The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 22, 1900, Page 11, Image 11
a. r 'Che Conservative , 11 ministration aud instead adopted the following resohition : "The retention of our new possessions and the extending of all the blessings of liberty and the higher civilization that we enjoy to such possessions , providing them with a government that will be generous to them and just to us. " General Low Wallace : "When the President recommended free trade with Puerto Rico , that was William MoKin- ley speaking from his heart ; when he urged Congressmen to eat their utter ances and vote for a duty on the indus tries of the island , going aud coming , that was Mark Hanua , the great Ohio suspect. " Ex-Governor Washburu , of Minnesota , in writing to McOall : "It seems to me that the position taken by you is abso lutely sound. For one I can see no reas on why we should impose a duty on sugar coming from Puerto Rico any more than we should on sealskins and salmon coming from Alaska. I believe , in a word , that your position from a constitutional standpoint is absolutely correct and I can hardly think the supreme court would ultimately take any other view. Further , even if there were no constitutional inhibition , it seems to me very unwise , and very bad policy for this government , at this time to discriminate against the poor people of Puerto Rico , who have recently conie under our flag ; and , moreover , to my mind it is little less than an outrage. The 'sugar trusts' and the 'tobacco trusts , ' are undoubtedly able to take care of themselves , and why not give these newly acquired citizens a fair chance in the world ? " Smith of Indiana Ex-Attorney-General , diana : "It is conceded that Puerto Rico constitutes part of the territory of the United Statr-i and that our title to it was acquired under the treaty making power of the constitution ; and it fol lows , therefore , that the moment the title passed from Spain to the United States the constitution extended itself over every part of the island. Any at tempt by congress to segregate the con stitution and extend a part of its provi sions to our island possessions is a violation lation of the letter and spirit of that in strument , amounting almost , if not quite , to an overt act of treason. We took these people from choice , not com pulsion , and by that act we extended to them the protection of our constitution. If we have made a mistake in adding this territory to our country it is not too late to correct it. " Kansas City Star , Expansion Ind "Reduced to its simplest terms , the statement made by the Cabinet member on the dictation of the President , signi fies that the administration is still at taohed to the fetish which has been pelted BO vigorously by the public since the enactment of the Puerto Ricau tar If T rr ff bill , and that it has reconciled itself ; o the idea of sacrificing justice and na- ; ional honor by way of conciliating the protection pirates , who plunder the con sumers of the country to fill their own pockets. " Chicago Times-Herald , Rep. : Not since the speech of Senator Proctor set- ing forth the harrowing sufferings of Cuba under Spanish misgovermnent has American sentiment been so universally aroused as at the present moment over the bill to exclude Puerto Rico from 'reo access to American markets. In dignation mingles with the amazement of the republicans throughout the coun- iry that their representatives should be so dead to popular opinion as to flout it. " Boston Correspondence , Springfield , Rep. : "A sardonic wit , who had a rudge against a politician devoted to ; he practice of shyster law , once found a woodturner's sign , and affixed it , direct ly under his foeman's law office sign , so that they blended as follows : Jehonidab Griggs , Attorney. All kinds of Turning and Twisting Done Here. New York Tribune , Rep. : More presidents have been beaten by trying to please everybody than by obeying their own convictions of duty. Chicago Inter-Ocean , Rep , : . The Puerto Rico tariff bill is a substitution of Imperialism for the Expansion ap proved by the American people. Philadelphia Telegraph , Ex.-Rep. : The demand that Puerto Rico shall be compelled to pay customs taxes on its commerce is puerile and discreditable. What is infinitely worse , it is a demand which if complied with , will stulify this nation. The proposition to set up a new aud unheard of tariff system for the island of Puerto Rico is a stupid piece of folly , economically speaking , but what should condemn it utterly is that it involves an act of injustice and a violation of the good faith of this nation utterly intolerable to the good sense and right feeling of our people. Portland Oregonian , Rep. : Why shouldn't Puerto Rico be treated like Hawaii ? The greed of protected Trusts on the Atlantic seaboard is the obstacle. Philadelphia North American , Rep. : The present condition of Puerto Rico would have beeen absolutely in credible and inconceivable to Americans of two years ago. We thought we knew our own hearts , and we should have said with entire confidence that wherever our flag went it would go as a messenger of benediction. Has a year and a half of empire stripped us of al the fine feelings of humanity with which we went into war for Cuban lib erty , and turned us into a race of mer cenary oppressors ? Senator George Frisbie Hoar : A duty on exports is forbidden by the coustitu- ion , and the proposed duty of 15 per cent on goods from the United States and Puerto Rico would be a violation of hat prohibition. Ex- Speaker Reed : The attempt to nake three-quarter citizens out of the Puerto Ricans is certainly original. Senator Cnshman K. Davis : What s the reason that this tariff rate , anom alous , [ unheard-of , unprecedented , and emporary , should be applied to Puerto llico while the other day a bill was pass ed in the House appropriating $2,000- 000 for Puerto Rico from the Treasury ? From General Miles' proclamation on invading the island : Puerto Rico un der the American flag will enjoy the same privileges and the same immuni ties as the citizens of the United States and Territories of the union. Ex- President Harrison : "I regard the bill as a most serious departure from the right principles. " PATERNALISM. the article , "Books , Breeches and Boots , " would say , why not suggest a remedy ? We have the other kind of sohoorbooks furnished by the trust at very high prices and new kinds required every few months. The books of the older children are not allowed to be used by the younger chil dren. We do not know that the scien tific apparatus which the principal gets , and which is not needed in school , are furnished by the trust , but we know we must pay for many books , and many school children abuse their books. Yours truly S. E. RUSSELL. Pbntwater , Mich. , March 15 , 1900. The chief traffic official of the Santa Fe told a meeting of Kansas shippers the other day that the railways could defend a radical advance in rates "on account of the overdose of prosperity from which we are suffering. ' ' Increase of business has brought great increase in the expense of doing business. It will cost the Santa Fe $250 a mile more to operate its roads this year , according to the Fame official ; which means nearly $2,000,000 more than last year. Fortun ately , however , the earnings are likely to fully keep pace with the expenses. The Railway Age. F. A. Sterling is telling a story illus trative of the wit of his brother-in-law , Jos. Ohoato , ambassador to the court of her gracious majesty. Mrs. Ohoate told the story to her brother in a letter. The Ohoates were breakfasting at Windsor castle , a few weeks ago , and boiled eggs were served. By some mis chance , Mrs. Ohoate dropped an egg up on the floor. She was horrified. Seiz ing her husband's arm , she exclaimed : "Oh , Joe , I've dropped an egg ! What shall I do ? " "Do ? " said Joe. "Why , cackle , of course. "