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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
Cbc Conservative * 11 CAUSES OF IJOKK WAK. Klfjht of Trial by Jury Innlnteil Upon Kx- tortionatu Taxation and Slavery Opposed. The following statement from a Presbyterian paper published in Chicago , sums up with commendable brevity and accuracy the points at issue in the South African war : "Six principal points nre involved in the arbitrament precipitated by the formal declaration of war by the Boer government. They are : First Taxation without representa tion. The British government demanded for British subjects that they be rectified. This was what was meant by the diplo matic controversy over the "franchise. " The Boers finally made the concession that five years of residence and the oath of allegiance to the Boer republic should entitle an outlander to vote. But this concession was placed under limitations which practically nullified it. It was not an honest offer. The imperial government demanded a five year limit to political incompetency , and that the ballot should not be subjected to any nullifying conditions. This the Boors refused , unless the imperial government should renounce suzerainty. The latter refused to discuss that question and the Boers then withdrew the offer. Second Trial by jury. British sub jects are allowed a trial by a jury of their peers , and under the laws of all English-speaking people. A British subject under the Boer oligarchy must be tried by a jury of Boers. Third Education. In the public schools the English language is not al lowed. As the population of Johannes burg is twenty English to one Boer , this was a virtual exclusion of English children from the schools. The im perial government demanded , on behalf of British subjects , that the two lan guages should stand on an equalitv English speakers to have the same benefits as those exclusively given to the Dutch. This was refused. Fdurth Municipal government. There are only about 1,000 Boers in Jo hannesburg to 23,000 outlanders. The Boer government clung to its exclusive right to govern the English city without the consent of the governed. Fifth Extortionate taxation. Before the English discovered and developed the Kiinberly and Witwaterstand mines the total income of the Boer govern ment was about $6,000,000. It is now four times that amount , or a levy upon the outlanders of $19,000,000 per annum , in the expenditures of which the tax payers are allowed no voice. Sixth Slavery. Though this does not appear in the diplomatic discussion , it has affected the sentiments of British subjects towards the Boers. The natives are practically enslaved by them. They call it 'apprenticeship , ' but native youth are held to work and labor diiring the most effective period of their lives , namely till the age of twenty-eight. After that age they are held to service by terrorism in many , if not most , in stances. This is highly repugnant to the British constitution , whose glory has long been that no slaves can tread on British soil. The earth emancipates him the instant he stands upon it. These are the issues upon which the Transvaal and the Orange Free State have thrown down the gauge of battle. The contention was not over the right of the Boers to self-government. That the imperial government has never questioned nor made any attempt to circumscribe. The demand of the English is that Englishmen within the limits of the British empire shall have equal enjoyment of that right with all others. If that had been conceded , the imperial government would have left the people of the Transvaal to settle all matters of domestic concern to suit themselves. " What is the difference between an old fashioned Pennsylvania Quaker and a modern Pennsylvania Quay-cur ? The former was devoted to peace : the latter to pieces. State-made farmers EXPENSIVE.Statemade EXPENSIVE. ers in Nebraska coino very high. THE CONSERVATIVE last week on page five proved that readymade - made farmers , turned out by the Agri cultural College and Experiment Station M n tion connected with the University at Lincoln had cost eighty-four thousand and five hundred dollars apiece up to the year 1895. Up to that date agri cultural education and investigation in Nebraska had cost one million and forty thousand dollars. Are the results equal to the outlay ? SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Otoo County District Court , Second Judicial District , Stnto of Nebraska. George W. Cunningham against Joseph Tempest , ct al. By virtue of an Order of Sale in the above entitled cause , issued out of and under the seal of the District Court of the Second Judicial District , in and for Otoo County Nebraska , I and to mo directed and delivered ; I will offer for sale , at public auction , for cash , to the highest and best bidder , at the east front door of the Court House , in Nebraska City , Otoo County , Nebraska , on the 14th day of April , A. D. , 1000 , at 10 o'clock a. m , all the right , title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lands and tenements , to-wit : Lot number One (1) ( ) . in Block Eighty- flvo (85) ( ) , in Qroggsport Addition to Nebraska City , situated in Otoo County , Nebraska. WILLIAM BHOWEH , Sheriff of otoe County , Nebraska. Nebraska City , Neb. , March 18,1000. Ar/VA L. TIMHLIN , Atty. for Plaintiff. The Annual Statement of The Mutual Life of New York appears on the last page. This is the largest Life Insurance Company in the World. It is purely mutual and all its accumulations belong to and are held for the benefit of its policy-holders exclusively. . , Its assets are over Three Hundred and One millions of dollars , and it has over One Thousand Millions of Dollars of insurance in force. FLEMING BROS. , Managers , For Iowa and Nebraska. Des Moines , Iowa.