12 TTbe Conservative. When others have failed then it's time to consult PROF ? . THEO. KHARAS , The Magnetic Healer. Superintendent of THE NEBRASKA MAGNETIC INFIRMARY and THE NEBRASKA SCHOOL OF MAGNETISM , Nebraska City , Nebraska. &LQ BUYS A $3.50 SUIT 3,000 Ir.LhllKA'l KU " .NKVKltM KAIIOtl" DOLIII.K bhAT AM ) K.NKE. HKtitLAIl * S.SO HOYS' TUO. I'IKK K.-SKK i'ANTB BITI8 AT SI.08. A NEW SUIT FREE FOR ANY OF THESE SUITS WHICH DON'T GIVE SATISFACTORY WEAR , SEND NO MONEY , eutlliliad. out and send to us , tnte age of boy and gay whether large or tmall forage and we will send you the suit by express , 0. O. D. subject to ex amination You ran examine It at your express ofllceand If found perfectly tails- factor'and equal to lulls lold U jourlown for 93.60 , pay your express agent our Special i Offer Price. M.HH , and express charges. THESE KNEE PANT SUITS are for boys 4 to v5 15 \ ran * of iik'O and are retailed eierj liere at : 3.oO. Made Kith UOU1ILE dEAT and KNKKS , latest 1000 ttjle a Illustrated , made from a ipeelal lieary weight , near-reflilinf , all-noo ! Blanlim l'asi > lraere , neat , handsome pattern , flne Italian llninpr , genuine ( Irnjdon Inlerllnlnp , | iaddlng , ll ) ln and rflnforclns , tllL and linen nenlnjt , flnel&llor-made throu lioutnitult nny liny or parent uouldlic proud of. KU FKEK CLOTH SAMI'I.KS nf llnjs * Untiling for lmj 4 to in YKAIIH , nrlle for Snmple llnnk No. U5K , contains fashion plates , tape mcasiirennd fullinstructlonshowtoorder. MenV Suit * made to order IVom $5.00 up. Sam ples sent free on application. Address. SEARS , ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc. ) , Chicago , III. ( Scan , Koebuek k Co. arc thoroughly reliable. Kdltor. ) THE CHAMPION FANNING MILL " % * AND " * < SEED SEPARATOR. It is light running and durable. M r | < a. gradual force feed superior to all t < J j others. Saves money and labor * Send * : t i : , for circular and prices. Agents wanted { J | j in unoccupied territory. r' t < 4 Solar ) VIa.iufacturiig r'M Kauhauna , THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO DRY GOODS. Importers , Jobbers and Retailers. ' 505-1507-1509 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. New York Office 256 Church St. OUR FIRST BOW. For the first time we appear before the readers of THE CONSERVATIVE a fit ting medium for such a store as ours. Ours is a conservative store. The good old methods suit us , and they also suit our kind of customers. "We invite you to call and see us , or should yon wish to bring our store and its wares to your own door , write a postal , state your wants and , with the aid of Uncle Sam , samples will reach you promptly. OUR FALL STOCK IS COMPLETE. And never before were we able to show such an assortment. Your money goes back to you cheerfully if not suited with your purchase. Every article we sell we guarantee. Only Good Dry Goods , remember. Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. Grand Canon of Arizona 220 miles long , 9 to 18 miles wide , a mile deep , and painted like a flower. "The Greatest , Grandest , Most Wonderful Sight in the World ! " Excursion rates via the Santa Fe Route. Write for illustrated descriptive book and full particulars to General Passenger Office The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Chicago