The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, March 01, 1900, Page 7, Image 7
Conservative * in a conflict in which only the strength of him who died for our Bakes and rose again can avail to win the victory. There remains but one further poui- inent , and one which I offer with reluc tance. For I gladly would have avoided any personal reference. But unfortun ately the founder of this cult lias as sumed a position which compels some estimate of her personality. She claims to be the vehicle of a revelation which makes her co-ordinate in writings - au thority with the Word of God. She receives with"appaient complacence an homage which lifts her above the plane of ordinary humanity. So far as I know she lias not disclaimed one of her latest titles , "The feminine principle in the Messianic hope. " Identified as she thus is with her teaching , we cannot help in some degree estimating the value of the messsage by the character of the messenger. Is her mental ability such as to qualify her to grasp and impart truth BO profound ? Is her character consonant with the office of a messen ger of the high things of the spirit ? To me , neither in ability or character does Mrs. Eddy reach the standard that in spires fullest respect for her revelation. I can permit myself but a single exam ple to illustrate what I mean as regards intelligence. Take this instance of Bib lical interpretation : ' 'The word Adam is from the Hebrew , Adamah , signify ing the red color of the ground , dust , nothingness. ( So far very well , we are dealing you notice with the Ifebrew word Adam. But observe the next sen tence. ) Divide the word Adam into two syllables and it reads , a dam or obstruction. This suggests the thought of something fluid , of mortal mind in solution , etc. " That is a fair example of the logic of the book that is practic ally put on a level of authority with the Bible. And as regards character , 1 would rnak the criticism that in much that in that Mrs. Eddy has done there appears a suggestion of mercenary inter est which it is almost impossible to re concile in thought with our conception of one coming to the suffering world with so God-given a message as she maintains hers to be. That the book , Science and Health , which purports to offer much that is desperately needed by men , through one hundred and twenty editions should be held at a price so ex traordinarily beyond the cost of publica tion , is shocking to one's sense of fitness , to put it no more strongly. That the courses of instruction for Christian Sci ence teachers , lasting but a few weeks , have been given only at a charge vary ing from $800 to $800 according to their completeness has very generally excited unfavorable comment. And now , with in the past year Mrs. Eddy has put upon the market certain souvenir spoons , at a charge of $8 each for silver spoons and $5 for gold plated. And this is the ad- vortisement which appears over her own signature , in an issue of the Christian Science Sentinel of January 1800 : "On each of these most beautiful spoons is a motto in bas-relief that every person on earth needs to hold in thought. Mother requests that Christian Scient ists shall not ask to be informed what this motto is , but each Scientist shall purchase at least one spoon , and those who can afford it , one dozen spoons , that their families may read this motto at every meal and their guests be made partakers of its simple truth. "MAUT BAKER EDDY. " Were Mrs. Eddy a private individual , I should not have felt justified in offer ing the slightest comment upon these matters. It is when we find her delib erately placed in the high association of the prophets and apostles that we are moved to scrutinize her fitness for their company. For thus the Christian Sci ence Journal presents the real progress of doctrine : "First the law , Moses and the Prophets ; then the demonstration of the Spirit , Jesus and the Apostles ; and finally the statement of the princi ple and rules in Science and Health. " Moses , the Prophets , Jesus , Mrs. Eddy ! Can that seem to any one other than an anti-climax ? For whatever of truth Mrs. Eddy lias brought into the light , we are indebted to her. For all the emphasis which Christian Science has laid upon graces of character or means of bodily healing of which we needed to think more , we are grateful. But I do not think that many of us will find oiirselves attracted by the system in its entirety. Do you long for a serener spirit ? I would point you to Jesus' teaching of the uuanxious heart , and to His parting benediction of peace. Do you long for a more vivid sense of the divine ? Press close to the Master who invites you ever into more intimate fellowship , till with Paul you can say , "I live , yet not I but Christ liveth in me. " Do you feel that the suffering of the world must be lessened ? Study then every method of physical re lief to which the Spirit of truth is lead ing earnest men. But do not , I beg you , deny that God is in the fullest and most personal sense your Father ; do not deny the existence of that body , made to be the temple of the Holy Ghost ; do not deny the reality of that sin from which Jesus Christ came to save. LITlSltAKY NOTE. The frankest as well as the moat com prehensive and statesmanlike view yet published of our foreign policy is that of the Hon. Richard Olney , appearing in the March Atlantic Monthly. It is marked by Mr. Olnoy's power of trench ant and compressed expression , yet it is also moderate and far-seeing. The re cent movement among Indiana demo crats to nominate Mr. Olney for the presidency gives additional interest to this-paper. HIGII 1'JIIGIS OF Indiana Walnut Trees llrlni ; I.arfjo SUMIH to OWIUM-H. Indiana Timber land , which was con sidered the best in the country , is being so rapidly denuded of the once splendid forests of hardwood timber that specu lators are seeing the advantage of gob- gling up everything that may bo got in the way of timber tracts. The walnut and hickory of Indiana and Ohio are considered the best that can bo had , and the monster poplars which once formed the nucleus for the log-heap fire are Jiow worth individually more as they stand than the acres they occupy will bring when cleared , many a poplar tree selling for $100 before an ax touched it. The walnut that was once so plentiful hero that barn timbers , house sills , fence rails , etc. , wore made from it , is becom ing exceedingly scarce , and curled wal nut stumps have brought almost fabu lous prices , while hickory of the shellbark - bark variety can scarcely bo found in some of the best sections. Last year's purchase by a Goshen , Intl. , firm of fifty-five standing walnut trees near the northern Indiana line for $10,000 and the handsome sum they make out of the handling of this rare clump of trees have proved an incentive in the search for timber in other direc tions. Grant county furnished a notice able instance in the sale of the 1,0iO ! acres of virgin forest in Indiana , for $60,000. A New York firm bought the walnut timber where itstood for$55,000 ; 400 acres of land , the timber being re served by the seller , sold for $20,000 , and there remains GUO acres of the best tim ber in Indiana , the walnut alone being sold from it. The buyers will clear $50,000 by their deal in that timber. Where years ago the lumbermen went for only large tracts they are now con tent with individual trees , and wherever there is a notably fine forest monarch of the desirable variety its whereabouts becomes widely known and the compe tition to secure it is very sharp. Chicago cage Record , Fob. 20. If the alleged JTIl OF JULY. democratic party called in convention at Kansas City next 4th of S\\\y \ will declare its inde pendence of bossism , prevent its own crucifixion on a brass cross of constant candidature and prevent the crown of a cut-and-dried nomination being pressed down upon the brow of a fellow who has worked four years to got it , McKiu- ley may bo beaten next November. It is , however , more than likely that the only man whom MoKinley can defeat will bo nominated.