taw & b Conservative. 11 S- - % CONSKKVATISMS. Imposed obligations are slavery. Self-control is . - self-righteousness. Reform is intelligent self-preservation. To serve others at the cost of self is suicidal. There is neither liberty nor freedom in inability. Patriotism is neither gush , moonshine nor insanity. Individualism is intelligent self- preservation. Intelligent self-love is the highest man can attain to. He who loves God wisely loves him self intelligently. Ability succeeds by intelligently studying inability. Obligations are self-assumed , not the imposition of others. Utility to self is the measure of man's fitness to serve others. Only ho who is free in his own might is free to servo others. As no man ever made himself no man can Unmake himself , There is nothing hiehor or nobler than intelligent self-control. The struggle for existence provides no plane for unfits and misfits. Missions are the creation of an emotionally diseased brain. Ignorance upholds missions , but wis dom seeks to maintain itself. Egotism is the assumption of ignor ance. It is always impudent. He who serves himself wisely is truest to humanity , God and country. Truth to self is tlle-aome of an intelli gent , conservative utilitarianisni. True manhood demands freedom and denies the right of others to bind it. The brotherhood of man is the en deavor of ignorance to mate misfits. Egoism is the positivcness of self- knowledge and is always controlled. Self-sacrifice is superstitious suicide unless exacted by utilitarian necessity. No man is responsible for the acts of another unless ho assumes the obli gation. He who conserves himself the best is he who serves others the wisest and most completely. Truth is immortal but the sappers and miners of truth often die of neglect and damnation. Man follows his strongest tendency. "When self-preserving it is moral when self-destructive , immoral. Altruistic Fooialists resemble a team ster who hitches the best horse back seas as to make him pull the whole load. It is always wise to look a gift horse sharply in the mouth ; otherwise ho may prove a costly and burdensome gift. True nobility conserves its energies intelligently ; iguobility destroys them or sacrifices them to ignorant super stition. There is no such thing as love of hu manity or truth to country. There is such a thing as intelligent self-hood and truth to self. "No legislature ( or government ) has a right to absolute arbitrary power over the lives and fortunes of the people. " Sam Adams. If the government exceeds the limits of the powers conferred on it by the constitution it becomes tyrannical and treasonable. He who asserts that he loves God , humanity , country or ought else better than self is a self-deceiving fool or a hypocritical liar , Taxation is one of the powers dele gated to tliM government by those form ing the social compact for their indi vidual preservation. "The. fool hath said in his heart there is no God , " simply because he did not know himself. Ho hath fallen down before the graven image of ignorance. Political common sense or patriotism is the intelligent comprehension of the relations between self and the whole and serving the whole for self-benefit. Taxation for any other purpose than that implied in the compact is treason able and usurpation of powers not dele gated by the members to the compact. "The supreme power cannot justly take from any man any part of his property without his consent in person or l > y bis representatives. " Sam Adams. FRANK S" . BILLINGS. Graf ton , Mass. "The people are ready for the defini tive adoption by express law of the single gold standard , " declares the Chicago cage Evening Post ( rep. ) . "The busi ness community demands it , and the next congress must carry out the pledges of the party now in power. There is no excuse for further hesitation or delay. " "If the republican majority in con gress knows the prevailing sentiment in the country and is disposed to be di rected by it , it will promptly adopt legislation unequivocally fixing the gold standard and protecting the gold reserve - servo , " says the Omaha Bee ( rep ) . "Every republican convention of the year has pronounced in favor of such legislation. It is desired by all sound- money men , who unquestionably con stitute a largo majority of the people. ' "The next presidential campaign will not be fought upon an issue made to order by any body of managing politi cians , " warns the Philadelphia North American ( rep ) . "That much the machine bosses may as well take notice of early. The day is long past when a cutariddried issue can bo foisted into a campaign and burning questions of ini- nediato public importance thrust to the rear. The printing press and the public school have wrought ruin to the trade of professional national platform build- "The only true conservatism that commends itself to patriotic Americans and to men of business sense is that which conserves financial stability and public confidence. " says the Chicago Times-Herald ( rep. ) . "As wo are now doing business on a gold basis and as the peonle have twice repudiated the 'double standard. ' the failure of congress ; o enact a plain , unequivocal gold statute , declaring the gold dollar to bo the fixed , permanent monetary standard of the United States , would bo the legis- ativo blunder of the century. " Discussing the question as to who will be the republican candidate for vice- president , "if Mr. Hobart doesn't care for a renomi nation , " the Milwaukee Sentinel says that he must be one who would be a vote-getter , and who would- give strength to the ticket. "Her mustn't , in short , be colorless , " it con' eludes , but "at the same time , his color must not be so high that the head of the ticket will look pale by comparison. Governor Roosevelt , unless wo are much mistaken , would have this fault. " Qnite complimentary to President McKiuley ! Commenting on Senator Thurston's remark in a speech at the Nebraska republican convention , that President McKinley will be reflected on the don't- issue the Buffalo pull-dowu-tho-flag , Express t ( rep. ) remarks : "President MoKinley cannot come up as a candi date for reelection till the fall of next year. If the Filipino insurrection is not ended before that time , it will not be a pleasant subject for republicans to talk about. If it is ended , the necessity of supporting the government while it is at war cannot be an issue. The presi dent will hardly thank Senator Thuwton for so short sighted an attempt as this to define the issue on which ho is to stand in 1900. " Colonel Bryan's denial of that silly slander to the effect that he had said ho was in politics for the money there is in it circulated by Sterling Morton is flat-footed and emphatic , and calls for Mr. Morton to promptly show his hand. He has had his fun for several weeks now let's hear him talk turkey awhile. Nat Snail's Fremont Herald. KATES. THE CONSERVATIVE and the Daily and Sunday Kansas City Star for one year for $4.25 ; or THE CONSERVATIVE and Weekly Star for one year for $1.60. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb.