The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 08, 1900, Page 12, Image 12
( ft k 12 'Cbe Conservative. ROSSINGTON EXPLAINS. the KeatllrmliiK of the Chicago Platform and thv Leadership of a Soldier of Fortune. Colonel W.H. Eossingtou , the head of one of the leading law firms of Topeka , formerly editor of the Topeka Common wealth , and a life-long democrat , has openly announced his purpose of voting with the republicans until the demo cratic party returns to former principles. In explaining his position Mr. Rossiug- ton said to a reporter of the Kansas City Star : "I am sick and tired of the thing they call 'democracy' in Kansas. I have had the honor to be connected in a small way with two earnest movements in this state to defeat fusion and bring the democratic party back to its moorings. I always have been a democrat from conviction and not for spoils , and never have held or wanted an office of any sort. I had hoped and believed that with the defeat of the fusion combina"- tiou in 1898 the men calling themselves democrats would be cured and that they would do what many of them said they would , namely , reorganize the demo cratic party along the old lines and invite the democrats of the original type back to the fold. There are a great 11 many of that stripe left in Kansas seeking jpjAj $ ing a home. * m rsj Will Endorse a Populist. "So far from an effort being made to reorganize the party this degrading and dishonorable principle of fusion is to be applied to the whole country again it seems , and the democracy in convention / at Kansas City on the Fourth of July is to accept and indorse the candidate who will be nominated by the populist con vention at Sioux City nearly two months earlier. This scheme is what it always has been , an utterly graceless and un principled device to get votes. I have 1 become tired of being disfranchised in the state of Kansas by being compelled to vote for a populist , or not to vote at all , nud therefore I have concluded to cast my lot with the republican party until such time , if ever , as the democratic l ; party becomes a party of reason , of principle and of honest public purposes. Proud of Party History. "There was a time in this country when all democrats were proud of the leadership of the party. It was the party of conservatism , the party of re form , the party of single and honest methods of government. It originally was conceived in the purpose and desire to bring and keep the government on the lines devised by the great and good men who founded it. It naturally allied to itself all the strong , cultured nud able men of the country luring conservative views of government. In an unlucky moment for the party , how ever , it was called upon to carry on and bo responsible for conditions resulting from a world wide panic. Conditions which had been produced by unwise financial legislation , a heritage of the civil war , required a dealing with the question of the currency. Merely re ferring to and without reviewing this controversy , now happily by the vote of 1896 , dead , the convention of the party in that year deliberately deposed every leader of ability and conscience the party possessed , and in a moment of frenzy and recklessness adopted a plat form and named a candidate for presi dent that they have not been able to get rid of since. The platform was written by Altgeld , a German socialist. The candidate , Mr. Bryan , was the choice of a maddened and excited body of men , moved by a frantic and preposterous speech made for the purpose of stam peding the convention in his favor. JJrynn'H Undignified Course. 4 'He since has made an absurd and humiliating spectacle of himself by racing over the country and making speeches in behalf of his own renomi- nation for the presidency. This greatest office and honor in the world never before has been sought in this fashion. As has been justly said of it by one of the greatest Americans , it is a position neither to be sought nor refused. It is unthinkable that a mere soldier of for tune , devoid of principle , without con viction , changing his views upon every subject with every phase of the moon , constantly appealing to the passions and prejudices of the people , playing the demagogue at every opportunity and on every occasion , should be made presi dent of this great republic. He has announced his purpose to impose him self upon the democratic party of the country again and also to force down the throats of honest and courageous men , older and wiser than he , who were democrats before he was out of his swaddling clothes , a reaffirming of that compound of folly and treason , the Chicago platform. Being satisfied that this program is inevitable , I , for one democrat , have made up my mind to rebel. " HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. Bryanarchy In Greece. In his "Greek Life and Thought" Ma- haffy describes conditions identical with those now prevailing in the United States and having the Honorable Wil liam Jennings Bryan , "the boy orator of the Platte , " as their chief advocate. Mahaffy says : "But there were far lower classes in society , if not in morals , than those people whom we might call the gentry of Athens , " ( camparable to our cap- taiiiB of industry. "There were 'for larger masses in all the Greek towns , more prominent and \l therefore more easily judged. I do not speak of the parasites , another very small class whioh gained notoriety from the stage of Epicharmns rather than from real life , and so was copied for stage purposes till we have got to believe that parasites were as plenty as mendi cants are now. "The real parasiteB of Athens were not the few miserable starvelings , but the mob of Athens , the men of free , poor citizens who had been taught by demagogues and by pretended patriots to depend not on their own industry but on their politics for bread. They were taught the doctrine , not yet ex tinct , that the only way to make a poor people prosperous is by autonomy , bydriv- ing out all foreign influencesby prohibit ing foreign competition and by letting people manage their own affairs. "As every pauper then had a vote , we might well expect to find that the use , , , , , made of home-rule T T r * Rob Rich for Benefit , , . was no * ° extend of Poor. manufacture or trade , not to reward diligence and thrift , but to plunder the rich for the benefit of the idle poor. Just as the tyrants of old had exiled , confiscated and murdered to obtain wealth , so the democrats exiled , confiscated and murdered to enrich themselves. But , finding , as is always the case , that riches so acquired have wings and fly away , they became the parasites of any foreign potentate who chose to subsidize them. They decreed divine honors to the man who sent them corn , and BO we have the curious spec tacle of men struggling incessantly for home rule and yet grovelling in the dutit before foreign rulers. The fact was that every time they got their senti mental panacea they found it an illusion and a snare. They could not be per suaded that their poverty and decadence was their own fault , but were ready to proclaim any other cause as the source of their ills. So they were led to be lieve that some external influence , foreign to their own thrift and charac ter , would restore them to prosperity. According to a now common formula it would bring money into the country. But we have yet to learn that there is a political alchemy whioh will create gold from dross and transform , by legislation , the idle , the frivolous and the dishonest , into a prosperous and contented nation. "There were two important contribn- tary causes which helped to do this social mischief. In the first place the Greek nation had always been , and was then , a nation of talkers ( how about U. S. ? ) who delighted in eloquence , and in the putting of things forcibly and plausibly. It is a great mistake to think that this fatal fluency acts only on the ignorant crowd. The speakers , them selves , come to be carried away as much as their audiences , ( Bryan ) and from long posing as patriots and friends of the common people , gradually persuade i HCK