; * ? * r < j 'Cbe Conservative , 11 man , a member of a community , has any such right , and the liquor business is entirely unwarranted. It has been said that the citizen is to bo compared tea a partner in a business. How long do the other partners put up with a partner who weakens himself through the liquor hab it and becomes a burden on them ? Not long ? Ho has the same 'individual right" to drink under those conditions as under the constitution. Why does not the law force his partners in business to support him as it does his partners in govern ment ? "But the schools must bo sup ported. " Supporting the schools on the blood money wrung from the victims of the liquor habit , and those victimized by them , the license money is sanctified by the blood of the innocents is as rat ional and moral a proceeding as it would be to turn the denizens of the saloon , the jail and the asylum loose in some Utopia of ethical self-supporting men and women , and expect it to remain a fit abode for decent people. Where the saloon is there is hell. Everyone who votes for and suppr > ts the liquor busi ness is ethically insane , is an upholder of suicide , poverty , crime. Glorious trinity ! The most flourishing product of American civilization ! ' 'The good people of the town are largely for lic 4 ense. " Why call ye them "good ? " "The majority of them are Christians. " "What ! Christians ? " "Christians" , and support suicide , poverty and crime ? "Preposterous ! " How can a man "love his brother" and license him to the "in dividual liberty" of ruining himself , his family and often become a criminal ? A criminal is one who throngli his own act weakens or destroys his self-main taining ability. The confirmed drunkard and the murderer are on the same level. But why this support of license to main tain the schools by Christian people ? To save the small increase of personal tax ation that would be required to support the schools ! There is no other reason ! Yes , there is one ! General ethical ig norance and profound moral indiffer ence ! If the liquor business is based on "individual liberty" , so is all business founded on individual necessity. That being so , the singling out of the liquor V business for a special and penalizing tax is unconstitutional. If regulation is aimed at ( it is not ) that can be done without penalizing the liquor dealer. The primary idea of a high license may have arisen with the public on the as sumption that the business is immoral and should pay for some of the harm it does. Were that so instead of support ing the schools with the license fund it should be used to maintain the families of those who pay the blood money. In point of fact the license is in favor of the saloon keeper , if the public protects him as it in honor is bound to do. It limits the number of saloons and is a guarantee to the saloon keeper that the public will aid him in suppressing oppo- sitiou and giving him a degree of mon opoly. The public is unethically insane. It burdens itself with expense. It lays itself open to the dangers of crime. It encourages breach of public poaco. It is false to itself , false to its duty as in dividual citizens , and false to the con stitution as members of a common country. The public is the criminal in the liquor business. FRANK S. BILLINGS. Graf ton , Mass. ANI > 11KWS IIHPLIKS. EDITOU THE CONSEUVATIVE : Most butter makers , the writer in cluded , know there has boon legislation , both state and national , restricting oleo margarine and other adulterations , in tended to protect the consumer , and also know .that the present laws do not "suffice , " and that oleomargarine is being sold all over the world as butter , and at genuine butter prices , and enter no complaint against the manufacturer so long as ho complies with the laws , but hope to remodel them or construct new ones in such a manner that ho cannot become a party to the deceptions practiced. You have wonderfully ex panded your "limitation on butter makers , " and when you include those who have and will continue to contribute to the legitimate expense required for the enactment of laws to protect the consumers of butter , yon overdo the matter , yet he will not resent the impu tation , but when you class him who works for $40.00 per month in the list with Senator-Clark-of-Moutaua bood- lers , he simply smiles in derision at your feigned ignorance ; he knows you know better. Your list of ingredients proves that it was not the beef market you were so deeply interested in as you would wish us to think , for last , and least , if you would say so , is the oil from beef fat. Possibly lack of space deterred you from giving the per cent of each ingredient , and why was the per cent of cream given and not the per cent of beef fat , which you are so much interested in ? Is it not a fact that the more cream the inoro respectable the cause , and the greater the cost of the finished article ? Keep on increasing the per cent of cream and in time no legislation will be re quired. Neither the writer nor Hoard's Dairy man charged the manufacturer of violat ing the law of branding or taxation , but do say that by the time it roaches most consumers all brands or birth marks have vanished , and it is sold as genuine butter. The writer's personal opinion is , that a ten cent per pound tax is un important compared to prohibition of coloring to imitate Nature's June tinted cream made article , for without that color its brand or birth mark is in delible. Did THE CONSERVATIVE never see those beautiful rolls of butter made by the good mother long before "butter coloring" was known ? Does it not know that eighty per cent of creamery butter is not colored ; that the coloring substance that will como the nearest to producing the natural June tint is the one that oleomargarine manufacturers are using" , and the nearer that tint the more delighted his heart , the greater the sales and the profits ; and does it not know that millions of dollars have been spent in the endeavor to produce a "substance" that would impart that tint ? If it does , it must on second thought , bludh at its assertion that "oleomargarine is not colored to imitate genuine butter. " N. S. ANDREWS. Dubuque , la. The bishops of MKTnODISM UKCL.INING. the Methodist Church have issu ed an appeal to the membership , calling attention to the decrease in attendance and account for this decline in the creed in this way : "Tho decline in our membership is not an accident. It comes from a suffi cient cause. The cause is the slipping cog in our oxperieuco , our lack of spirit ual power. The gulf between capital and labor threatens us both sides. On one side , 'not many mighty , not many noble , are called. ' On the other , strange forces are alienating the poor. The lab or unions , organized most compactly , are much influenced by men hostile to the church. Their gatherings are gen erally on the Sabbath , thus keeping the men out of our reach. We seem in some places above our business. " A P011TO KICAN PLATFORM. First Free trade with the United States. Second Territorial government. Third Good roads. San Juan News. In the District Court of Otoo County , Ne braska. In the ni lit tor of the 1 Guardianship of Goo. In the District Court F. WilBon , Daniel P. of Otoo County , No- Wilson and Herman braska. P. Wilson , Minors. J THIS cause camn on for hearing on the peti tion of Thomas Wilson , guardian of Goo. P. Wilson , Danlol P. Wilson and Herman P. Wil son , minors , praying for a license to soil real estate owned by said minors , towit , the north half of the northeast quarter of Section thirty- four. Township ten , north of Range ton , east , in Cass County , Nebraska , for purpose of bettor investment , and it appearing to the court that it would bo for the best interests of the said minors that said heroin described real estate should be sold on the terms and at the price mentioned in said petition , it is therefore ordered and directed that the next of kin , and all persons interested in said estate appear before mo in open court at the court honno in Nebraska City , Otoo County , Nebraska , on the seventh day of May , 1000 , at two o'clock in the afternoon of said day , to show cause why license should not bo granted to said guardian to sell said real estate for the purpose sot forth in said petition , and to invest the money re ceived for the sale of said lands and other money on hand belonging to said wards as prayed for in said petition , and that a copy of this order bo published for four consecutive weeks in TUB CONHKHVATIVE. Dated this ! ) rd day of April , 1000. PAUL JKBSKN , Judge of the District Court of Otoo County , Nebraska. BATON & TIMIIMN , Attorneys for Petitioner.