The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 04, 1900, Page 13, Image 13
"Che Conservative. 13 of the whole world on the high sens , yet only about ! J per cent , of these ships reoeivo tiny subsidy , and these mostly only receive reasonable prices for carry ing mail. 151. Those who are the most eager for " American built , American owned and American manned merchant ships , " lira those who expect to pocket the subbidies and who will resort to any means to got this bill through congress. Such lino-sounding words mean for most people only higher taxes. 14. The fact that this subsidy scheme s promoted almost entirely by the most persistent and rapacious lot of "bounty beggars" that ever beset congress , ought to condemn it in the eyes of honest citizens. NEUKASKA STATK 1USTOK1CAL. SOCIETY. The annual meeting of the Nebraska State Historical Society for 1900 will be held at the chapel of the State Uuiver sity on the evening of January 9th and 10th , at 7:80 : o'clock , with the following program. It is desired that all interest ed in old overland freighting will at tend , on Wednesday especially , bring ing all old maps of freighting routes with them. TucMlity Kvenliifj , Januury 0. President's Annual Address J. Sterl ing Morton , Nebraska City. The State Republican Convention of 1870 , and Incidents of that Campaign ; a Character Sketch of Governor Butler. Dr. L. J. Abbott , South Omaha. Ex-Senator Thomas W. Tipton. Hon. Robert W. Furnas , Browuville. Hon. Champion S. Chase Clement C. Chase , Omaha. Our First Settlement of Nebraski David Anderson , South Omaha. Pioneer Days in Booue County John Turner , Indiauola. AVetlnehduy Evening ; , January 10th Old Freighter * ' E\eulii ; * . Reminiscences. Eugene Muuu , Uni versity Place ; William Fulton , Kansas City ; R. M. Rolfe , Nebraska City ; Thomas J. Majors , Peru. This will be followed by ten minute talks by old freighters present. Business meeting1. H. W. GALDWELL , Secretary. Horticultural Society meets same dates during day. TEN THOUSAND BLACK WALNUT TREES. FOR SALE , ten thousand Black Wal nut trees , eight to ten feet high , nursery grown , once transplanted. To those who would utilize waste places on the farm , they are valuable. Special prices for oar lots. Address ROBT. W. FURNAS , prownville , Nebraska. A $4.00 BOOK FOR rSctS. The Farmers' ' Encyclopedia , Every thing : per- taininpto the af fairs of the farm , household and stock raisin ? . Em braces articles on the horse , the colt , horse habits , dis eases of the horse , the fnnn , grasses , fruit culture , dnlry- Ing.cookery.henlth . , cattle , sheop.swlne , Soultry , bees , the og , toilet , social life , etc. , etc. One of the most com plete Encyclo pedias In existence. A large book , 8x5 % x 1 % Inches , ftse pages , fully illus trated , bound In green cloth bind ing and equal to other books costing ( M.OO. Ifyou desire this book send us our special oflbr price , $0.75 , and 50.20 extra for postage and we will forward the book to you. If it is not satis factory return it and wo will exchange it or refund your money. Send for our special illustrated cata logue , quoting the lowest prices on books , FREE. We can save you money. Address all orders to THE WERNER COMPANY , Publishers and Manufacturer * . Akron , Ohio. [ The Werner Company Is thoroughly reliable. ] Editor. THE TV AY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA is in a touribt sleeper , personally con ducted , via the Burlington Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time , You see the finest f-cenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fur- uished as a palnce sleeper , but it is just as clean , just us comfortable , just as good to ride in and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It has wide vestibules ; Pintsoh pns and high back seats ; a uniformed Pullman porter ; clean bedding ; spacious toilet rooms ; tables and a heating range. Being strongly and heavily built , it rides smoothly ; is warm in winter and cool in , summer. In charge of each excursion party is and experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it from Omaha right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha every Thursday afternoon , arriving San Francisco fol lowing Sunday , Los Angeles Monday. Only three days from the Missouri River to the Pacifio Coast , including a stop-over of 1) " hours at Denver and 2 hours at Salt "Lake City two of the most interesting cities on the continent. Write for folder giving full infer mation. J. FRANCIS , Gen'l Passenger Agent , Omaha Neb. Colorado , Utah , California and Oregon ARE BEST REACHED VIA THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS WEST. SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS DAILY. PINTSCH TWO TRAINS daily to Denver and Colorado rado points. LIGHT THREE TRAINS daily to SanFrancieCO and California points. THREE TRAINS daily to Salt Lake City and Utah points. STEAM ONE TRAIN daily to Portland and North Pacific Coast points , with direct con HEAT. nections for Tacoma and Seattle. For Time Tables , Folders , Illustrated Books , Pamphlets , descriptive of the territory trav ersed , call on your nearest agent , or address E. L. 10MAX , G. P. 4 T. A. , Omaha , Neb. JOY MORTON & CO. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ARGO STARCH SAL SODA SALT CEREALS SODA ASH Office , Rler IMo. 1. Chicago. Shipping Docks and Soda Factory : C. B. & Q. SLIP I. C. PIBB1 , CHICAGO. BBLT BY. , C. B. I. < fc P. , SO. CHICAGO. Salt Worka : WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN. HUTCHIN80N , KANSAS. STARCH FACTORY AND CEREAL MILLS , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. . . . , . WM. . , and Vice-Pr'ebt CHARLES A. WEARB , Prest. POKTUS B. WBARE Vice-Prest. W. WKARK - OSWALD F. WOLFE , Treas. HARRY W. RUIIINS , SECY. Established 1862. PRIVATE WIRES. WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY , Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds , Old Colony Building , CHICAGO. BRANCH HOUSES : New York , JVIInneapolla , Duluth , Omaha , ' Kansas City , Des Aloines , Nebraska City.