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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1900)
12 The Conservative * REVIEWS OF 15VANS1 NEW BOOK. The following are oxtrncts from re views of "Beitraoge Zur AmerikauiBchen Litteratur nud Koltur-Geschichte : "The author , we presume , is himself an American , although this is certainly not to bo inferred from any shortcomings in hie handling of the German tongue. Indeed , he writes more than good Ger man ; ho lias a distinctive German style. Ho has infused into the language some thing of that quiet urbanity which American prose learned from Emerson , and that genial irony which seems the sublimated expression of America's pe culiar humour. * * * Mr. Evans' volume is a solid contribu tion to the understanding of certain as pects of American life and culture. Books of this kind on America are not BO common in England , or even in Amer ica itself , that the author need restrict himself to a German audience. " LITERATURE ( London ) . "The work deserves to be read with attention , not only because it presents in a fascinating form what is new and worth knowing , but also on account of the value attached nowadays to every word , which brings America and Ger many nearer to each other and teaches them to understand one another better. " LlTERAUISCHES CENTnALBLATTLeipsic ( ) . "Perhaps no one has done more with in the last two decades towards intro ducing a fair estimate of American lit erature and culture into Germany , and towards removing many of the un grounded misconceptions of our civiliz ation , than Prof. Evans. For a number of years he has contributed to the All- geineine Zeitnng ; to the Berlin Nation ; and to the Blaetter furLitterarificheUn- terhalliug ( Leipzig ) a series of articles on subjects connected with the history of American literature and culture , and the best of. these have been finally col lected and revised , and reappear in the volume now before us. * * * These contributions arehoweveriu no sense mere book reviews , but offer a fund of original suggestion and criti cism , rendered very attractive by an abundance of allusion and of shrewd humor. " THE NATION. ( N. Y. ) The Atchison CHRONOLOGY. Globe of April 5 , in the weekly edition , gives the valuable and interesting historical data herewith appended : "Ninety-seven years ago this week Napoleon said to his minister , Barbe- Marbois , that he had decided to cede the whole of Louisiana to the United States. Fifty-eight years ago this week Captain Moore , U. S. A. , selected Fort Scott for a military post. Forty-five years ago this week one thousand Mjssouriaus under Olaiborne F. Jackson ( afterwards governor of Missouri ) arrived in Law rence to vote , and they did vote. Forty- 1 four years ago this week Henry Ward Beecher sent twenty-five Bibles and twenty-five Sharp's rifles to one of the Kansas colonies , and was joked all over the country for the excess of Bibles. Forty-three years ago this week a bill was introduced in the Massachusetts legislature appropriating $100,000 for the Kansas free state settlers , and subse quently it passed. Forty-two years ngo this week Colonel James Montgomery's baud killed two out of a company of dragoons near Fort Scott who were try ing to ride the free-staters down form ing the only instance where United States troops were fired upon during the Kansas troubles. Forty years ago this week Mr. Grow , of the committee on territories , recommended the admission of Kansas under the "Wyandotte consti tution , and the first pony express loft St. Joseph for the Pacific coast. Thirty- nine years ago this week Lane and Pomeroy were elected United States senators on the first ballot. Thirty-five years ago this week Eichmoud was evacuated , and the Kansas towns held great jubilees over the end of the war. Thirty-one years ago this week the Santa Fe first passed a locomotive over the Topeka bridge the locomotive named ' 0. K. ' being Holliday , after the man who had just died at Topeka. Twenty-eight years ago this week the great E. P. Hammond revival was in full swing , among its converts being every member of a baseball club cap tained at Lawrence by Dudley Haskell. Eighteen years ago this week cyclones damaged Fort Riley and other places in Kansas , and Jesse James was killed by Bob Ford in St. Joe. Seventeen years ago this week Judge H. O. Me- Comas , Mrs. McComas ( sister of Eugene F. Ware ) , and their boy , Charley , were killed by the Apaches near Silver City , New Mexico. " In the District Court of Otoo County , Ne braska. Inthn matter of the" * Guardianship of Goo. I In the District Court F. Wilson , Daniel P. > of Otoo County , Ne- Wilson and Herman braska. F. Wilson , Minors. ) THIS cause came on for hearing on the peti tion of Thomas Wilson , guardian of Gee F. Wilson , Daniel P. Wilson and Herman F. Wil son , minors , prayinc for a license to sell real estate owned by said minors , towit , the north half of the northeast quarter of Section thirty- four , Township ten , north of Range ten , east , in Cass County , Nebraska , for purpose of better investment , and it appearing to the court that it would bo for the best interests of the said minors that said herein described real estate should be sold on the terms and at the price mentioned in said petition , it is therefore ordered and directed that the next of kin , and all persons interested in said estate appear before mo in open court at the court honso in Nebraska City , Otoo County , Nebraska , on the seventh day of May , 1000 , at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day , to show cause why license should not be granted to said guardian to sell said real estate for the purpose set forth in said petition , and to invest the money re ceived for the sale of said lands and other money on hand belonging to said wards as prayed for in said petition , and that a copy of this order bo published for four consecutive weeks in THE CONSERVATIVE. Dated this 8rd day of April , 1900. PAUL JKSSEN , Judge of the District Court of Otoo County , Nebraska. EATON & TIMBLIN , Attorneys for Petitioner. A Profitable Way to see The West Is to join one of the personally conducted California excursions of the Santa Fe Route. Congenial companions are assured. Special conductors relieve you of all care and contribute materially to your enjoyment. No extra charge. Inquire of T. A. GRADY , Manager California Tourist Service , The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway , 109 Adams Street , Chicago.