f i i Che Conservative . . . . . . VOL. II. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 8 , 1900. NO. 31. n PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AMD SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 7,153 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Glass matter , July 29th , 1808. The McKinley , . PRESIDENT. j Pe ° Ple are toyi pavement upon which they invite Bryan to promenade to the White House. And , though re- luotantly , he may with some hesitation accept their courtesy. Then we may expect Coin Harvey to become secretary of the treasury. Gage will have the X-rays turned upon him. His successor will deposit government funds with the plain people and ndt with metropolitan banks and pestilent plutocrats. Then government funds will be scattered among the poor people , per capita. THE TEST. . ter test byte to determine the usefulness of the indi vidual to the community in which he lives than the appearance and condition of the home where he and his family are domiciled. It may be very humble , a mere cabin , but it will have an ex pression of neatness , or of nastiness , of thrift , or of indolence , of taste and hope fulness or of brutality and listlessness. And in the expression one can read the character and habits of the indwellers as easily as signs on the mercantile houses are read. A pretty cottage , with flowers peeping out of its windows beautiful trees embellishing its lawn and a tidy fence about it all is never the property and home of a loafer or a drunkard. One may tour an entire county and from the condition of the several homes and their surroundings give a better judgment and a more cor rect estimate of the character of the several owners and occupants than can the average traveling phrenologist by feeling of the bumps on their heads. The expression of a human home is a reflex of the character of those who constructed and conserved it. FIRE INSURANCE. 1900 , The Colum bia Fire Insurance Company of Nebras- Ira was organized at Omaha. Two hundred thousand dollars in cash was paid into capital stock account. D. E. Thompson was elected president. The corporation is owned and managed by conservative citizens of Nebraska. Its policies are as good as gold. THE THE IRISH. TIVE notes the una nimity of the Irishmen in the United States in their approval of the Boer fighting and success against English arms in South Africa. It has been sug gested that large numbers of the Irish men in the cities of the United States , holding jobs as policemen , might form a brigade and go over to help the Boers. But there are so many opportunities for political promotion for foreigners in this country that the Dutch in South Africa will probably get no reinforcements hence except from "native Americans. " After the war is over , if there are nice , easy places on the police force to be secured , South Africa may receive in voices of ambitious aliens , who can be induced to take political places of that sort. Perhaps for the A HYBRID GOVERNMENT , purpose of bring ing the heathen Filipinos into the refinements , amenities and lofty morals of the American systems of government gradually , so as not to scare them by a too sudden vision ol our perfections , Senators Quay , Clark ol Montana and Blackburn of Kentucky had better be constituted a commission to form a temporary oligarchy for them. THE CONSERVATIVE suggests , in case these great statesmen get the job , that they try across of Kentucky gun govern ment upon Montana dollar governmenl and energize the hybrid with political morals from Pennsylvania of the Quay brand. An organization syndicating brute force , the money power and Quay morals all into a monopoly for the acceleration of "benevolent assimila tion" in the Philippines would be of infinite service to humanity. , , so , , A short time ago THE CONSERVA TIVE commented on the fact that the word "so" is largely used , by those who speak English by nature , as an adjective , meaning "true ; " and expressed some wonder that the dictionaries should have failed to recognize this usage. We have been favored with an oblig ing note from the Standard Dictionary people , explaining that " 'so' is used colloquially - i loquially as the equivalent of 'indeed , ' j which itself means 'in reality , in truth. ' * In this use , 'so' is an adverb. " This is undeniable , and yet we still think something has been overlooked. We do not see , for instance , that this definition covers Goldsmith's use of the word in one passage which we cited , wherein he promised that certain state ments which he was about to make would be found strictly so. "Strictly indeed" is not the idea at all in that passage. Since our fathers at one time all said "so" for "true , " and since most of us do so still to a certain extent , it seems quite clear that the use of the word has been continuous from the beginning , and that therefore its correctness is established by the highest possible au thority. There are a great A FEAST. , , many annual fes tivals observed by mankind in Europe , Asia , Africa and America. The feast and festival of Ground Hog .Day , the 2nd of February , is just coming into general observance among farmers and olimatologists. The predominant edible on the occasion of the observance'of ground hog day is pork sausage ground hog. It is proposed to introduce ground hog sagacity into American politics. When any officer , from president down , serving the American people , crawls out of his office and sees a shadow of bad deeds , wicked , extravagant and corrupt ad ministration flitting over the land he shall go back into the quietude and in- conspionousness of private life to remain at least six weeks entirely out of public view. There are several citizens now in high positions who , if they have the sense of a ground hog , must already see shadows of misdeeds plainly enough to make them seek that repose which pri vate life grants. v