the same time it bore eloquent testimony to the respect and confidence entertained by both China and Japan for the personality of the head of the American State Department. Secretary Gresham regarded sectional feeling as a grave menace to our insti tutions , and he ever strove to eliminate this sentiment from our national life. Ho believed that if the government stayed at home and attended strictly to its own business it would not only be fulfilling the legitimate functions of about the largest enterprise in the his tory of mankind , but that it would thereby merit and receive the support of its own people , whose honesty of pur pose and devotion to the principles of popular government he regarded as such Conservative * that they would solve any problem of the future with which their career would bring them in contact. PKOPIIETS OF EVII , . Mr. E. H. Gary , president of the Federal Steel Company , in discussing the business situation and .the outlook for business eaid to a New York reporter the other day : "The greatest danger to business prosperity and to the interests of the producer , purchaser and laboring man alike , lies in the disposition to magnify and add for political purposes during a presidential year any temporary ary lull in business. " If the democrats are going to make free silver the issue they will renew the calamity cry and we shall hear from the calamity orators about the depression in business and the great disasters to come. It is inconceivable that the sensible men of the South will do this sort of thing for political effect. The South is now enjoying an era of great industrial activity and we are exploiting' our advantages. The South is being adver tised by her newspapers as the most inviting field of all for settlers and in vestors , and it would be suicidal for us now to turn around and say that every thing is going to the dogs. If the Southern people will only keep their heads they will not engage in any such campaign , but in the heat and excite ment of politics men lose their heads and there is no telling what they will say and do. The sensible thing for the people of the South to do is to keep on working and keep on developing their resources and keep on advertising their advantages to the world , letting the politicians of other sections do the hur rah business in politics. The southern states are going to give a majority for the democratic ticket in any event , and it is senseless for our people to work themselves up into a condition of politi cal hysterics. Another remark in this connection. There are other prophets of evil in these days besides the politicians. For specu lative purpose , or for some other pur pose we know not what , there has been more gloomy talk of late than we have ever heard since the famous campaign of 1806. Because there has been some check in industrial activity , because there has been some damage to the wheat crop of the West , and because there is a political campaign on hand these prophets of evil have been pre dicting dire disaster to the business interests of this country. There has been nothing from Wall Street during the past several weeks but the most dismal forebodings , and prices of gilt- edged securities have been hammered down by circulating all eorts of de pressing rumors. This thing is done for a purpose , as those who know anything about Wall Street ways understand , but if it goes on , if the prophets of evil con- tinuo to prophesy they may finally succeed in impressing the people , and if they should by such talk shako confi dence , they would see their evil predic tions in part fulfilled. Down with the prophets of evil ! They are a menace to the country , and they should be suppressed. Richmond Times ( dem. ) . WHY BRYAN SHOULD VOTE FOK MCKINLEY. Recently when William Jennings Bryan was in Chicago he was reported to have said , "We'll be willing to take the votes of all the people who have not had their share of prosperity and leave republicans the votes of the people who have had their share. " In 1890 Mr. Bryan was elected to con gress from the first Nebraska district under the old apportionment. Before that time he was a struggling attorney in Lincoln earning perhaps $1,500 to $2,000 a year. He served two terms in congress , from which he retired in March , 1895 , because under the appor tionment the first district iu which he resided had become republican. From this time until his nomination for the presidency he resumed the practice of his profession. From November , 1896 , to date he is not known to have had more than one case in court , but for four years he has been in great demand for political addresses at so much per night. Now for the bearing of these facts on Mr. Bryan's fortunes and on his vote this fall. Mr. Bryan has resided in the Fifth ward of Lincoln ever since 1893 , and the following statement , taken from the yearly returns made by him every year since , shows the increase in his tangible possessions : An analysis of these figures shows that the value of Mr. Bryan's taxable possessions during the four years pre ceding President McKiuley's adminis tration averaged $272.50. Under four years of republican prosperity it rose to $2,998.75. In 1900 it was more than sixteen times greater than in 18 96. It is submitted that if William Jen nings Bryan lives up to the spirit of his proposition as to the division of votes of those who have and have not had their share of prosperity he will vote for Mo- Kinley and Roosevelt next November. Mr. Bryan's voice may still be for 16 to 1 and adversity , but his quadrupling wealth pleads for a continuation of the administration that brought prosperity to him and his country. Chicago Times- Herald.