The Conservative , A FIIKI : ritESS. "Stop my paper ! I have taken The Republican the past forty years and until lately have over found it true to republican principles , but these attacks on the republican party and present administration are more than I can stand. The president of the United States is one of God's anointed. " Thus writes a subscriber to one of the strong est and most independently edited papers iu the United States. A paper that has been notoriously on the side of the "rights of man , " for the past forty years and is sMl there. Had the present administration been democratic and entered upon this unconstitutional and "unholy" war and had The Republican followed the pauie course it now has does any one think that the "subscriber" would have peremptorily said : "Srop my paper , " or declared "the president to be one of God's anointed ? " When William , the infallible , of Ger many , declares himself "emperor by the grace of God , every true American laughs at his semi-insane pomposity and thinks him a most graceless son. But when a republican president declares or assumes that he is doing "God's work" in killing men or ordering them to be killed , that are fighting for indepen dence , as our fathers did , what and where is the difference ? To the partisan republican it is 'les majestic' to criticise the president "and he would have the independent editor gagged , or the press muzzled as is done in Germany. Is it doing ' God's work' * to kill men and burn their towns and villages merely because they are fighting for self- government ? Surely that is all the Filipinos are struggling for. Americans have almost deified Washington , Adams , Jefferson and other of the fathers , for doing the same thing. Verily , the Filipinos are showing the "true Ameri can spirit , ' ' while the Americans are demonstrating the character of ambi tious bullies or slaves to a despot. It matters not if the government of the United States did pay Spain twenty 1 millions for its riphts and property in the Philippines , what American ever thought that Spain had inalienable rights in the lives and property of the Filipinos ? Is it for that that our govern ment paid Spain twenty millions of dollars lars ? That is bartering iu human flesh ! That traffic is forbidden in the constitu tion. It cost thousands of lives and millions on millions of dollars to peal the bond against chattel slavery. Did the republican administration not pretend , did the president not declare , that the war on Spain was because the American people did not believe that Spain had any rights in the lives and property of the Cubans ? Was not the war made to give the Cubans freedom ? Strange in consistency ! The administration is now fighting the Filipinos for diametrically the contrary principle for which it fought for the Cubans , It sought' to free the Cubans ; it seeks to enslave the Filipinos. But when THE CONSERVATIVE or any other American journal declares such acts to be inconsistent and unconstitu tional , then it finds American citizens un-American enough to cry , "stop iny paper ! " What and where is the difference between Mr McKinley and the repub lican administration , in relation to the Filipinos , and George the Third and the British Parliament in regard to our fathers in 177G ? What is the difference in relation to our deportment towards the Filipinos and that of Spain towards the Cubans ? For upholding the prin ciples of the declaration of independence American citizens invite American editors to "stop my paper , " while they have profound regard for these journals which uphold inonarchial principles and defend the "obey or I will destroy you root and branch" of the administration. Is that upholding constitutionalism and the right of a free and independent press ? Is it not upholding slavery both in the United States and the Philip pines ? Freedom of Choice. THE CONSERVATIVE is not combatting the freedom of choice of the American citizen as to his rights to select what he reads. It would not be true to Ameri can principles if it did. The cardinal American principle is the right to fight for self government and to establish and maintain it on the part of the people , if they can. It looks as if the American people were forfeiting that blood-stained right through subservience to machine politics and intellectual weakness. THE CONSERVATIVE believes it the right of every subscriber to stop his paper if he wishes. That is his natural and con stitutional right. He has the might to do it , if he wills. It is interesting to note that many who write "stop my paper , " also say "I am in accord with your financial views , but your attacks on the administration are too much for me. I have no sympathy with your attempts to influence public opinion in that direction. " Suppose the populists were in power and pursuing the same course , what then ? On the same basis a man might say "stop my wife ; she does not agree with my ideas of the administra tion. " Unfortunately many American men do act thus unconstitutionally in their families. Fortunately a good many cannot or dare not. It is the toleration of what one likes only and the intolerance to opposing views to which THE CONSERVATIVE objects. "Competition is the hie of trade. " Op position is the life of ideas. How far would the world advance if every reader said "stop my paper , " if it published views not in accordance with his pre conceptions ? There would bo no dis cussion ; no freedom of opinion ; intel lectual independence would die out ; manhood would degenerate. Slavery and intellectual darkness would spread over the earth. Such was practically the condition in the dark ages. The majority would bo more despotic than ever tyrant was on usurped or hereditary throne. Unfortunately the desperation of the struggle for existence forces many papers to become party organs and sell their independence. "What would become of the country if e\Tory man , or oven the majority , in the United States should demand that his paper be stopped if it did not say : "My idea is that every man in the democratic party , whether he be a gold man , a silver man or a bimetallist , or whether ho be for a ratio of 16 to 1 or some other ratio , should stand ever ready to yield to the wishes of the ma jority of his party , as expressed in the platform of its national convention. "Speaking for myself , I am a gold man , yet I will unhesitatingly support free silver , 16 to 1 , should it bo made the platform sentiment of the party in 1900. I will give my full support to any can didate whom the con vent ion selects. " Is that being a true American citizen ? Is that being a true democrat ? It is being a mere stick to be bent and twisted as the boss runs the machine. Is that freedom ? Is it manliness ? THE CONSERVATIVE is no such democrat. Freedom of llio Press is National Snl- vatioii. Thus thought and said the fathers. They put their belief in the constitution. They sanctified it in their blood. Too many of their sons seek to make it un constitutional. They are illegitimate children. They are traitors at heart and would be in fact if they could. They forget I860. What would become of honesty in the government with a gagged press ? What would become of the public health if the doctors could muzzle the press ? What would become of the church but for a free press ? What would become of education but for the power of the press ? Freedom would be buried , corruption and vice would prevail. It is the machine partisan press that breeds and nourishes it. We should live in a world of intellectual darkness. The press , beyond all other means of transmitting knowledge , be yond the pulpit , beyond our educational institutions , is the bearer of the torch light of knowledge to the minds of the people. The press is the power by which the intellect of man moves the world from darkness to light. The vast majority read nothing else. No one objects to a partisan press , a partisan pulpit , a partisan individual. The independent is a partisan. Truth demands it. There are two kinds of partisanship. There is the partisanship of ignorant traditionalism. There is also the partisanship of intelligent positivism. THE CONSERVATIVE seeks to be such. True conservatism always