The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, September 28, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    - Ljgj j *
tTbe Conservative *
Itopoul of Special Favors the Stop.
The recent Chicago rouferenco upon
"trusts" hod one result of great value.
It brought out clearly and unmistakably
that the first step to be taken in the
matter must be the abolition of every
protective duty that favors a trust.
All shades of opinion were repre
sented , from actual commendation to
violent denunciation , and every position
had a fair hearing. It only needed such
a discussion to reveal at the same time
how superficial were all the arguments
advanced in support of the "trusts" and
yet how impracticable was almost every
remedy proposed for the evil. But
throughout the discussion , and even be
cause of it , one proposition and one
remedy .stood out with greater and
greater clearness each time they were
advanced the proposition becoming
almost an axiom , whose mere statement
at once demanded the only logical step
as a remedy.
Protection favors trusts.
Then remove the favors.
Other propositions were of doubtful
constitutionality ; there was no such
question as to this one. Some were un
just ; this was justice itself. Some pro
posed constitutional amendments , in
volving doubt and delay for many years ;
this could be settled in one congress.
Legislation compelling publicity would
be admirable in its way ; but publicity
would serve rather as a means of dis
covering ultimate remedies than as an
effective remedy most needed now.
A Popular Demand.
The demand for a removal of the pro
tective taxes wherever they grant privi
leges to trusts is not only logical and
just but it has arisen spontaneously
among members of all political parties
and in all sections of the country. The
American people abhor privilege. They
will not knowingly consent to it , auc
when they have supported legislation
which granted special privileges it has
only been through misunderstanding
The prominence of the great combiua
tions culled "trusts" has already re
moved much of the misunderstanding
under which protective taxes have
hitherto been supported and the people
are eager today to listen to the evidence
and ready to give the case a fair
The press can render no greater ser
vice than by spreading the facts ; and
believing that the statement of them
will strengthen the popular conviction
that "tariff is the mother of trusts" and
render the popular demand for the im
mediate remedy irresistible , I venture
to offer the services of the New Englauc
Free Trade League in helping to secure
for your columns frequent articles from
eminent men well posted upon the sub
ject , explaining in detail the nature of
ihe coiiiioctLon between the protective
axes and the trusts which they support
such as those in tin plate , window
glass , lead , steel rails , paper , etc. ) and
showing the extent to which they enable
the trusts to extort from our people. I
am assured already of the assistance of
many men whose information and opin-
ons are of the highest value.
IJourlto Cockran Answered.
One of the most eloquent men in the
country , the Hon. Bourke Cockran , in
quired at the recent trust conference
' whether a monopoly that oppresses
exists , and where it is ? Who is hurt ,
and where ? Where has the octopus
got possession of somebody ? On whom
is it acting ? Where is its lair ? "
The answer is easy and is based on
evidence familiar to all. American pro
ducers for years have proved their
ability , if freed from tariff restrictions ,
to compete with foreigners. Wherever ,
then , a trust is producing a protected
article and is extorting from our people
more than the price at which it could be
imported free of the protective tax
there is the lair of a monopoly or
octopus which has possession of the
whole American people and is acting
upon them , but is able to hurt them
solely because of the power which it
derives from the protective tariff.
Objections 'Considered.
All trusts are not supported by the
tariff ; but that is no reason why those
which are so supported should be
allowed to bleed the people while we
are groping for more complete reme-
dies. Removing the taxes which support
those trusts , will not , it is true , reach all
the trust evils ; neither will it remove
all the tariff evils. But that is no argn
meiit against extending relief where it
is possible. We do not give up courts
because they cannot do full justice to
every one , nor discard medicine and
surgery because they cannot cure
every ill.
Both our great political parties do
iiounce trusts and the platforms of both
will continue to promise a remedy. I :
there is one thing , however , that this
self-governing people should have
learned by experience , it is the danger
of trusting to such promises unless they
are too definite to be safely evaded after
election. But if our people concentrate
their energies upon the demand for the
removal of the power for extortioi
which the protective taxes give to trusts
immediate relief will bo sure ; for the
trusts will no longer be able to confront
the people with the old complacent in
quiry : -'What are you going to do
about it ? " And the party that succeed
in the election will not dare to evade
such i definite declaration from , the
people of what they mean to do.
President New England Free Trade
The voters of Nebraska should now
be authoritatively informed as to the
alleged attempt on the part of the lead
ers of the populist party when they
ecured a recount of the vote on a con-
titutional amendment to debauch the
'ranchise , steal the real majority vote
and expand the minority into a ] fraudu-
ont majority for their own'bonefit 1
Was such an attempt made ?
Was it made by House Bill number
ivo which had'tho approval of Governor
lolcomb and all the other leaders of
'usion then gathered at the state house
u Lincoln ?
What "did Representative Severe of
Otoe county have to do with securing
the passage of an act , the avowed pur
pose of which was to place in'powor two
judges of the supreme court and an
amendment to the organic law of the
state ?
THE CONSERVATIVE seeks the truth in
regard to the rumored assault of the
ballot by a conspiracy of law-makers
known as populists ? Where can the
truth be found ? When found will it
show that Governor Holcomb had a
guilty knowledge of the attempt to defraud -
fraud the people of their right to govern
themselves ? Was House Rent Hol
comb knowing to the fact that there
was attempt , by conspiracy , to capture
the supreme court of the state ? Was
he one of the conspirators ?
Does Senator Front's report give any
light on this dark subject ? Why did
Governor Poynter refuse to permit the
filing of that report at the state house ?
Does it contain too much truth ? Give
up the facts. Let the people behold
them !
KlLLKlt. al Blarney Smyth
of Nebraska is a
modern St. George to the dragon of
monopoly , enflnshed in trusts. Smyth
is the killer of trusts. He has , however ,
forgotten in his octopuccidal mania ,
to hurl himself upon the silver combine
at Omaha , which is one of the large and
long tentacles of the sixteeu-to-oue
When Smyth charges upon the
argentiferous monopoly which runs a
smelter at Omaha there will be a con
flict of giants. The small skirmish with
The Standard Oil Company which
Smyth has inaugurated merely for
electioneering purposes is only a sham
But the silver trust will find that when
Smyth , aided by Bryan , Allen and
Holcomb , storms its works , a battle to
extermination has begun 1 And thus the
reformers will prohibit the use of money
furnished by silver bullion and mine
owners during the present campaign in
Nebraska. Down with the silver trust I
It is a twin of Standard Oil1