The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 29, 1900, Page 12, Image 13
, toL. , _ t . > _ < * . . ' < * s 4. ( J- , ; * ! j 12 The Conservative * FKKNC1I KECIPROOITY THBATV. Seiiator Aldrich of Rhode Islaud Bays that if the provisions of the reciprocity treaty with Franco "were understood by the interests to bo affected by it there would bo a thousand manufacturers hero in less than a week protesting against it. " That is not impossible. On previous occasions the overprotected manufacturers of Rhode Island have protested against the slightest abate ment of excessive protection. But if the provisions of the treaty were under stood by the farmers and most of the manufacturers of the West they would serve notice on their Senators that a failure to vote for the ratification of the treaty would bo taken as an unpardon able offence. Senator Aldrioh is against the treaty because it will reduce the duty on knit goods from over 64 per cent ad valorem , which is practically prohibitory , to 51.5 per cent ad valorem. The Senators from New Jersey oppose the treaty because - cause the duty on silk goods , which av erages 58 per cent ad valorem , will be reduced to a trifle under 50 per cent. Possibly these senators are acting as their manufacturing constituents wish them to. If so , those constituents are scandalously greedy. When the Diugley tariff bill was framed some of the duties were made higher than they were in the McKinley law , so as to have something to trade on when reciprocity treaties were negotiated with France and other countries. Apparently the manufacturers who are the beneficiaries of those abnormally high duties do nol wish to see one jot or tittle of them abated. The French agrarians charge that the treaty sacrifices French interests. A small group of American manufacturers say it will do infinitely more for Franco than for this country. The reverse is the case. The average reduction o duties to be made by the United States is less than 7 per cent. The average re duction to be made by France is 48 per cent. If the treaty is ratified , as i should be , there will be a small increase in the imports of some French cotton silk , and glass goods. There will be a great increase in American exports to France of provisions and breadstuffs Of American meats Franco bought onlj $8,900,000 [ worth during the last fisca year. The treaty reduces the duties 01 hams and bacon 50 per cent and on lard 37JjC per cent. The Western manufac hirers of agricultural implements can appreciate the value of a reduction in the French duty of 41 per cent. Monti before last the exports of wheat auc flour to Great Britiau were valued a $5,540,000 and those to France at $5,700 Wheat from the United States pays a higher duty than that from any othe country. Under the treaty there wil be no discriminations and Franco wil buy American cereals more freely. The treaty as it stands is of much value to this country. It does credit to ; he perseverance and skill of John A. assou , who negotiated it. Noverthe- esa , the indications are that it cannot command a two-thirds vote in the Sen ate. An effort is being made to get from Trance a year more of time in which to act on it. While that year is gliding by a few hundred thousand dollars' worth of French cotton hosiery and knit goods vill be kept out of the United States. Millions of dollars' worth of American ) readstuffs , provisions , and manufac tures will be kept out of France. This Now Jersey-Rhode Island-Con necticut dictation is becoming offensive ; o Western producers. It is intolerable that they should bo denied access to French markets in order that a few mill bosses may remain protected by duties ranging from 50 to 120 per cent ad val orern. What are the Senators from the middle West thinking of that they are not laboring to secure the ratification of this French treaty ? Chicago Tribune. BEAUTIFUL. _ and tender elo queuce of Ool. Bryan never more liquid or saccharine than at a banquet when dwelling upon the sweeter , and more preferable methods of Christianiz ing the Filipinos , at Lincoln the other evening , trickled from his tongue like sorghum. He declared that one Filipino educated and returned to his insular homo would do more to elevate his race than a hundred thousand U. S. troops Wo presume the thoughtful and learuec colonel reasoned from his knowledge o Uuited States Indian schools and the results achieved by graduates therefrom upon their return to tribal relations The colonel , no doubt , knows that when ever an educated Indian has gone bad from the Carlisle , or any other great in stitutiou , for breaking savages into the gaits of civilization , that the entire tribe to which ho belonged and returnee has become immediately infected with earning and piety. Contagious civiliza- ioii and infectious piety are the instru ments with which Col. Bryan proposes to elevate , ameliorate , educate , emancipate and exhilarate the yellow races of the sles of the Pacific. Could anything bo more lovely and alluring than this gun- ess philanthropy ? Wadding cannon with leaves from the Bible ; or , having military bands in spire our soldiers to vigorous assaults by > layiug sacred music , must give way to , he Filipinos who return from the Unit ed States plethoric in wisdom. IS NOT 1'OKTO RICO OUK OWN. Some commercial degenerates are said ; o have used the argument with the president that Porto Rico sugar and tobacco will compete with the American product. We must protect our own growers. Our own growers 1 Is not Porto Rico our own ? Are not the Porto Rican growers our own ? What kind of absorption is this ? What kind of Americanization of our new depend ence does it portend ? It would leave Porto Rico worse off than it was under Spain , and it would impose on the people ple of this generous and justice-loving Republic the harder lot of exchanging places with Spain and coming down from our ideals to the level of that once proud and magnanimous people. The Evangelist , Presbyterian Organ. In the District Court of tlio United States , District of Nebraska. In the matter of William1) ) Pottharst & Co. , and Arend Case No. 80 Renken , a member of said > In Bankruptcy , firm , of Talmage , Otoe Coun-1 ty , Nebraska , Bankrupts. J On reading and filing the petition of Arend Renken , a member of said firm , bankrupt , for his discharge herein , it is Ordered that Mon day , the Oth day of April , 1000 , be and the same is hereby fixed as the day on or before which all creditors of and all persons interested in said estate or in the discharge of said Arend Renkfn , in Bankruptcy , shall , if they desire to oppose the same , file in my office in Rottmanii Block , in Nebraska City , Nebraska , in said District , their objections in writing to the granting of said discharge , and file specifica tions of the grounds of said opposition. And the hearing of the same will lie heard at the ollice of the Referee. Thursday. April 12,1000 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , at Nebraska City , Nebraska. Witness my hand hereto at my ofilco in Nebraska City , Nebraska , this 21st day of March , 1000. JAS. W. EATON , Referee. H.W.JL % HNS' ROOFINGS PURE ASBESTOS NO COAL TAR WATER & ACID PROOF REQUIRE NO COATING ONE QUALITY MANY STYLES LOW PRICES ! APPLICATION SI PLE & INEXPENSIVE. IASBESTOS ROOFINGS FULLY GUARANTEED. ' ' H.W.JOHN S M'F'G GO. NEW YORK-CHICAGO PHI ILADELPHIA BOSTON MAKE RS OF ASBESTOS MATERIALS , LIQUID PAINTS & STAINS [ PIPE & BOILER COVERINGS ELECTRICAL MATERIALS