The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 22, 1900, Image 1

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    Che Conservative
One dollar and a half per year , in advance ,
postpaid , to any part of the United States or
Canada. Remittances made payable to The
Morton Printing Company.
Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska
City , Neb.
Advertising Rates made known npon appli
Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City ,
Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29th , 1898.
A railroad could
not be well-run by
a man milliner who had no stock in the
A bank managed by inmates of the
county poor-house , with officers selected
from a board of directors made up of
street beggars , would not command
financial success nor the confidence of
the public.
A Sunday-school superintendent who
kept a string of race horses and ran a
faro bank together with epidemic slot-
machines would not secure the children
of orthodox families as pupils.
A butcher who sticks pigs and cuts
the throats of veals and lambs for an
hour or two every day could not at
tractively lecture upon kindness and
tenderness for the innocent and helpless
before refined and intelligent audiences.
A government can only be properly
administered by honest men of ability
who.have studied and analyzed the func
tions and the duties of governments.
No government can endure if its
administration is left to dishonest and
incompetent men. Whenever the in-
competency , extravagance and knavery
of those managing the aifairs of a coun
try , whether the form of government be
monarchial or republican , becomes
generally known and its burdens of in
creasing debt and taxation generally
felt , there must come a change. It will
come in peaceful ballots or in revolution
ary bullets.
Only the best should govern , that id ,
only the wise and the honest. Govern
ments are merely compacts by which it is
sincerely proposed that all shall be one-
minded in the honest determination to
T" '
establish and protect the rights of each.
All that government can legitimately
attempt in a republic is to guarantee the
right of each citizen to life , to liberty
and to the earnings of his own efforts.
And the management of governmental
affairs , like the management of the
affairs of agriculture , commerce and
manufacture , should be entrusted to
only those who have studied them
diligently , with an intention of honestly
attempting to improve them.
The most obscure
usefulness in any
decent and industrious citizen is of more
value to his kind and to the common
wealth than the most spectacular , oracu
lar and resplendent inutility of any
walking , talking delegate whom this
day and generation have seen arraying
class against class and kindling discon
tent in every section.
Who is best for the country the
honest and intelligent laborer who de
velops its resources ; or the flippant ,
shallow and self-seeking declaimer who
fishes for votes and prominence ? When
a citizen asks his fellows to do much
for him the great multitude should
reply : "What have you ever accom
plished for the state for us ? "
ver democrats to
combine , fuse and amalgamate with
alleged silver republicans , notwithstand
ing the latter believe in protection and
the former in free trade , for the purpose
avowedly of electing a populist to office
is "all right" saith the advocates and
organs of Bryanarchy.
But if alleged gold standard demo
crats fuse , weld and miscegenate with
, alleged gold stand-
„ ° ° .
Wrong. .
ard republicans ,
the first being free traders and the
second protectionists , for the purpose of
electing a man to office who is in favor
of honest money , it is all "wrong"
saith the saintly politician of the fiat
If gold democrats and gold republi
cans should fuse and form tickets ,
county , state or national , the anguished
howl of the conscientious devotees to
principles , who seek nominations from
three distinct and , in many respects ,
antagonistic political parties , would rend
the skies. They would be so shocked ,
so terribly conscience stricken by such a
wicked "ballot trust" that they would
even invoke the use of the writ of iii junc
tion to prevent its consummation.
That community
ABILITY. which produces
a surplus of staple
articles which the world demands , and
ships them to markets where consumers
await them , will be always relatively a
prosperous community. The manufac
ture of raw products , where they are
grown , into commodities whereby bulk
is reduced and value enhanced , is a
legitimate method of beneficence. The
one element which inevitably gives
value to a product is its exchangeability.
Those things which are in almost
universal demand are always exchange
able. Therefore they have value.
In this fertile state are the possibilities
of furnishing , in condensed form , meat ,
_ , , bread and fruits in
T .
Nohrnsku. ,
almost endless and
attractive variety. To develop the in
dustrial plants in Nebraska which shall
in the never-satisfied demand
supply , part , -
mand for such exchangeable things ,
large capital is necessary. Therefore it
is the duty of that portion of the public
press which places prosperity above
politics to invite capital and capitalists
to Nebraska instead of repelling them.
No legislators and no editors who seek
constantly to array public sentiment
against incorporated money can possibly
add to the annual output of exchangeable
commodities from this capital-needing
and very capable food-producing com
The Richmond Dispatch ( dem. ) thus
concludes an editorial designed to arouse
the white democrats of Virginia in the
matter of a constitutional convention :
"In a nutshell the1 question is , do we
desire to get rid of the negro as a voter ,
or not ? What do the white people
say ? "
Kentucky conditions prompt the
Charleston ( S. 0. ) News and Courier
( dem. ) to suggest that "perhaps we
should not judge all our unwilling wards ,
in respect of any matter or condition ,
by the conduct of some of them , and
should not require of them a higher
standard of citizenship as the price of
self-government than is observed by the
members of the imperialistic adminis
tration's own party in one of the states
of the nation itself , "
' *