10 13be Conservative , THE CAPITALIST AND KCONOMIC FOHESTKY. An address read at the asocial inootiiiR h'-ld by the Ainiirican Forestry Association on August 2 , ' and 1,18W , at Columbus , Ohio. Purport of Private Forestry. Gradually people nro rising to a better understanding of the term "Forestry. " They begin to see tlmt eighty-five per cent , of the woodlands in the United States are owned by private individuals , that the salient point in forestry is the business point , and that forestry does not have a chance to exist in this country unless it pays. Hero and there "fancy forestry" might be practiced for a short while in spite of its unproductiveness , but fancy forestry will never assume large pro portions. What the country needs is forestry on a grand scale , which , however , the country can have only by allowing con servative lumbering to yield returns at least equal to the o expected by the cap italist from equally safe investments in other industries. In Europe investments in forests are considered safer than investments in government bonds. It is therefore that far-sighted institutions , families and individuals are fond of forestry invest ments abroad. In this country forest property is the only one which is not protected by state authority , with the result , that investments in wood- lauds are constantly exposed to loss. Fori'st Firth. m The main source of losses is fire ravag ing the forest. "Whilst old trees , pro tected by their heavy bark , ore as a rule only damaged and weakened by con flagration , young trees invariably suc cumb to it. No wonder , then , that the capitalist is anxious to rather withdraw his money from the forest as FOOU as he succeeds in selling whatever trees are marketable. For him it means a financial perversity to look forward to a second growth. "Why ? Because he knows a priori that the second growth is unlikely to live. Only a maniac will try and plant beets in the midst of New York street. Five hours traffic will sweep every trace of them away. It is almost as foolish to start tree-seedlings in an American forest continuously swept by fire. From my experience in the adminis tration of Mr. George W. Vanderbilt'n forests I can say , that on largo forest estates favorably situated , fires may be controlled to a certain extent only at a comparatively high expense. Still , owing to the high premium to be paid for the safety of the investments , forest ry will not be able to pay that interest which the capitalist must require. As long as the people look at fires as an un avoidable calamity like heavy rains and severe draughts ; as long as they do not provide for the protection of forests as well as for the protection of any other property , conservative lumbering must be considered a risky investment. Forest Taxation. It is remarkable that the taxes on forest land are high in spite of the fact that the state does not do anything for it. The economic authority for the government , when squeezing taxes out of the pockets of its constituents , lies in the protection which the government promises and bestows on the taxpayer's property. In the case of forests , no ptotection is given. But that is not all ! To crown the foolishness , in many cases the forests are left at the mercy of short-sighted tax assessors , who as a matter of fact compel the owner to either cut his trees or else to endure the plague and annoyance of paying higher taxes than the productiveness and the value of the property justify. In the case of young forests , no immediate revenue whatever is deriv able. The revenue will come only after another GO or 70 years when the trees have attained log size. Still the county and the state require the owner of such land to pay taxes during the period of unproductiveness. How would the con tracting architect or the ship-builder remonstrate if taxes were imposed upon the unfinished house or unfinished craft I Hon. Verplanck Colvin , Superintend ent of the New York State survey , has advanced a new scheme , the plan of allowing the owner of immature forests to postpone the payment of taxes until the time of maturity arrives. The state will acquire that is Mr. Colviu's idea a mortgage on the laud and trees equal the amount pf taxes unpaid ; the mort gage shall become due at the moment at which the owner of the forest begins to put the axe to its trees. Taxes on realties , as every one knows , are sure to hit and therefore relatively high , whilst taxes on personal property are comparatively low , since every tax payer is allowed to put his own valua tion on his own personal property. Wo all know that this different method of assessment results in a comparative over taxation of realities , and among re alties of forests. The commonwealth , there is no doubt about it , derives considerable advantage from the mere existence of forests by their influence on public health and on the flow of the rivers , and by the fact that forests form the basis of the lumber industry , one of the best wealth pro ducers of the country. Thus the com monwealth uses the forests for its own purposes , and might bo justly held to bear part of the tax burden. But far from assuming this position , the public nay we ourselves by unwise taxation and by not offering any protection to the forent , have made forestry the last remunerative business iu America. Forcxt Pasture. Another item of considerable import ance in the forest budget of many sections of the country is the fast that forest lands are considered every one's lauds as far as their use is concerned , The damage which the berry-picker , the ginseng-man , the moss-gathorer , the hunter , the fisherman and other "in truders" into private property inflict up on the forest , is insignificant. Signifi cant , however , is the harm which horses , cattle , sheep and hogs , driven into the forest and authorized by law to roam about unrestrainedly , carry with them. As long as pasturing auimals are per mitted to feed upon the seeds aud seed lings , it is impossible to grow forests ; and as long as the counties or the states allow such pasturage , a second growth of timber cannot bo obtained. It is no more feasible for the farmer to raise vegetables and cattle on the same land , than it is for the forester in the case of seedlings aud cattle. In olden times when forests were property of the states , there was some excuse for the practice of pasturing the forests , the much more so as in many sections no other use could be made of the forests. From the moment on , how ever , at which the forest became private property , the owner should be entitled to demand that other people be forbidden by the state to use such property for their benefit and to the detriment of the owner , who has paid for the land and who is paying the taxes. No one will embark in forestry un dertakings as long as the production of the forest is endangered by fires , as long as the forests are heavily and unjustly taxed , and as long as all stock-owners are allowed to use the forest alongside with the rightful proprietor. Miscellaneous. Less important is the iinjust legisla tion still found in many states which enables the forest squatter by tilling the ground for a few years to acquire property under a colored title ; still such laws should not be suffered by a civiliz ed population as they invite theft. There are other drawbacks of forestry as an investment in the United States. 1st. It is more difficult to dispose of forest realties , if the owner is compelled or desirous to sell , than of any other property. Conservative forestry is a clumsy investment , and does not allow of gains by quick-minded speculation. 2nd. It is not easy for the owner to watch the faithfulness of those iu charge of his forestry interests , which neces sarily extend over a large area. 3rd. There are no foresters available in America to have charge of the work in the forests. 4th. An annual revenue cannot be derived , unless forestry has boon practiced on a large scale for a long time. 5th. It is difficult to separate "net revenue" from "capital withdrawn from the forest , " unless stock is taken