Conservative * 11 frequently aiid carefully. Stock taking in the forest is very expensive. Oth. Forestry requires steady manage ment and yields returns on the same spot only in long intervals , intervals often longer than human life. In other words , forestry requires a long lived owner. In the old country this draw back does not weigh heavily , as towns , villages and families holding the proper ty entailed are the chief owners of well managed forests ( aside from state forests ) , and as the population is not so shifting as in the United States. Stumpngo Values. Another item is overlooked : Forest ry practiced by private individuals can come only with the rise of stumpage values. As long as a commodity abounds , there is no need for its con servative use and management. As long as , e. g. , the city of Columbus con sisted of 10 cabins , there was plenty of drinking water and no necessity to regulate its use. "When water became scarce , such a necessity arose , resulting in water obtaining a value expressed by the dreaded "water rents" and result ing in a careful management of water supply. For forestry or tree management , the same consideration holds good : As long as trees have no value , seedlings anl saplings are more than worthless , and it would be foolish to raise them in the place of trees cut. As soon as a tree 100 years old is worth a dollar , a seedling ,80 years old is worth nine cents ( figuring at 3 per cent , compound interest ) , and it pays to secure a growth of such seed lings during the course of removing the virgin crop. A Piece of History. In European forest history , similar observations can be made. Take the Spessart forests in Northern Bavaria for an example : In 1570 the giant oak trees of the Spessart ( now worth $80 a piece ) had no value whatever ; the forests served as hunting grounds and were used for pasturage of cattle and hogs. In 1600 glass factories were establish ed on the outskirts of the forest , pene trating gradually , in the course of fifty years , to the center of the forests , using beech-charcoal for . - glass-manufacture. At the same time floating of oak timber commenced to supply the cooperage- works in the Main and Rhine valley. In 1666 rules were enacted tending to protect the forest and to regulate its use. use.In In 1765 the government found it ad visable to make a forest working-plan seas as to prevent over-cutting of the forest. The plan was made a plan which seems ridiculous now , because it was based on entire ignorance of the rate of tree- growth. In 1700 the plan was revised , the Arch Duke of Mayence borrowing from lie Duke of Baden a then famous 'orester , a Baron von Tettenborn. At ; hat time trees had assumed value , and it had become remunerative to spend money for their conservation. Lack of Public ItondH. The cause of rising stumpage prices in the Bavarian Spessart is obvious. Public roads were built by the govern ment trenching and opening the forest. Suddenly when the roads were complet ed , trees , which were inaccessible and without value before , became worth something , and their progeny of seed lings at once assumed a prospective value'making it worth the owner's while to protect them and to increase them in number. The history of road building and forestry are going hand in hand , a fact , which 1 think has been overlooked so far. Every forestry advocate should back the good roads movement and every enthusiastic adherent of good roads should help to strengthen the propa ganda for good forestry. Conclusion. But I should return to my loom and finish my thread ! Forestry cannot come quickly ; it can come only with the in crease of stumpage values , with wise taxation and thorough protection of forestry investments. The drawbacks of forestry as an industry for private enterprise are manifold. Unless the commonwealth offers considerable in ducements , changing the tax laws and protecting the forest , private capital will not flow into forestry ; and unless these inducements are offered soon , 85 per cent , of all American forests ( viz. all private forests ) will have disappeared , when the desired rise of stumpage values arrives. The forestal history of the countries surrounding the Mediterranean will have repeated itself. O. A. SCHENCK , PH. D. , Biltmore , North Carolina. PAYMENT FOR A NEGRO SLAVE. Joseph W. Dickson of Dallas , repre senting the heirs of the late Col. D. H. Epperson , today paid to Hon. Henry D. McDonald of Paris , Tex. , representing W. J. McDonald of Paris , $750 cash , in payment for a negro slave sold by the McDonalds to the Eppersons in 1860 , and for which a note for $750 was given to secure the payment of the purchase- money. After the civil war the ques tion of liability on the note got into the courts , because of the abolition of slav ery. Eecently court proceedings were discontinued , and the Eppersons agreed to recognize the validity of the debt anc pay off the note. Col. McDonald and Col. Epperson and the slave that figured in the transaction have all been dead many years. Correspondence St. Louis Globe-Democrat , January 7. A WARNING , n n Methodist camp mooting , as you may know , Arc scats for a inultitudo , row after row , And the people come crowding in , docile and meek And eager to hear what the "Brother" may speak , And thn Brother stands up like the king of the whole , And tolls each poor sinner what's good for his soul ; And the sinners , believing , indulge now and then In a loud "Hallelujah , " "Give Glory , " "Amen. " They to the "Anxious " may come Seat" bowed with distress [ mploring the Brother to help and to bless ; They may sing , they may pray , they may weep , they may shout , 3ut they must not deny , nor ask questions , nor doubt ; They are there to bo humbled , instructed and led And not to find fault with , what's done or what's said ; They're the sheep , the lost sheep , and the man with the book Is the shepherd who gathers them in with his crook ; And the shepherd ? oh , he may be pastor , or clerk , Or pious lay-brother , invited to work ; Ho feels that a mission is his to unfold And ho must bo earnest , unyielding and bold , Ho knows what is right , and those people below Must listen and say to themselves : "That is so I" Perhaps the camp meeting is near the seaside Where in summer celebrities gladly abide ; A judge , a professor , a grand millionaire The president even may chance to be there 1 Such guests then ( if pious ) to speak are invited To hear them the people , of course , are dn- lighted ; The orator stands , for the time , as dictator , Who answers not "Yea" and "Amen" is a traitor. For speaker and hearer 'tis dangerous play And should my opinion be asked , I will say That a Methodist camp meeting's not a { jood school To teach a man how a ( treat nation to rule. ELIZABETH E. EVANS. ' si 1858 Alexander - H OVER THE TRAIL. der Majors came to Nebraska City and established the headquarters of Majors , Russell & Waddell , who were the largest firm of freighters across the plains in the United States. Hence to Salt Lake City they carried the government supplies for our army in Utah commanded at that time by Albert Sidney Johnson. Mr. Majors was a man of great native energy and good intellectual ability. He managed the business of the firm with shrewdness and success , although entirely without that education which the schools bestow. The Omaha Bee of Monday , the 15th , gives the following : "CHICAGO , Jan. 14 , 1900. Alexander Majors , well known throughout the southwest as the originator of the Pony Express and the first man to conduct a complete overland mail service , is dead. His body was taken to Kansas City to night for interment. " Thus those who pioneered the way over the plains are fast departing upon that long trail whence no one returns. 311