The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 05, 1899, Page 12, Image 12
* ? * * 12 Che Conservative * "Democracy can add to its strength and influence by standing against im perialism , which sacrifices the cardinal principles of our government for the ambitious purpose of extending its do main and enlarging its commercinl advantages , " snys thn Detroit Frep Press ( ind. dom. ) . "Democracy can also gain strength and support by mak ing unequivocal declaration against trusts as now organized and conducted , * s for never before have they so multiplied * * * and flourished as under the current con trol of a party that ostensibly condemns thorn. In these appear the gravest questions attracting public attention. They have subordinated the tariff issue and practically obliterated the financial issue as it was contested in ' 96 " "Within sixty days 3Tou will hear no more about the inability of the Filipinos to govern themselves , " predicts the Columbus ( O. ) Press-Post ( dem. ) . "The imperialist cry will then bo that the Philippines are too rioh to let slip through our fingers ; aud so the war of conquest will at last be attributed to the real motive that inspired it. That motive was greed. " TEN THOUSAND BLACK WALNUT TREES. FOR SALE , ten thousand Black Wal nut trees , eight to ten feet high , nursery grown , once transplanted. To those who would utilize waste places on the t farm , they are valuable. Special prices i W , for car lots. Address ROBT. W. FURNAS , Brownville , Nebraska. N. 8. Harding. J. J. Hochstetler. Oldest Insurance Agency In the State. Established 1857. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , Fire Insurance. 4v 711 Central Ave. Nebraska City , Neb. tef- HAIR SWITCH ON EASY CONDITIONS. Cut this ad. out and mail to ws. Send a small bample of j our halr.cut close to the roots. bK.M ) M ) JfO.NKY , we will make and send you by mall , postpaid , a FINE HUMAN HAIR SWITCH , m.trh , made aa indie ? long tiotn felectid human hair , 2J ounccH , short stem.'o will Inclose in package with switch suflldentpostaRe tort-turn It to us If noliicrffclly atUfnclorj. but If found exactly ax represented and most extraordinary value and you wish to keep It. fllliiT tend inifl.oOljj malliillhln lOdminrTAKK OIIDKItS Hilt U MUTCIIFS AT if 1.50 KtCII amonR your ft lends and fend to us nllhout an } IUUMIT , wetOFCnd the 3 switches to them direct by mull , to he paid for 10 days after received If perfectlyi > atlsfactoryand7 u ran thtii hate j the milch we emlyuufrer fiirjourtroulile. Mpglte I'laniit , Organ * , Soiliig Jlirlilnri , ntthri , Furniture , Hnlehff , lllcjrlrt , Canirrai and oilier pmalunm for InLIng orders for Our bwllthrs. Our ladjrrurntd I'lann lniri''i 11 < Uf > , imp * hrnlngjlaclilne In i ciatb. Order a Sultcli nt once or writeto.duy forFKUUIMCKMlI'M OPl'inr. Mariu , ' Hair Emporium , Chicago. THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO DRY GOODS. Importers , Jobbers and 1505-1507-1509 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. New York Office 256 Church St. OUR FIRST BOW. For the first time we appear before the readers of THE CONSERVATIVE a fit ting medium for such a store as ours. Ours is a conservative store. The good old methods suit us , aud they also suit our kind of customers. We invite you to call aud nee us , or should you wish to bring our store and its wares to your own door , write a postal , state your wants aud , with the aid of Uncle Sam , samples will reach you promptly. OUR FALL STOCK IS COMPLETE. And never before wera we able to show such an assortment. Your money gees back to you cheerfully if not suited with your purchase. Every article we sell wo guarantee. Only Good Dry Goods , remember. Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. California is more delightful in winter than the Mediterranean. The Santa Fe Route is the shortest and most comfortable route to California. Illustrated descriptive books and particulars of rates , daily and lim ited train service and tourist excur sions furnished on application. W. J. BLACK , G. P. A. , The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway TOPEKA , KANSAS. \ I