The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 08, 1900, Page 14, Image 14
14 Conservative * r--- | : * . NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. We have recently added a line of machinery for the manufacture of FOLDING BOXES and ill STRAWBOARD SHELLS. Wo are prepared to furnish labels for Canning Factories , Wholesale Grocers , Breweries , Packing Houses , Soap Factories , Cereal Mills , Starch Factories , and can make them for any other line of trade. We guarantee first- class work and prompt delivery and believe that pur low prices will be interesting to anyone who is in the market for this class of work. Our facilities are complete. Our expenses are light. Our workmen are efficient. We are satisfied with small profits. For these reasons we know that we can save money for any firm that uses labels , folding boxes , or strawboard shells. We shall be pleased to quote prices on the above named goods if sample of work wanted is sent us. Also on commercial printing , including hotels , banks , railroads and wholesale houses generally. A Profitable Way to see The West Is to join one of the personally conducted California excursions of the Santa Fe Route. Congenial companions are assured. Special conductors relieve yon of all care and contribute materially to your enjoyment. No extra charge. Inquire of T. A. GRADY , Manager California Tourist Service , The Atchison , Topeku & Santa Fe Railway , 109 AclamH Street , Chicago. N. 8. Harding. J. J. Hochstetler. Oldtit Ininrinoe Aenoy In the Stilt , Established 1867. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , Fire Insurance. 711 Central Ave. Nebraska C ty , Neb. Morton Printing Company , Printers , Publishers. A $4.00 BOOK FOR TScts. The Farmers' Encyclopedia , Everything per taining to the af fairs of the farm , household and stock raising : . Em braces articles on the hort > e , the colt , horse habits , dis eases of the horse , the farm , grasses , fruit culture , dairy- , cattle , Bheopswine , poultry , bees , the dog , toilet , social life , etc. , etc. One of the most com plete Encyclo pedias in existence. A large book , 8x5 % x 1 % inches. f > 36 pages , fully illus trated , bound in green cloth bind ing and equal to other books costing $4.00. If you desire this book send us our special offer price , $0.75 , and 80.20 extra for postage and we will forward the book to you. If it is not satis factory return it and we will exchange it or refund your money. Send for our special illustrated cata logue , quoting the lowest prices on books , FREE. We can save you money. Address all orders to THE WERNER COMPANY , Publisher * and Manufacturer ! . Akron , Ohio. [ The Werner Company Is thoroughly reliable. ] Editor. \ \ \ v Blend most softly and play most effectively over a festive scene when thrown by candles. The light that heightens beauty's charmthat gives the finishing touch to the draw ing room or dining room , is the mellow glow of CORDOVA WAX CANDLES Sold in all colors and shades to harmonize with any interior hang ings or decorations. 6 * For ! everywhere ,