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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1899)
' , < . . ; < > 1 , . x : ; v - ' < * \ ' ; af ; . . . I , 11 A . , ' ' % > , / * ' * c - ' I/ / Cnc. Conservative 21.'A VOL. II. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 30 , 1899. NO. 21. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 7,060 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29th , 1808. The Blarney STANDARD OIL Castle Attorney- WICKEDNESS. General of Nebras ka is reported by the Omaha Daily News of the 23rd , as "having dismissed the suit that he brought some time ago in the District Court to prohibit the Standard Oil Company from doing business in Nebraska. " No one is surprised at Smyth. Every body knew that he instituted the pro ceedings to show his intense antagonism to trusts. Nobody in Nebraska has complained of being harmed by the re duction of the cost of illuminating oils which the Standard Oil Company has brought about. But , Smyth , for the glory of populism and the advancement of his own political prominence , de liberately proposed the ejection of the Standard Oil Company from Nebraska. He proposed , with malice aforethought , by preventing that corporation from doing business in this state , to put up the cost of lighting the homes on these prairies. Before this gigantic company , with its vast capital and unlimited facilities for carrying on business , in vaded Nebraska , THE CONSERVATIVE paid , as did all other pioneers , one dollar lar and fifty cents a gallon for an in ferior oil , while now "perfection" illuminating oil costs only eleven cents a gallon. Smyth sues this conspiracy for cost- reductions , and attempts to drive the conspirators out of Nebraska for the crime of furnishing cheaper and better oils to its people. Smyth , however , does not sue the Silver Smelter Trust , the principal officers of which live in Omnha , and yet the Silver Trust is avowedly for the purpose of putting up the price of silver. In other words Smyth is the friend of a Silver Combine for raising the market value of silver , and the enemy of an oil trust which has lowered the market value of oils in Nebraska. Therefore , no one will be surprised to learn that Smyth , with great post-election valor , has begun another action against the Standard Oil Company in the Supreme Court of the state with the patriotic intention of driving it out of business 1 T * ° l * * ° CONGRESSIONAL APPORTIONMENT , equality as to the representation o f the people of the states in their re spective congressional districts in the lower house of the federal congress. The annexed table shows that in South Carolina 4,589 voters are the average number represented by each one of their seven congressmen. But in Texas each congressman represents an average of 81,233 votes , and there are thirteen dis tricts in that state. In Nebraska the six congressional districts cast for con gressmen 214,968 votes , or an average of 85,828 votes for each congressman from this state. Coii rcHHi < > niil Vote 1808. Why should these inequalities be permitted - mitted to continue ? Why should South Carolina get a congressman for each 4,500 votes , Nebraska have only one for each 85,000 votes , and Texas only one for each 81,000 votes ? Unless there be a remedy for these inequalities provided by proper legislation prior to the basing of the representation on the census of 1900 , this infamous system of unequal representation and injustice will be perpetuated. THE CONSERVATIVE calls the attention of the advocates of good government and all journals and periodicals inter ested therein to the importance of beginning the vigorous discussion of this / question , so vital to the welfare of the republic , at the earliest possible moment. It should be reasoned upon with candor and a sincere desire to establish equality and fairness in representation for the United States congress. The DONATIONS FOH , DUTY" enthusiasm of American patriot ism are entirely irrepressible. Every new hero throws it into paroxysmal frenzy and evolves some new method of recog nizing or compensating servants of the government for the plain performance of the duties to which they are assigned and for which they are liberally paid. General Grant had a house in Wash ington presented to him. Is any de scendant of General Grant the owner of that residence now ? And where is the house given Sheridan ; and the houses bestowed upon other heroes , where are they ? But the last real estate donation to Amiral Dewey seems less satisfactory to the donors and the general public than any ofita predecessors. Disgust because the bride of the admiral received the gift by the public to him ns a present from the admiral to herself became in tense and general. But when Madam Dewey deeded the property to her Stepson Dewey the pulse of the public became almost normal again. Here after heroic widowers , with possible suits for breach of promise before them should be excepted from the lists of beneficiaries. INTFT . . , . , TEMPERANCE.1S good enough to secure the drinkers of Nebraska pure malt , vinous and spirituous liquors whenever its provisions are rigidly enforced. Where are the intense anti-liquor traffic voters of this state who wish good laws observed and executed ? Haye the preachers of prohi bition all been mere pretenders ? If they have not been mere hypocrites why do they fail to invoke the Slocum law and thus secure pure drinks or no drinks by the analyses of reputable chemists ? An indictment charging Christian1 scientists with practicing medicine without a license was dismissed on the 20th by the district court of Minne apolis , upon the ground that Christian science healing is not medical practice.