The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, November 23, 1899, Page 9, Image 9
'Cbe Conservative. is a fog that caii bo blown away in a moment. We are not claiming that associations of producers are under all circumstances an evil , for we freely admit that in some form they must continue to exist that union for business purposes is something that has come to stay. The evil comes in when the association is encouraged to oppress fellow citizens by a monopoly which legislation has made. Precisely the same organization may be a flagrant evil if granted a monopoly , and quite harmless if not so favored. Further , the monopoly that renders the trust formidable may arise from other sources possession of land , deals with private corporations , and what not as well as from legislation. But it is senseless to speak of that , as disproving that legis lation may be and is used to create monopolies. Why are the trusts and combines so much more harmless in England than here ? Just because legis lation there does not put a weapon into their hands to aid in reducing citizens to submission. After all , it cannot be worth while to discuss these pretended objections among candid reasoning men , for such men can have no real doubt on the subject. The test question is , will you vote for the repeal of every duty which creates a monopoly , every duty which by cutting off importation from abroad cuts off all revenue from the government and at the same time enables the trust to maintain prices against consumers in this country ? A negative answer can come only from an ally of those trusts. Every man who sincerely opposes them will unhesi tatingly vote for repeal. York , Pa , Nov. 9 , 1899. Receiving letters from correspon dents regarding the proper treatment of roses and shrubs at this season of the year leads to the thought that perhaps this is a matter of general interest. Some of the hardiest varieties of roses endure neglect in any winter without protection. The more desirable varieties , however , appreciate winter protection. While varieties like Madam Plautier auc Prairie Queen winter in perfect condi tion without any assistance ; niosl varieties of the Hybrid Perpetuals are the better for a little protection , and the Hybrid Teas require it. Many people are misled by the term Hybrid Perpetual. Not all the varieties really belonging to this class bloom through the season. While the Coquette des Alps , one of the most reliable white roses , will really bloom in succession al of the season , and well into autumn ( and we notice they yet have buds to this day , Nov. 8th. ) , varieties like General Jacqueminot are more likely to bloom but once or twice , unless afte " blooming they are slightly out back given additional fertilizers , plenty o vater , forced to make a new growth , and then bloom on the new wood thus 'ormod. When the effort is made to orce varieties of this class to repeated dooming the season through , care hould be taken to allow them to ripen n good time before the first cold days of October. Such Hybrid Perpetuals as General "acquemiuotPaulNeyron , Madam Ohas. Wood , also called Dinsmore , Coquette des Alps , Coquette des Blanches Fisher lolmes , will ordinarily winter with only a liberal application of fine , well rotted manure two or three inches in thickness and an addition of matted straw or hay ; o insure that the ground shall not dry out through the dry winter months. In vinters like those of 1898-99 all of these varieties suffered , General Jacqueminot o the extent that it gave very little jloom this season. Coquette des Alps , lowever , recovered in time to carry learly its usual amount of bloom. With the Hybrid Teas , however , such varieties as La Franco , Meteor , Ameri can Beauty , and others of that class should be laid down and covered with earth , or if in a lawn whore it is not convenient to get earth , they may be bent down and covered with four inches of straw. Over this place boards to jeep away the winter wind. Or we often , after packing carefully in straw , cover with a tight box. In rose beds it may be found more convenient to lay down , the Hybrid Teas , cover with earth , over this a covering of strawy mulch. Leaves are useful as a cover but if used directly over the rose bushes ; hey mat so closely that there is some danger of mold. Some years we take time to drive stakes around the stronger bushes , and pack in with hay or straw. This lessens winter evaporation from dry , cold winds. Roses like Baltimore Belle that have many feet of cane may be wrapped with hay or straw and covered with burlap to advantage. About the rose beds , wo sometimes board up one board high and fill in with fine chaffy straw and leaves. Over this some brush to prevent the action of the wind driving away leaves and litter. The rose requires very rich soil. The best time to make application of rnaimro is in the fall of the year. Three or four inches of very fine well rotted manure that should bo as fine as mold , is not too much to apply , three or four bushels of each kind applied two or three feet in diameter. The various Spireas do not need much winter protection here. Hydrangeas winter perfectly. They are all the bettor , however , for a liberal application of fine old manure and some strawy litter which enriches the soil and at the same time prevents dying out. out.From From the first to the fifteenth of November is a good time to do this work , being sure they are all properly protected before the first severe freezing weather which is quite likely to come in our latitude from the middle to the first of November. The amount of labor re quired is really much less than it ap pears in talking about it , and is fully repaid by the results secured. E. F. STEVENS. Crete , Neb. We print today an interesting letter upon steel trusts , from Mr. A. B. Far- quhnr of York , Pa. It is characteristic of Mr. Farquhar's modesty and of the breadth of all his public utterances , that he discusses the effect of protected trusts upon our people and our manufacturers of exports in general , and does not tell us how exceptionally he is qualified to speak from his own business experience as a great manufactxirer of agricultural implements. He employs over 500 men and exports a largo portion of the plows , harrows , threshers , etc. which ho makes. To his friends and customers he does not hesi tate to state many points in which his business is typical of numbers of other American manufacturers. He knows that with a fair chance he can compete with anyone from anywhere ; but , because of our protective tariff duties and the trusts which they foster , he is placed at a considerable disadvantage. He sees our protected steel trusts selling steel to his European competitors at the present time for about $6 a ton less than he is compelled to pay. But for the duty he could got his steel at about the same prices paid by his foreign com petitors , because steel billets make excellent ballast and can usually be im ported from Europe at an extremely low cost for transportation. He now finds himself in the position , as he states it , of being held down by his government while he is pounded by the various steel , iron , coal , lead and other tariff "trusts. " An interesting portion of his letter shows that at last other manufacturers are beginning to follow him in realizing the position in which the protective tariff leaves them. When enough of them feel the pinch of protection and realize that most trusts will have no pinchers when they have no tariff duties , then manufacturers will be lined up , where they should be , on the free trade side , and will help to abolish protection in this country as they did in England. There is reason to believe that manufacturers are about ready to make a move in this direction. "A plain , straightforward bill mak ing the gold standard mandatory should be passed by the republicans at Wash ington before the coming session ends , " the Philadelphia Bulletin ( rep. ) says. , , "Tho result of every election since 1890 shows that such a measure would have the cordial approval of a large majority of the voters of the United States. "