Conservative ,
Tno Sftu
I1IIYAN ON . _ , , „ . . ,
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tenibor 11th quotes
from a bucolio oration by Oolouol Brynn
nmdo at the Onlifoniia state fair in
Sacramento a few days since. The
beautiful and pathetic passage which
seems io have challenged comment by
The Call is in Colonel Bryan's best style
and reads thus :
"Yon turn a hog loose , and if it is
worth only a dollar or two somebody
will see in it value enough to justify
caring for the hog , and yet all over this
state you will find people drifting from
place to place and many seeming uncon
scious of their sufferings and indifferent
to their welfare. I want to suggest if
you want to develop the resources of
your state you had bettor give attention
to people as well as to cattle and hogs. "
It seems that Colonel Bryan spoke at
Sacramento , spoke at Stockton , spoke at
"Wawoua , spoke at San Francisco and
then went back to Sacramento and
spoke again. This last speech was at
the state fair and in commenting upon
it The Call remarks that
"The only inspiration Mr. Bryan
seems to have taken from it was an im
pulse to slander the state in the remarks
we have quoted. It was the best he had
to say for California , and worse has
never been said of any state and its
people. "
# * * * # *
"He informs the world , in uugram-
matical language , that in this state stray
hogs are fed and stray men left to
starve ! He says that all over Califor
nia men are drifting from place to place
and there is indifference to their suffer
ings , while hogs are cared for and fed. "
Then The Call proceeds with energy
and dispatch to dissect this speech of
Colonel Bryan's. And with a oruel and
brutal frankness remarks , relative to
the oratorical effort made at Sacramento
aforesaid :
"His speech is a falsehood and a
slander. It is not true that men are
drifting and starving all over this state ,
or in any part of it. Mr. Bryan has no
vocation himself. "
And then the California slugger of
The Call hits out in the following
. , . , vicious manner
A Vicious Blow. , , , . ,
and declares of
Colonel ' 'He industry
Bryan : promotes no
dustry , hires no men , pays no wages.
He gets a living out of politics , by ex
ploiting the ambitions and the greeds of
his fellow men who hope in his success
to get the gain of office and the pleasures
of power. What client has he had and
what fee has he received as a lawyer
since 1896 ? What has he earned with
his pen as a journalist in the lost three
years ? : What paid the cost of his trip
to this state and back ? " Could any
thing be meaner , more pertinent and
more impertinent than those beastly
interrogations to Colonel Bryan ?
What fee 1 What client I since 1890 ,
has ho had ? Ho had the republic for a
client. Ho had Cuba for a client. His
foe was gore and glory on the sandy
beach of Florida and in the jungles of
Cuba , with rations and a colonel's pay
thrown in , while ho periled limb , tongue
and voice in eternal talk.
But The Call persisting in its obtrusive
impudence proceeds to impale our noble
, , , and disinterested
Is Ilrynn u , , .
Wonltlt ? * Ollow-Oltizeil Upon
the point of its
pen ; and vituperatively remarks :
'After slandering California in his
Sacramento speech ho said : 'A few
weeks ago I spout several days upon the
lakes of Michigan and Wisconsin , and I
saw there the summer homes lining the
banks of those lakes , and the thought
that came to me was : How small a
proportion of the people of this great
laud are able to enjoy summer vacations.
And the thought that pained mo the
most was that the producers of the
wealth of the nation have loss time and
money for summer vacations than any
other clans , and the thought came tome ,
is it a just government ? ' Out of this
jumble of 'thoughts' that 'pained' the
only conclusion is that a just govern
ment would give everybody a summer
vacation 1 Bat what was Mr. Bryan
doing on the lakes ? Is he a producer of
wealth ? "
Then the Cell says : "After a vaca
tion 'on the lakes a few weeks ago' he
, , has taken another
lioss Vacationist. , , . . , ,
here and visited
the Yosemite. The cost of it is not less
than $500 , if he paid his way. He at
tacks our people and charges them with
feeding hogs and letting men starve all
over the state. They want to know
how he gets the money for a summer
vacation that extends from the Great
Lakes to the Pacific Coast. When he
comes around and thinks thoughts that
pain him , and sees sights that make him
sad , and tells the world that Californians
are indifferent to human suffering and
let men drift and starve while the hogs
are fed and sheltered , they want to
know how Mr. Bryan gets the money to
travel around and criticise his fellowmen -
men who have summer homes in Wis
consin and raise hogs and cattle in Cali
fornia ? "
And finally to crown its wicked assault
upon Colonel Bryan the plain people's
only friend and
A Swinish , , . . . .
Conundrum. Sole hope-thlS m-
describably fero-
oions and satanio San Francisco Cell
perpetrates the following : "The man
who sets himself up as a censor of the
humanity and charity of others must
show something more than demagogue
pretense and thoughts that pain him.
What is he doing for humanity ? How
many that he saw drifting all over this
state did ho relieve from his purse ?
What example of charity and humanity
did ho sot to our 'indifferent' people ?
What tramp did ho feed or clothe ? Did
ho oven find any hog besides himself
while ho was in the state ? "
Could The Call bo more disrespectful ?
"Tho Reed rules enabled the lower
house of the last congress to trans
act a vast amount of business at a criti
cal time in the country's history , when
now and stirring issues were being
created , and small minds sought to
make party capital by impeding the
progress of legislation , " says the Chicago
Times-Herald ( rep. ) . "The next house
should go slow when it comes to modify
ing the Reed rules , or it will hear from
the people. "
"Only a declaration making the gold
dollar the standard of value would settle
beyond cavil the dangerous question of
what our legal standard is , " declares the
Chicago Evening Post ( Rep. ) . "There
may be senators who are afraid of the
word 'gold , ' but the majority of the
intelligent business men and citizens
will stiffen the backbones of these timid
and doubting Thomases , and insist on
an unequivocal gold declaration plus
the provisions for greenback impound
ing. We want both changes , but of the
two the more 'decisive , ' the more con
clusive , is that establishing gold as the
standard and reducing silver to the level
of credit currency. "
Charles Warren of Boston , who has
recently returned from a tour in the far
West , tells a correspondent of the Spring
field Republican that the mass of the
people , as ho found them , were strongly
opposed to the administration's policy in
the Philippines. He made it a point to
talk with people wherever he found
them , not merely with the politicians ,
but with the mass of the people who do
the voting. Where there was a com
mercial group of men , with something
to make by trade , he found that they
were expansionists , but in every other
quarter he found that the mass of the
people were opposed to the war.
Thomas J. Qargan of Boston , a promi
nent gold democrat and a supporter of
Palmer and Buckuer in 1896 , now says :
"I believe it the duty of all men believ
ing in the perpetuity of our republic to
ally themselves with the demooratio
party. Imperialism has already nearly
doubled our taxation , and means , if con
tinued , a vast standing army , eating out
the substance of the people. We daily
read with profound sorrow the sacrifice
of the lives of American citizens in a
distant land in a conflict with a people
who are struggling to secure the same
liberty for which we fought in the
eighteenth century. "