The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 15, 1900, Page 13, Image 13

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    'Cbe Conservative *
DEMN THE HANNA-PAYNE l > lfr ) > . N
Some people call this bill a "graft/'I-
know just exactly where that criticism'
comes from. The people who say that
the subsidy is intended for a few ship
owners on the Atlantic Coast are those
people whoso interests will be disastrous
ly affected by the increase of our com
merce. This criticism is for the most
part paid for. Senator Hanua at Board
of Trade Dinner.
It is absurd to talk of such a bill as
promoting the development of an Amer
ican merchant marine. And so far as
the building of ships is concerned , it is
more than doubtful whether our build
ers of steel ships need any subsidy. Wo
are now producing steel fabrics of all
kinds at less cost than any other country
in the world , and there is apparently no
reason why we cannot compete success
fully with any other nation in the build
ing of steel ships. In all probability the
steel trusts , and , perhaps , a shipbuilding
trust , would manage to appropriate , if
not the whole , at least a part of the
subsidy in increased prices for material
and construction. So that it is doubtful
whether the shipowners would derive
enough benefit from the subsidy scheme
of the Payne bill to encourage them to
add any new ships to their existing fleet ,
even if anything was lefc after the latter
had drawn the bounties to which it
would be entitled under the bill. It is
possible that the bill might be so
amended on the lines suggested by Mr.
Stevens and other western members as
to remove some of the chief objections
to it. But unless amended in such a
way as to be plainly promotive of the
upbuilding not only of an American
merchant marine but of American trade
with foreign countries , it will be diffi
cult to justify the taxing of the Ameri
can people to pay subsidies to ship
owners. St. Paul Pioneer Press ( rep. ) .
We are glad to know that there is a
most excellent chance to defeat the
Hanna-Payne subsidy bill. In a special
to the News of yesterday it was pointed
out that the republican congressmen of
the West are beginning to feel the
pressure of public opinion. Republican
opposition will come from Minnesota ,
the two Dakotas , Michigan , Iowa , Wis
consin and Illinois. These men have
found that the bill has become associated
in the minds of their constituents with
trusts and the general capitalistic ten
dency. We hope to hear that some of
our Indiana congressmen have seen the
light on this subsidy business , and that
they will not allow themselves to be
whipped into line by Payne , Hopkins
and Qrosveuor. The people are against
the bill , and they are right. Indianapo
lis News ( ind. ) .
"Our industries stand in battle array
against the reciprocity treaties , " says
the San Francisco Call ( rep. ) . "They
measure fairly the damage those con
ventions threaten to American labor and
production. That damage has its radix
hi-the cheap labor of the tropics. The
further . issue is , will we multiply the
/ \
liarmxby adding tovtho small amount of
such labor iii , Jamaica the millions of
tropical own islands ? "
< s\
A plan of the Quay leaders in Penn
sylvania to insure' their control of the
republican legislative caucus next year
is to exact from republican candidates
for the legislature a pledge not to accept
an independent nomination if they are
defeated by the party convention , and
to attend the senatorial caucus and
abide by its action if nominated and
Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Archi
tecture. Profusely illustrated. Win. Heinemann -
mann , London ; Henry Holt & Co. , New York ,
Evolutional Ethics and Animal Psychology.
D. Appleton & Co. , New York ; "Win. Heine-
maim , London. 1898.
Beitrage zur Ainorikanischen Littorntur and
Kultur Geschichte. Gotta : Stuttgart. 1898.
The Criminal Prosecution and Capital Pun
ishment of Animals. With two illustrations.
Win. Heinemann , London.
The Abuse of Maternity. Published by
Lippincott. Philadelphia , 1875.
Laura , an American Girl. Lippincott , Phila
delphia , 1884.
A History of Religions. Truth Seeker Co. ,
New York , 1892.
The Story of Kaspar Hauser. Sonnenschein
& Co. , London , 1892.
The Story of Louis XVH of France. Son
nenschein & Co. , London , 1893.
Transplanted Manners , ( a novel ) . Sonnen
schein & Co. , London , 1893. j
Confession , ( a novel ) . Sonnenschein & Co.
London , 1895. I
Ferdinand Lassallo and Helene von Donniges ,
A Modern Tragedy. 1897.
( In Press , Truth Seeker Co. , New York ) .
The Christ Myth.
is in a tourist sleeper , personally con
ducted , via the Burlington Route. You
don't change cars. You make fast time.
You see the finest scenery on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fur
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It has wide vestibules ; Pintsch gas and
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Being strongly and heavily built , it rides
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In charge of each excursion party is
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who accompanies it from Omaha right
through to Los Angeles.
Cars leave Omaha every Thursday
afternoon , arriving San Francisco fol
lowing Sunday , Los Angeles Monday.
Only three days from the Missouri
River to the Pacific Coast , including a
stop-over of 1 % hours at Denver and 2
hours at Salt Lake City two of tl
most interesting cities on the continent.
Write for folder giving full infer
mation. J. FKANOIS ,
Gen'l Passenger Agent , Omaha Neb.
Che fltlantic
l ontllp )
IN o o
A leading feature of THE ATLANTIC
during the llrst six months of 1000 will bo
CIK flutobiosrapbp
of 01. 3. stilltnati.
Mr. Stillman's career as artist , editor ,
and newspaper correspondent in var
ious foreign countries has brought him
into touch with many of the most strik
ing personages and events of the last
fltty years. The early papers of the
series give singularly interesting char
acterizations of Dr. Nott , the famous
President of Union College , of Ruskin ,
Turner and other English and American
artists , of Kossuthwhom Mr. Stillman
served as secret agent , of Emerson ,
Holmes , Lowell , Agassi/ , and other
members of the Adirondack Club.
3ofin fiske.
During 1000 THE ATLANTIC will pre
sent several papers from Mr. Fiske ,
among which will bo one upon "Tho
African Slave Trade in the Fifties" and
another upon "The Life and Work of
Huxley. "
Zitkala = Sa ( Red Bird )
Xitlmla-Su , a young Indian girl of the
Yankton Sioux Tribe of Dakota Indians ,
who received her education in the East ,
lias written for tliH January , February ,
and March numbers three exceedingly
interesting papers , entitled
1. Impressions of an Indian Childhood.
2. The School Days of an Indian Girl.
8. An Indian Teacher Among Indians.
fiction *
One of the most important features of
THE ATLANTIC for 1900 will bo the pub
lication of a large number of Short
Stories of the lirsf quality. Conspicu
ous among these will be " 'Maud Evelyn"
by Henry James. There will also bo
stories by Kato Douglas Wiggin , W. D.
Howells , Sarah Orno Jewett , Joel
Chandler Harris , and many others.
foreign etter $ ,
One of the distinctive features of THE
ATLANTIC for 1000 will bo the appear
ance at regular intervals of letters from
England , Franco , and Germany. The
lirst letter in the series will bo "A Re
view of England in 1899 , " by A. Brimley
Johnson , in the January Atlantic. "Re
cent Social and Industrial Changes in
Germany" will be commented upon in
March by W. C. Dreher ; and Alvan F.
Sunburn will write in the early summer
a letter entitled , "France Before the
Special Offer :
In order to introduce The Atlantic tea
a large circle of new readers , the pub-
Ushers will send the magazine on trial
for three months on receipt of 60 cents
from any person whoso name does not
now appear upon The Atlantic sub
scription list.
Send postal for coin cards with full
particulars , nnd the illustrated pros
pectus for 1000.
85 cents a copy. $4.00 a year.
4 Park Street , Boston.
The Conservative and
p The Atlantic Monthly ,
both for one year , $4.20