The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 10, 1900, Image 1
Che Consent < TV > C. VOL. II. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , MAY 10 , 1900. NO. 44. PUBI/ISIIED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. .T. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOUIlNAIi DEVOTED TO THE D1BCUS8TON OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND BOOIOLOOiOATj QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 7,250 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 20th , 1808. W mto W0W ANOTHER THING. . riches the repub lican leaders of Nebraska would be the most opulent mortals on earth. No political platform of modern times con tains a greater number of false state ments in so few words. McKiuley , who voted to pass the Bland-Allison bill over the veto of President Hayes , is now eulogized as an original gold standard advocate. And this is the same Me- Kinley who denounced and reviled Grover Cleveland as an enemy of the free coinage of silver nt 16 to 1. Next week THE CONSERVATIVE may review the Nebraska republican plat form and show that to pass resolutions and falsify records is one thing and to carry the people for their endorsement quite another thing. The German antagonism to the mili tary element in government can not be overcome by sporadic German nomina tions to office. What is true of the German holds good as to the Russian and the Scandinavian. They repel militarism. PONAUSEATE. . _ John M. Thurston was elected delegate at large by a small majority. He will attend the stockholders - holders meeting of the McKinley candidature trust at Philadelphia. The fact that Troubadour Thurston got the smallest vote of any of the four selected tolls sibilantly of the ingratitude of republicans. They have too generally forgotten the oratory , the oil room and the poetry and the promises in which John was so opulent only a decade or so ago. They fail to gratefully remember the character of the great and good I I fill members of the G. O. P. whom the troubadour has sent to civilize and christianize the heathen Cubans and the savage Filipinos. They do not enthuse over Tom Cook , Brad Slaughter , Ed. Sizer , Charlie Atkinson , Captain Wood ward and other typical Thurstonites who have been placed in federal posi tions as representatives of their best brain and morals. Nevertheless , much to the gratification of TIIE CONSERVA TIVE , the poet nauseate has "won out" and may become chief orator at Phila delphia. * h 0 de-pulpit- MAN WANTED. . ized preacher who bragged a few months since of having been in prison and also delighted in the fact that he had once been sentenced to death is now advertising "a man wanted" in the'dribble organ of fusion at Lincoln. In a roaring rah demontade this un frocked agitator declares : "The fight henceforth must be for men. We have fought the battle of platforms over and over and what has it all amounted to in the end ? We have made steady advances toward the per manent establishment of plutocracy. Platforms will never prevent the estab lishment of a great standing army , a costly navy , wars of conquest , the over throw of the constitution and the declaration of independence. It will take men to do that. Platforms will not stop the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few. Platforms will not stop the increase of paupers. It will take men to do these things. It is a man that we want more than any platform. Without the man we will be helpless with the best platform that can be writ ten by the hand of genius. " Just think of it. "Platforms will not stop the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few. It will take men to do that. " How will' ' the men' ' do it ? Will they prohibit the coinage of candidature ? Will they interdict speaking for office as a means of livelihood ? Will "the men , " to whom the pious drivel refers , smother "the infant industry" of elocu tion and shut up the word-mills oi itinerant candidates for the presidency ? Will "the men" be fed on the words of prophecy uttered in 1890 by that great seer of calamity , whose predictions ol disaster from the gold standard have all everyone of them , been proven utterly false ? But the ecstatic exhorter calms him self and winds up his rhapsody with ; he fervid and pious shout : "We have the man at last. His name is W. J. Bryan. " This is really solacing. Under his administration plutocracy shall vanish and the selfish love of gold perish from- the human heart. Was it fair at WORK VS. WIND. the recent gather ing of the McKin- leyites , called a republican state conven tion , for Rosewater to combat with partisan work , the words nnd wind of the sentimental Troubadour Thurston ? Would any really and truly good man voluntarily revile the oratory , poetry and fustian of a statesman who , like Thurstou , has been always gifted in making the best social contacts and most desirable political appointments to federal offices ? What can the daily issues of the Bee amount to as factors in republican suc cess , compared to the daily utterances of words , promises and poems by the im mortal , modest and unselfish Thurstou ? The wicked and stolid calmness with which Rosewater opposed Thurston by truth , and wind , by work and oratory , by organization , approaches "criminal aggression" and the small vote for the senator shows that Rosewater intended "benevolent assimilation. " The political conglomerates THE CON GLOMERATES. glomerates of Ne braska begin to recognize their obligations to republican leadership. It has for years been doing more to bring about the overthrow of republicanism in this state than all other causes combined. To Thurstou , more than to any other two-story statesman , is the cause of silver free coinage at 16 to 1 indebted all over this commonwealth. In nearly every county the voice , the far-reaching , eloquent and fetching voice of that mellifluent man has been heard in denunciation of the single gold standard. Bryan has been only a negative cause of the growth and success of the con glomerates when compared to this aggressive and defiant dictator. To Thurston the Bryanarchists , the fusiouists , the populists and all other elements of the agglomerated vagarists of Nebraska must award great praise and glory in vast volume. Had there been no Thurstou in Nebraska there would have been no possibility , as there is now , of fusion success in the year 1000.