t3be Conservative , "ORIENTAL AMERICA. " ATlmnly nnd Interest liif * Mine of Tnfor mation for Itollcvorn In an Amorl- CHII Policy. DesMoines , la. , Leader : The prog ress of events in the American-Filipino war has been so rapid , and history- making episodes and utterances have so crowded upon each other , that those who have sought to inform themselves on the pending issues of imperialism and colonialism have been compelled to rely wholly on transient newspaper articles for facts upon which to base their opinions. The people are not well informed , and today , concerning the pending issue , there is as much need for information as there was concerning the money question in the early stages of the campaign of 1890. Hence there is a legitimate , demand for literature which will supply the needed facts accurately , briefly and impartially. - "What seems an honest effort to sup ply this information has been made in a hastily prepared little volume bearing the title of "Oriental America , " just issued. It is compiled by Mr. Ora Wil liams , a newspaper man well known to western newspaper men from his long connection with the daily papers in Dos Moines , Sioux Oity and Omaha. He is - - now editor of The Sioux Falls Daily Press. Mr. Williams has collected , compiled and arranged , under conven ient headings , practically all the information mation now available concerning the war , especially in its political aspects. In the form of excerpts from official and. other authentic documents , Mr. Williams tells a story , not only intense ly interesting , but invaluable to all who wish to do their own thinking on the Philippine question , and who are not content to accept the partisan declara tions of either side. The book includes the official correspondence between Filipino and American officials while the war with Spain was in progress , the record in regard to the various proposals of peace , the meetings to plan concerted action against the Spaniards , our procla mations and those of the Filipinos , together with extracts from military re ; * , i : ; - . - - v ports , consular reports and views of various public men and visitors to the Philippines. 'In time this valuable information will reappear in historical studies of the present war , but at present no one has done the work. In a word , Mr. Williams presents the data from which the future historian will draw his conclusions. ' * { ' One of the sources freely drawn upon * by Mr. Williams for information in re gard to the Filipinos and the war against them is the famous document No. 02 , published by the United States , in con r > nection with the peace treaty last Janu ary. This is a document which is now almost impossible to secure , arid yet it * . " . ' - . contains a vast amount of valuable in- "i * 'f " * ? ' J& 'i ' li formation about the Filipino people and about the official relations the American representatives sustained to them while the war with Spain was in progress. Mr. Williams has performed a service to the public by collecting these matters and putting them , into form where they can bo conveniently consulted. ? h e Louisville CHOKER CASH. 1 Evening Post which denounces the Goebel ticket , sup ports the democratic nomination of John Young Brown , and avers that the cash to carry on the Bryau-Goebel campaign in Kentucky comes from the Tammany strong box. Ho\v much cash has Oroker added to the Coin Harvey fund for the purpose of electing House Rent Holcomb , presi dent of an insurance company , to the supreme 'court of Nebraska ? Oroker and Tammany being proclaimedly for Bryan what sacrifice will they not make for his sake ? Why is ifc that . , in a11 those States where Bryanism is rampant a blight has fallen upon the democracy which is worse than a hoar frost on a cucumber vine ? Why is it that Bryanism and debility seem to bo synonymous terms in the political annals of the day ? Here , for instance , is the Springfield Republican's account of a so-called democratic rally in that city on Friday evening : "Tho democratic rally in City Hall last evening , the only example of this good old American institution we are to have in the city this fall , was rather a sad affair. The attractions were Paine and Mack , the two youthful candidates at the head of the ticket ; the veteran democrat , Col. John L. Rice ; the rugged and reverend politician , the Rev. R. E. Bisbee of Pepperill , and Patrick Kilroy of this city. Behind these the platform was tastefully banked with the promi nent democrats of the city and the Second Regiment band. In front of thorn was a prayer-meeting attendance of some 500 a little black mass bunched up under the platform in the wilderness of yellow seats. It was a restless and not over-impassioned audience , and the swinging doors at the end of the hall kept a continual draft on the back of the necks of the assembly from the multitude of those tramping in and out. A crowd of chattering and giggling boys in the galleries , with most extraordinary squeaking shoostrotted in and out at will. That the rally was gotten up in a hurry may account in part for its small attendance. But as it was , it was a rather discouraging affair and made a remarkable contrast to the old days. In fact , the bid-time roaring , ramping , blood-aud-thunder party rally seems to have beeii taken away from us in this state for the past few years , under the m present policy of the republicans. " "Chattering and giggling boys , " hoodlums galore , a dearth of men of character and importance , no public interest , intellectual'feebleness and lassi tude those are the characteristics of 'a Bryanite ratification meeting in these days. In the Springfield case the demo crats of the town were invited to come and hear the democratic candidate for governor talk a youthful man in poli tics , a Boston aristocrat inheriting a name , a man who never thought of being a democrat until after the adop tion of the Chicago platform in 1890 , and who has not yet learned the A B O's of democracy ! Why should anybody but the reporters and giggling boys come out to hear such a "leader , " who has been thrust forward by the Bryauito boss in Massachusetts to stand where Patrick A. Collins , George M. Stearns , William E. Russell , Sherman Hoar , John E. Russell and other men of brains and courage were wont to stand and profoundly interest the people ? V * It1 is the same story everywhere dignity gone , character gone , seriousness gone , sincerity gone , intelligence gone all gone to make way for the Chicago platform heresies and for Bryauito ma chine methods methods as repulsive and as wrong under the Williams des potism in Massachusetts , as under Oroker and Platt in Now York , 'Qmvy ' in Penn sylvania and Haiina in Ohio. This Bryaniziug of our politics has re sulted in the abandonment to a large extent of tests of character in the nomi nation of men for public office. A letter from Buffalo to the New York Tribune says : "There are many examples of the de moralization caused in the democratic paity here by the constant harping upon the doctrines set forth in the democratic national platform of 1890 , these examples being shown by the unworthy character of the candidates for office. It is the testimony of both leading democrats and leading republicans ! that this year the nominating conventions of the demo cratic party reached their lowest depth , and that it would be calamitous to Erie county if most of the democratic candi dates for city and county offices were elected. " In every state of the Union where Bryanism has obtained full swing , the men of brains and standing in the demo cratic party have been forced into the background. It is Bryanism which has raado Goobel the democratic boss in Kentucky , Millionaire McLean the democratic boss in Ohio , the erratic Williams democratic boss in Massa chusetts and so on to the end of the chapter. Connecticut is not quite so badly off as some of the other states , because at the last state convention Bryanito leadership was sent to the rear for a time. Hartford Times. s. . '