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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1900)
Conservative. 111 1890 the populist FIXING PRICKS 1JY STATUTE. list party advoca ted fixing the price of silver by statute. Wo have not yet recovered from the baneful influence of this agitation to create values by legis lative enactment. Senator Onllom has introduced a bill to give the interstate commerce commission power to fix the price of transportation. If the interstate commerce commis sion can fix the price of transportation , it can , as logically , fix the price of the commodity transported. If we admit the principle involved in the proposed amendment , wo must admit the power of congress to delegate to this or a sim ilar commission the power to determine the price at which Nebraska products shall be sold after being transported. The power of congress to regulate com merce applies to sales as well as trans portation. If this power of regulation , then , includes fixing prices it must apply alike to both sales and transportation. Representative PRESERVATION . Stokes of South OF RECORDS. Carolina has intro duced in congress a bill which ought to become a law. There is probably not another country that has , in proportion to age , such a large volume of valuable documentary history , as the United States. And there is probably not another country that is so careless and negligent in its methods of preserving both state and national records. Nearly everything in this line is done by poli tical contract. A little while ago con gress entrusted the compilation of the messages of the presidents to one of the members , who sublet the work to a cheap book agent. The publication is not unlike the character of its compiler. Work of this kind should be in charge of specialists who have a wide range of information upon historical subjects and possess powers of dis crimination. Mr. Stoke's measure aims to systema tize the collection of public records. It empowers the American Historical Association to investigate the public records and other valuable historical material of the various states and terri tories and report the result to congress , together with recommendations as to needful legislation. It is expected to secure in this way the cooperation of the various state historical societies with the national association and thus secure greater uniformity in methods. It is a commendable measure and deserves the support of congress. DUTY OF THE GOLD DEMOCRATS. The question is now asked with some interest , What do the "Gold Demo crats , " or , more properly , the supporters of the Indianapolis convention of 1896 propose to do at the coming election , i : the regular candidates , as seems prob able , are again McKinley and Bryan ? One of your contemporaries has made 'ormal inquiry on this point of some of ; heso persons. Having had its inquiries addressed to me , having taken some part 11 the Indianapolis convention , having spoken for Palmer and Bnckuer in many large cities , and having boon honored by the gold democrats of Massachusetts with their nomination for governor in 1897,1 may properly give my views at ongth. They are the views of one man. In dependents and mugwumps , gold demo crats and Palmer men , are by those names men who think and vote for ; hemselves. The significance of their movement in 1896 , the curiosity as to ; heir intentions now , come from their individual and untrammelled stand. The bond of their convention was the individuality of its delegates. They had ; he courage to act together , because they had not been afraid to act sep arately. Chicago Platform Undemocratic. It is sometimes alleged that these men voted against Bryan solely because the Chicago convention declared for 16 to 1 , and "that issue being settled , " there is nothing to prevent their returning to the fold of the democracy , and support ing Mr. Bryan or any other regular candidate. To begin with , Mr. Bryan has never agreed that the silver issue was settled , or that if he was elected president , he would not fight as vigor ously against the act of 1900 as ever he did against the "crime" of 1878. But , secondly , the silver plank was very far from being the only one in the Chicago platform which disgusted the bolting democrats. To name a single other point , the utterance about the judiciary was alone thoroughly repellent to those who nominated Palmer and Buckner. They felt that there ran through all the proceedings and speeches of the conven tion a strain of demagogy , miscalled democracy , an appeal to the galleries , to local prejudices , to one-sided and ignor ant visionaries , to "every one who was discontented and every one who was in debt ; " the Adullamites , who were ready to upset everything , if only their own pet grievance might be promised its pet redress. We objected to the platform and its candidates , not merely because this or that plank was contrary to our idea of what was real democracy , but because the entire proceedings were held at the time and supported afterwards in a spirit subversive of law , order , and peace at home and abroad. A Populist Candidate Not a Safe Leader When Mr. Bryan exhibited himself on the stump throughout the country , the tone of all his speeches seemed most dangerous. The gold democrats did not think him merely unsound on the ques tion of money , but unsound on the 'undameutals of national and inter national policy. They dreaded a return , on a larger scale , of what had happened when a very similar agitator was elected governor of Massachusetts , in virtue of lis promises to those whom he called the oppressed. In five months ho had ihoroughly broken the peace of the commonwealth ; every man felt as if a fight was imminent with his next neighbor. And the Palmer men in 1896 felt that the Chicago candidate's election portended tended a like breach of the peace. He not only avowed a pernicious theory of money , but he supported it with argu ments and advocated methods which showed , in our opinion , a temper never ; o be trusted with the presidency on any platform. He was the populist candi date then ; he is the populist candidate now. Can a populist candidate be a safe leader for those who respect the traditions , I do not say of illustrious democrats or illustrious statesmen of any party , but of the peace , honor and safety of the United States ? \IcKlnley Has Disregarded Constitutional Authority. It was from this deep conviction that the Chicago candidate was dangerous khat many gold democrats voted for McKinley as the less of two evils. To the like vote they are now courted by the republicans , and ordered by the Bryan democrats. They were told in 1896 , and they should be told now , that McKinley was in his way , and is still , no more to be depended on than Bryan ; that his complaisances are as much a storm signal as the other's threats. In spite of all suoh warnings , their fears prevailed , and the republican candidate received the votes of many men who said they liked Palmer better , bnt could not "throw their votes away , " as if an honest and righteous vote was ever thrown away ! Never was a speedier or bitterer dis appointment. The president has from the outset cast away the constitutional authority of his office , whether for advice or action , and has bowed not merely to the opinions of congress , butte to its whims and passions. He obeyed their tumultuous mandate for war , when diplomacy was far from exhausted ; solemnly repudiated all thought of acquiring territory , and then consented to its acquisition in every mode , whether of possession or protectorate. He has allowed the war office to be dragged through the mire of nepotism and job bery , and given the merit system the heaviest blows , to the encouragement of the spoilsmen , that have been since Garfield's murder. He has raised the flag of imperialism and rivalry with the war powers of Europe , in defiance of all national tradition , and eaten his own words about the Porto Eico tariff , in true fealty to the act which has made his name immortal as a legislator. It is an