The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 31, 1900, Page 13, Image 13

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    'Cbe Conservative. 13 I
its principles and nominated its candi
dates. For president it has chosen Wil
liam Jennings Bryan , of Nebraska , who ,
by becoming its standard bearer , thereby
indorses its platform and pledges him
self to uphold its principles. For vice
president it has nominated Charles A.
Towne , of Minnesota , a 16 to 1 republi
There is now left but one alternative
for the democratic party either to in
dorse the nominees of the populist
party mid adopt its platform or to form
ulate its own declaration of principles
and select democrats as its nominees. To
adopt the former course will be to sur
render its name , sacrifice its principles ,
and destroy its future opportunities.
To do the latter will be to maintain
its integrity , perpetuate its principles ,
and ultimately rejoice in its triumphs.
Which shall it do ? It is for the demo
crats to determine. James J. Russell in
the Davenport Democrat.
Harold "I will make all my property
over to you after we are married , my
dear. " Edith "The idea ! What fun
will there be for me in spending my own
money ? " [ Judge.
INebrasKa City
The following list of the more important
manufacturing plants in Nebraska Oity
will be a standing advertisement in
Persons addressing any of them , because
of seeing this , will please mention TOT
United Starch Company ,
Nebraska City Iron Works ,
Dullenty Plow Co , ,
King Press Drill Co , ,
J , 6 , Kees ( Trunks and traveling bags ) ,
Tank Building Co. ,
Paul Schminke & Co , ( Flour mills ) ,
Mattes Brewing Co. ,
Chicago Packing and Provision Co , ,
Nebr. City Packing Co. ,
Nebraska City Cereal Mills ,
Nebr , City Canning Co , ,
The above named make the best quality
of commodities. Their trade is con
stantly increasing. All their patron *
are pleaned. Try them I
g T M A M V " are practically annihilated
B J i L Lby the ocean cables and
A i L J I j lanl telegraph systems
JBL A ML r . La which now belt the cir
cumference of Old Earth in
so many different directions. "Foreign parts" are no longer
foreign in the old meaning of the term. Europe , Africa , Asia ,
are "next door" to us. What happens there to-day we know
to-morrow if we read THE CHICAGO RECORD , whose
Special Cable Correspondents are located in every important
city in the world outside of the United States. No other
American newspaper ever attempted so extensive a service ;
and it is supplemented by the regular foreign news service
of The Associated Press. For accurate intelligence of the
stirring events which are shaking the nations of wars and
rumors of wars of the threatening dissolution of old govern
ments and the establishment of new of the onward sweep of
the race in all parts of the world the one medium of the
most satisfactory information is the enterprising , "up-to-date"
American newspaper , THE CHICAGO RECORD.
A large map of the world on Mcrcator's Projection , about 23 x10
FREE Inches In size , beautifully printed In colors , with a large-scale map
of Europe on the reverse side , will be mailed to any address free of
charge on receipt of request accompanied by two 2-cent stamps to
cover postage and wrapping. The tnups Illustrate clearly how comprehensively the
special cable service of THE CHICAOO RECOUD covers the entire civilized world. Ad
dress THE CHICAGO RECORD , 181 Madison street , Chicago.
Colorado , Utah , California and Oregon
TWO TRAINS daily to Denver and Colorado
rado points.
THREE TRAINS daily to San Francisco and
California points.
THREE TRAINS daily to Salt Lake City and
Utah points.
ONE TRAIN daily to Portland and North
Pacific Coast points , with direct con
nections for Tacoma and Seattle.
For Time Tables , Folders , Illustrated Books , Pamphlets , descriptive of tl e territory trav
ersed , call on your nearest agent , or address
E. L LOMAX , 6. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb ,
To solicit Subscriptions and advertisements for THE CONSERVATIVE in every
ieotion of the country. Liberal commissions. Address :
Overland Theatre Block ; , Nebraska City , Neb.