Cbe Conservative * 11
three months have been startled by the
discovery that the South is nearly
unanimous for expansion , for holding
the Philippines and hunting around for
more to hold in that neighborhood , if
wo can find it.
A prominent supporter of Bryan , from
the South , recently declared in New
York that if Bryan were elected the
Philippines would not be alienated. He
said we would hold them and got all we
could out of them , to do so being essen
tial to the prosperity of the South , and
as for the Filipinos they had "no rights
that we are bound to respect. " A care
ful inquiry , from North Carolina to the
Gulf , discloses the astonishing fact that
75 per cent of the men in the South who
are under forty years of nge favor hold
ing the Philippines. Another astound
ing disclosure from the South is that the
people have quit on free silver.Their
industries are in full blast , money is
plentiful and can be borrowed at a
lower interest than at any time since
the war. They do not feel that any
free silver experiment is necessary to in
flate the currency , for it is already
plentiful and its use is cheap. This
leaves only the trust issue unbroken in
the campaign quiver of arrows carried
by Colonel Bryan , and that is far less
talked about in the South than in the
North. It is in third place , anyway ,
among Colonel ' Bryan's campaign
material , silver and expansion rank
ing it.
Here , then , we have the singular
spectacle of the South solidly combined
to nominate for the presidency a man
whose principles they reject and repu
diate. They do not scruple to say that
if Colonel Bryan is elected the strength
of the democratic party in congress will
come from the South , and they do not
propose to drop a profitable cotton mar
ket as the Philippines promise to be , nor
do they propose any foolish experiment
in finance to disturb and perhaps
destroy conditions under which the
South is prosperous.
An election of Colonel Bryan under
these circumstances will not mean any
thing. It will settle nothing. It will
leave the financial question where it is ,
in such advance toward adjustment as
it has made by the legislation of this
year. It will not mean any change in
the Philippine situation. In fine , it
will not mean a thing which the promoters
meters of Colonel Bryan now pretend it
will mean.
Feeling as it does , the South should
vote for McKinley , but it will not.
That section is quite willing that the
republican party shall pull its chestnuts
out of the fire , shall open a market to
its cotton , protect its sugar , rice and
tobacco , but it is not willing to recipro
cate. The southern democracy is simply
anxious to add to the profits of trade due
to republican policy the profits of power
by putting the republican party in a
minority. "When Morgan of Alabama
A , "
found his seat in the senate in peril in
the whirl-wind campaign that Governor
Johnson was making against him he
simply declared himself an expansionist
and not in favor of free silver , and in
the primaries beat Johnson two to one.
As it is in Alabama , so it is throughout
the South , and yet Colonel Bryan has
galled his mouth denouncing the expan
sion wickedness of republicans !
In Tennessee the most popular demo
cratic candidate for senator is making
his stump campaign for holding the
Philippines , and defies any one to show
how they can bo constitutionally
dropped. He says to let them go will
require an amendment to the constitu
tion. He does not seem to have reflected
that that will mean a constitutional
amendment to authorize the dissolution
of the Union. San Francisco Call.
I was interested in the late reference
by THE CONSERVATIVE to the Buffalo
end of what is now the Now York
Central , when the road from that then
rag-time town to Batavia was owned
and operated by one corporation. This
was in 1848. It didn't state the whole
case. Perhaps the omission was intend
ed. The fact was that , at the time men
tioned by THE CONSERVATIVE , six dis
tinct ind separate corporations owned
and operated what is now the New York
Central road between Albany and
Buffalo , as follows :
The Albany & Schenectady ; the Utica
& Schenectady ; the Syracuse & Utica ;
Rochester & Syracuse ; Batavia & Roch
ester and Buffalo & Batavia.
I am not sure but what there was
one more the Syracuse & Auburn. I
well remember the great event which
abolished this costly and conflicting
system by consolidating into what has
since become only a part of the greatest
railway system in the world. What that
result gave to New York and the West
in the way of rapid and cheap transpor
tation everybody knows who is not an
accidental fraud or a political dema
Omaha , Neb. June 15 , 1900.
Nobody would seriously consider the
idea of nominating for president a man
who would be seventy-two years old at
the beginning of his term. Yet in the
cose of Senator Allison of Iowa , repub
lican politicians canvass the wisdom of
nominating for the vice-presidency ,
which may any day lead its incumbent
to the White House , a man who will be
seventy-six years old at the end of the
next presidential term. At the other
end of the scale , nobody would think
for a moment of nominating for presi
dent a man so devoid of qualification
for the office as Timothy L. Woodruff ,
and yet his preposterous candidacy for
vice-president has really secured some
support. His friends have doubtless
been much encouraged by Hazel's suc
cess in getting a United States judge-
ship. That incident apparently shows
that "everything goes" in our politics
now , to use the expressive slang of the
day. When a man whose law practice
is illustrated by his securing $5,000 for
the use of his "pull" in selling a yacht
to the government at an exorbitant price
can get a life position on the bench , why
should a Woodruff not aspire to a place
which might make him president for the
greater part of four years ? New York
Evening Post.
Talking machines instruments that
will record and reproduce speech or any
sound have been before the public in
one form or another for twenty years.
The most advanced type of the talking
machine is the Graphophone. In the
popular mind there is considerable mis
apprehension and confusion regarding
the correct designation of these instru
ments. The words "Graphophone" and
"Phonograph" being frequently mis
used as having the same meaning. The
name "Phonograph" was given to the
first crude model which demonstrated
that sound could be recorded and repro
duced mechanically ; but this early
model was unsnited to practical every
day use. The "Graphophone" was the
first practical talking machine , and the
U. S. Patent Office has put all similar
inventions into one class , designating
them "Graphophones. "
For entertainment , for instruction ,
for practical use , or for any purpose for
which a talking machine may be desired ,
the Graphophone is unequalled. The
Graphophone process is the simplest , the
best and only successful one for re
cording and reproducing speech or
sound. Great improvements recently
made , embodied in machines that re
produce music and other sounds with
the full volume and vibrant power of
the original , at the same time preserving
all the original melody and tone-quality ,
are due to the discovery and application
in. the laboratory and factory of the
American Graphophone Company , ( bet
ter known to the public through its
selling department , The Columbia
Phonograph Company ) , of new prin
ciples which have revolutionized the art.
The resulting type of Graphophone
known as the "Grand" gives a sound
volume many times greater than has
ever before been attained.
Full information regarding entertain
ment Graphophones of all styles , and
machines that serve as substitutes for
stenographers for dictating and tran
scribing correspondence , is contained in
the Columbia Phonograph Company's
catalogue. See the advertisement of
this Company in our advertising