The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 03, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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system for opening up this great ocean
highway , affording a near and accessible
market for their products , making this
harbor the port for this , immense ship
ment. When in the future San Diego
shall have become the great trading mart
of this coast , the peer of San Francisco ,
with a teeming population , with her
land-locked harbor the admiration of all
navigators , and her capacious wharfs
burdened with goods from the loom and
products from the soil , unloaded from
and being loaded on great iron steam
ships , then the Santa Fe railroad com
pany will bo known in history as the
founder of this great commercial indus
try , and the direct promoter of a great
metropolis. Then will bo realized the
full meaning of another paragraph in
your letter to mo : 'Nature has given
to San Diego very marked abilities and
advantages over its rivals , therefore
nothing is needed more than the co
operation of brains and energy with
$ money to make that the greatest and
most successful and populous trading
mart on the shores of the Pacific. ' "
San Diego , Cal. , April 18 , 1900.
P. S. The 2nd was my 84th birthday.
Mr. O. G. Bush , the well known car
toonist of the New York World , in a late
issue of Success , speaks of his work and
the methods he employs. Mr. Bush
brings out clearly the main essential for
success , viz. , the necessity of a fixed
purpose and a faithful and intelligent
adherence to it. The successful artist ,
as Mr. Bush says , must bo careful and
painstaking , constantly striving to im
prove. So must he , who would succeed
in any other profession , bo equally
conscientious and patient. The man of
changing ambitions and nighty purposes
never succeeds. Mr. Bush in his article
makes so many helpful suggestions for
young men that THE CONSERVATIVE re
produces it :
" 0. G. Bush , the famous cartoonist of
the New York World , is an indefatigable
worker. Any day you may find him in
his studio , a little wedge-shaped room ,
in the cupola of the World building ,
working on a picture on an easel before
him , quite oblivious to the crowd four
teen stories below.
"Ho is a slender man , with a long ,
well-shaped head , and his dry skin is
furrowed with wrinkles. His eyes are
deeply set , and , as is generally the case
with men of his peculiar talent , give no
hint of a fund of humor. In disposition ,
ho is jovial and delights in a harmless
joke. He takes his work seriously , in
that ho believes that a cartoon should
express , in a pictorial way , that which
an editorial does.
" 'I think that the most effective
editorials are those which expose , or
criticise the erroneous side of conditions
of ideals , and of men , by genial absurd
ity and sarcasm. In regard to cartoons
viudictiveness should never enter into
them. To my mind , sarcasm and fun
are more effective than savage attacks.
Again , a cartoon should be so self-
explanatory , that a legend or caption
Beneath it is not necessary.
" 'My first work was more serious
than my present line , although I have
never considered a cartoon as a funny
picture. I did a great deal of illustrating ,
and illustrated , among other books , the
Dodge Olub,1 by Doctor Mille. Finally ,
I drifted into the work of drawing comic
" 'Peculiar to tha comic , or funny
picture , ' said Mr. Bush , 'is the fact that
a dozen jokes may apply equally well to
it , which proves its inferiority to the
; rue cartoon , which allows of but one
explanation. '
"Mr. Bush left Harper's after upward
of six years of service , and for a few
years remained in New York as a 'free
lance. "
" 'I then decided that , although I wns
thirty years old , ' he said , 'I would study
abroad. I realized that , to reach the
top , for which I was aiming , I must
know more of art , and be a better
draughtsman. I had seen too many
cases where men had reached a certain
point in their professions , and then had
run apainst a stone wall , in the shape of
inability to perform greater things.
Every man should have a specialty , and
should not be content to know just so
much , or to go just so far in it. It is
hard to teach an new tricks , but
I decided that the experiment should be
tried on me. Consequently , I went to
Paris , and then studied under Leon
Bonat for three years , only returning
long enough , once , to marry. I finally
returned to America brimful of ambi
tion , and with the knowledge that I was
better able to hold my own. Many men
would say , 'You took three years out of
your life. ' That is not so. What is
three years , if at the end of that time
you are able to do better work than you
otherwise could have done ? Many an
artist has gone so far and no farther ,
because he was unwilling to spend a
couple of years in study to become a
good draughtsman , and many a one has
dropped out of bight for that very
' 'I worked hard , on my return
always trying to surpass myself.
Finally , one day I took a cartoon to the
New York Herald. It was accepted ,
and that was the forerunner of'an en
gagement with that paper , which lastec
for many years , until I was called to the
New York World.
" 'I worker ' Mr
am a nervous , replied
Bush to my inquiry as to his method ii
drawing. 'Often , I accomplish my besi
work at home. One night I was so
completely absorbed in a cartoon , that ;
mistook the sound of the cook opening
the kitchen shutters , at five o'clock ii
the morning , for a burglar , and , if one
may believe his own family , I searched
with a revolver for the intruder.
" 'But to the for
as subjects my cartoons
teens ? Sometimes they suggest them
selves. Again , through couvertation ,
ideas occur to me , which may bo fitted
; o crises , or occurrences of the times. I
find some subjects more inspiring than
others , and , as a rule , I commence my
work in an unrecognizable way , and
gradually work it up. It pays to be
painstaking , and to work hard. But
every cartoonist is hampered , to a cer
tain extent , by the policy of his paper ,
which , of course , must be respected , and
he must ridicule those whom he may , as
an individual , admire.
" 'You wish my advice to young men
who would become artists , or cartoon
ists ? Well , in the first place , they must
resign themselves to study , to become
draughtsmen. I receive hundreds of
letters asking mo just that question , but
what is the use of answering them. The
writers will not take your advice. They
are unwilling to prepare properly. To
succeed in any line , you must bo
equipped. In the second place , as to a
cartoonist , he must have a broad knowl
edge of history and events. He must be
well-read , and a student of art and let
ters. He should make the meaning of
his drawing plain , so that the educated
and uneducated alike may understand
and appreciate. Lucidity ? Yes , the
same principle applies as in good com
position. Of course , no one can become
an artist unless he has an aptitude for
drawing. '
"Mr. Bxish receives a salary from the
New York World of several thousand
dollars a year.
" 'I am continually looking out for
new ideas , ' he said , 'and for new means
of expression. '
"He says to young men : 'In art , as
in other affairs of life , everything
depends upon study , or application , and
hard work. ' "
[ Mr. Wells wrote this vigorous article
on "Trusts" in 1892. It has never been
published except in the New England
almanac. The New England Free
Trade League , which published the
almanac , believing that it is as good ad
vice as ever , furnishes it for publication
exactly as Mr. Wells wrote it. ]
What is a trust ? In the popular and
political sense it means a combination of
the domestic producers of certain com
modities to control production and ad
vance prices. No trust of this kind ,
operating on articles for which there is
a possible competitive supply from other
countries , could he maintained in the
United States for a single month , except
under one of two conditions , either all
the competitive producers throughout
the world must be brought into the
"trust ; " or , what is the same thing , the
product of the whole world must be
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