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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1900)
Che VOL. II. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB TTHURSDAY , JUNE 21 , 1900 ! NO. 50. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION Of POI/ITlOATj , ECONOMIC AND BOOIOCOOIOAIi QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 7,300 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , In advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known npon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 20th , 1898. * * THK OUKGON . BISECTION. tlOU Ia8fc Week m Oregon was of more than local interest because of Mr. Bryan's identification with the cam paign. He journeyed to Oregon and made several speeches , making special reference to silver. There was complete fusion of all the Bryan elements , the democrats , silver republicans and popu lists. lists.The The combined vote , however , was less than that of the democrats alone a year ago. It was also less than that received by Bryan in 1896. If Bryan has become weaker in the western states , where the silver sentiment has always been the most pronounced , where is he to gain the electoral votes required to make him president ? -The _ - " x- , " Bryaii-"Ohump" Clark style of statesmanship which brought on the Spanish war , and boasted of its intimidation of McKiuloy in that regard , is now , with resolutiouary wrath , denouncing the fruits of its own irn- petuoua idiocy. Precinct , county and state conventions are denouncing Mo- Kiuley's administration as responsible for the Spanish war and all of its ex pensive and unpleasant consequences. These conventions are made up of the followers of the boasting law-makers who vehemently declared that their courage , their insistent demand for war with Spain , and not the republicans had made that war. These consistent men never forget to denounce the Philippine war , its cost in blood and dollars. They attribute all calamities arising from the Philippine Islands as a direct result of v'v' V \ - ' ' * ! * , ' v . ! ? % " ' 'i - , " , , " \ AaaMI. 'v' . - ; . wicked and blundering MoKinleyism. But these same denunciators declared , only a few months ago , that the treaty with Spain , by which' the United States , for twenty millions of dollars , got the islands and slavery and polygamy with ten million brown-skinned people and the bubonic plague would never have been ratified except for the efforts of Colonel Bryan , among senators. The Bryauarchists all over the country glorified their leader for the pathos and bathos with which he implored , threat ened and , at last , forced United States senators to vote for the ratification of the Paris treaty. ' Then alliance with McKinleyism.on the part of Bryanarchy for the purposes of expansion and possi bilities for imperialism , was patriotic. Now for the maintenance of the gold standard , any alliance , between republi cans and gold democrats , is treason. Bryauarchy , however , is always con sistently inconsistent. The ProbiDS of CUBA. Cuban postal af fairs reveals a worse condition than first reported. The Neeley defalcation thus far amounts to a cash shortage of § 85- 000 , together with $411,000 surcharged stamps. It is reported that the lavish outlay for expenses , alleged to have been made by Rathbone , will not account for the entire sum charged against the Cuban treasury. In order to effect even a partial restoration of public confidence in his administration , President McKiu- ley should make some sweeping changes among those entrusted with the manage ment of affairs in Cuba. He will , in a measure , compensate for past blunders by recognizing , in future appointments , individual fitness and worth instead of yielding to personal and political pressure exclusively. He could not do better than to extend to Cuba the rules governing the civil service at home and make merit the basis for all appoint ments. , . . . . . . . and m short all the leading populists and Bryanarchists in the United States , denounce banks and bankers as menaces to the plain people. All of the large-brained , experienced and mature statesmen of the discontent school in the United States favor the policy of government itself doing all the bill-issuing for the people. These learned and philanthropic benefactors would place the power to make paper- money in the hands of the congress of the United States and nowhere else. Under bheir scheme of finance there would be no plutocratic possibility of "a contraction" for the purpose of putting up the rates of interest. The plain people would be protected forever against the incursions and ravages of the omnivorous octopus. _ , , But the members . The Despot. of the house of re presentatives and of the senate of the congress of the United States would have unlimited power over the currency of the country. This power could be used and would be used by each succeed ing congress to either expand or contract the monetary circulation. The caprice of congress and not the commerce of the country would determine the volume of circulating money that the American people might need. Talk of imperialism , of centralized power , of despotism ; where on earth can be found a more potent concentra tion of power than in the vested right to say how much money may circulate in a given country at any time ? Congress would be a czar. It could limit or in crease the currency at will. It could be , and would be , the vilest , cruelest , wickedest despotism on the globe. For it the populist party and all its allies labor. In his speech at ANOTHKIl I'KOrilKCY. Hornellsville , N. Y. , Aug. 25 , 1890 , Mr. Bryan thus declaimed against the gold standard : "They know the gold standard en courages the hoarding of money , instead of expanding it in the development of the resources of the country. And now this policy of hoarding is driving thous ands and tens of thousands , and hun dreds of thousands of workiugmen out in the streets , where they beg for the privilege of working for their daily bread. " It was not the gold standard that created the conditions to which he re ferred , but the fear of repudiation and depreciation drove capital from the usual channels of investment. If there was any doubt about this at the time it has been removed by later events. The defeat of Mr. Bryan , the consequent restoration of public confidence in our financial integrity brought the gold from hiding and employed it "in developing the resources of the country" and thus gave employment to labor.