The Conservative * IXWKST RATES ON RECORD , feature of the fi > ures given in 'Poor's Manual of Railroads for 1899" is that referring to the average rate of transportation received last year from the transportation of freight. The average receipts per ton mile were only 7.58 mills , as against 7.97 mills in 1897 and 8.20 mills in 1896. The decrease was 2.80 per cent last year compared with 1897 , and the average rate per ton mile was the lowest in the history of our railroads. It is not at all surprising that such a low rate record should be made. There was a scramble for busi ness last year among the railroads. Rate wars were frequent , prolonged and severe. Railroad managers seemed to possess a desire to make a better show ing as to the amount of tonnage moved than to profits from such movement. Rates suffered in consequence. The un fortunate feature is the result that fol lowed the year's rate troubles. The low level established has since been con tinued. It has been impossible to re establish the old level , for it rarely occurs that a rate once cut ever makes full recovery. And thus we find a downward tendency in rates not only in 1898 , but for years back. To offset this condition of affairs railroad managers have been compelled to spend vast sums of money each year in the adoption of methods to lessen the cost of operation. Monster locomotives have been built ; the capacity of freight cars steadily enlarged ; heavier rails laid ; road-beds practically re-made ; wooden bridges have given away to steel structures , and the length of trains increased. All for the purpose stated to lessen the cost of operation. Had not this been done there would be few railroads in the country today making returns to their shareholders. In fact , most of them would have been bankrupt ; for each succeeding year found profits dwindling , the margin between gross and net earn ings growing less and less. No one believes the end has yet been reached. The tendency of rates is still downwards. "Whether or not railroad managers will be able to introduce further economies in operation as a partial offset remains to be seen. If not , congress must enact laws which will establish rates on a profitable basis. And this is the relief which railroad men all over the country expect. Railway World. PROFESSIONAL TKUSTS. practice law is re stricted to men who have studied and been admitted , by authority of qualified courts , to com pete for the honors and emoluments of the legal profession. This "trust" for a class called lawyers gives a monopoly tea a few. Ic precludes the many from any attempt to try to make a living out of law. But there are some regular mem bers of the legal guild who notwith standing the exclusion of competition fail to succeed. Such become generally mere suggesters. They advocate reme dial laws for every ill that in an eco nomic or political way worries man kind. They oppose all combinations for profits , except the great combine of regularly admitted attorneys. And the members of this combine furnish the great orators to fight trusts everywhere ! Nebraska has very stringent laws creating a class who alone may practice medicine i n this Medical Trust. , , common wealth. The disciples of Esculapius are vigilant. No faith-cure expert , no osteologist or bone healer , no magnetic manipulator can break into Nebraska and attempt treating afflicted humanity without being proceeded against by the doctors' trust. The various Christian denominations are each a monopoly in a certain style _ . , , of creed. Each Theological Trust. . . . church is a com bine to propagate certain doctrines. Each one affirms itself orthodoxy and all its competitors are heterodoxy. Some of them claim to have a monopoly of the right of way which along "the straight and narrow path" leads to a delightfnl terminus of eternal beati tudes. And besides these trusts of a mental and moral character which limit compe- , titionin intellect- The Coffin Trust. , , . . . ual and religious fields , we find The Society of American Undertakers has the last and most effective combination for high profits on a product which has the steadiest and most iiuiversal market. These sad- faced sympathizers with human afflic tion have a casket combine by which the luxury of a decently conducted funeral costs the corpse more than a trip to Europe costs a live person. After law , medicine and theology have taxed a man from birth to death , the undertakers take the remains and in a single effort out-do all their predecessors in polite and unescapable extortion. Shall there be another meeting of the civic federation at Chicago to consider professional trusts and to prepare for the undertakers' combine ? An acquaintance , , / - - ! i of Mr. Richard Harding Davis furnishes the following anecdote which he thinks is authentic , though he was not there himself. It has the appearance of a parable , and still it is not unlike some of those flashes of sardonic humor , the remem brance of which helps to keep Yankee hearts warm through the cold New England winter. It at least serves to illustrate the estimation in which Mr. Davis is held by those who know him. It seems that that distinguished author was in some small New England town and wished to attend a local assembly of some kind , but found on reaching the appointed spot that he was tardy , and that no accommodations were any longer to be had save the privilege of standing on his two feet. This was not satisfactory to Mr. Davis , who had moreover a friend with him ; so he approached preached an elderly native , whom he espied occupying a desirable place , together with a small boy , and looked at him significantly. This failed to dis lodge the native , so Mr. Davis , after waiting a reasonable time , spoke to him about it. "Perhaps you don't know me , " he said ; "I am Mr. Richard Hard ing Davis , and this is my friend , Mr. so-and-so. " - - , "Mercy sakes , " responded the New Englander , instantly rising ; "is it pos sible ? The great Mr. Davis ? It is for me to apologize , I am sure. But let me introduce myself ; I am God the Father , and this" pulling forth the small Yankee from behind him "is my be loved son. Take our seats , by all means , gentlemen. " DOWNTRODDEN FARMERS. On Thursday , August 31st , 1899 , the old settlers in the county south of Otoe gathered at Nem aha City for a picnic and a general'interchange of experiences and reminiscences. Gov. Robert W. Fnr- nas , who was a principal figure on the occasion , estimated the number present at between four and five thousand. They were a stalwart folk. They were joyous and exuberant in health and prosperity. Instead of arriving at the grounds in ox wagons as they would have done thirty-five or forty years ago , they came in pretty surreys , nice buggies and comfortable carriages. The pleasure vehicles in attendance numbered so many that good judges estimated them to have cost more than fifty thousand dollars. Poor farmers ! How plutocratic tyranny rides them I "It is not a democratic nomination in any way , shapw , or manner , " says the Cleveland Plain Dealer ( dem. ) , of the choice of McLean. "It has no claim to the support of democrats who are true to the principles and organization of Ohio. The candidate represents nothing but his own selfish interests , and those interests are antagonistic to democratic welfare. No democrat who refuses to vote for him can be justly accused of bolting a democratic nomination , for the nominee is not entitled to consideration as a democrat. " "So far as getting the silver plank right up to the front , if the signs of the times are worth anything , Mr. Bryan is going to have his way , " the Baltimore News ( dem. ) thinks. "Whether he can make it a real feature of the campaign is another question. "