Conservative. 13 Che Atlantic montblp i IN o o BELOW AUK GIVEN A FEW ANNOUNCEMENTS. A leading ft-ahiro of Tin : ATLANTIC ( hiring tliulli'HiHi.x nionthsol HiOOwillho or Ul. 3. stillinait , Mr. Stillnian'scaroor an arlint , editor , and now8iiii | > er cor rent londt'iit in var ious foreign countries lias brought him into touch with many of the most Htrik- ing iioi'HonuKU.s and uvtmtH ol the last flltv y aiH. Tliu early papers of the series giyn bingnlarly inturcsting char- acttiiT/.ation.s ot Dr. Nott , thu lanums President of Union College. , of Hiibkin , Turner and other English and American ariiHts , ot Ko&suth , whom Mr Stillman Borvoil aa Hecrot agent , of Emoison , Holmes , Lowell , Agassi/ , and other members of the Adirondack Club. fiskc. During 1000 THE ATLANTIC will pre sent several papers Horn Mr. Fiske , among which will bo one ui on "Tho African Slave Trade in the Fitties" and another upon "Tho Life and Work of Huxloy. " Zitkala = Sa ( Red Bird ) ZitkulifSu , a young Indian girl of the Yankton Sioux Tribe ot Dakota Indians , who received her education in the East , has written tor tlm January , February , and March numbers three exceedingly inten sting papers , entitled 1. Impressions of an Indian Childhood. ! i. The School Days ot an Indian Girl. a. An Indian Teacher Among Indians. Fiction. Onn of the most important features of THE ATLANTIC tor lltoo will bo the pub lication of a lar o number of Short Stories of the lirsp quality. Conspicu ous among these will bo "MaudEvelyn" by Henry James. There will also bo stories by Kate Douglas VViggin , W. D. Howells , Sarah Orne Jowutt , Joel Chandler Harris , and many others. foreign Cetttrs. One of the distinctive features of THE ATLANTIC for 1UUO will bo the appear ance at regular intervals of letters trom England , Franco , and Germany. The llrst letter in the series will bo "A lie- view of England in 1890 , " by A. Brimley Johnson , in the January Atlantic. "He- cent Social and Industrial Changes 111 Germany" will bo commented upon in March by W. C. Droller : and Alvan F. Sanboru will write in the early summer a Jotter entitled , "Franco Before the Exposition. Special Offer : In order to introduce The Atlantic tea a largo circle of new readers , the pub- libhur.s will bend the magazine on trial lor three months on receipt ot 60cents irom any person whoso name does not now appear upon Tliu Atlantic sub scription list. Send postal for coin cards with full particulars , and the illustrated pros pectus lor 190U. 83 cents a copy.1.00 a year. HOUGHTON , MIFFLIN & GO , 4 Park Street , Boston. The Conservative and The Atlantic Monthly , both for one year , $4.20 $4.00 BOOK FOR TScts. The Farmers' Encyclopedia , Everythinirper" tainlnfto the af- falraof the farm , household and stock raisin p. 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