' A
10 'Cbc Conservative *
These waste and idle lands should bo
converted into avenues of beauty. The
average farmer has 160 acres. Ho gives
the use of four of these to the public for
a highway , while he retains a practical
ownership. In case the road is vacated
the land reverts to him. The law allows
him eight feet in which to plant trees.
Our roads are four rods wide , and only
one or two rods are used for travel.
Does the farmer ever figure up how
much ho loses by sheer neglect of his
interest in the highway ?
In eastern Nebraska I saw a row of
cottonwoods , planted and left to them
selves. They were about thirty years
old. I have had some experience in
lumbering , and I figured on the wood
and boards in that row , a half mile long.
To my amazement I found them worth
$600. And if the owner had lived up to
his privileges and planted the full mile
to which he was entitled , he would have
had $1,000 worth. So much for a quar
ter section. A full section would be
$4,000 , a township $144,000 , and a county
of sixteen townships $2,304,000.
What is the use of going to the Klon
dike with such possibilities in our very
streets ? Cottonwood is not the best of
lumber , yet for bridge plank it is far
more durable than pine , and what barns
we could have ! The millions sent out
of the state for lumber and coal could
be retained.
You say I have got my figures too
high. It is possible some rough lauds
might not do so well. If you cut it
down one-half , then you can mourn over
lost millions.
Hovr to Flnnt Konils.
Plow a strip sixteen feet wide and
cultivate well. Take four horses and
throw out a furrow as deep as possible ,
and pulverize it well. If you plant
cottouwood or Carolina poplar , take
good sized cuttings , last year's growth ,
a foot long , plant deep , leave about an
iach out , and press the earth solid at the
bottom with fine earth on top , and to
make sure , plant them a foot apart.
Planted close , the trees you leave stand
ing will be straight. Let all grow a few
years , then cut out all but the finest ,
leaving these if possible eight feet apart.
In a few years you can cut out half of
these. If you use cottonwood , get cut
tings from the smoothest , thriftiest
trees. There is a great difference in
them ; some are shapely while others are
gnarled and ragged. An arrangement
should be made to have the same trees
planted each side of the road.
In Cass county there is a beautiful
avenue of honey locust , called Acacia
Avenue. There is another , Catalpa
Avenue , and in early summer , when in
full bloom , it makes a delightful drive.
One section , that is , a mile , can be
planted to ash , another to elm and be
yond this box elder. The giant white
poplar , which grows straight as an ar
row , would make a magnificent avenue
The boleanna poplar would make an
other. This is hard to propagate.
Take a piece of scion five inches long ,
and graft it on a piece of Loinbardy , of
the same length.
Black walnut would make a noble
road tree. Most trees , except the pop
lar family and cottonwood , and perhaps
the black walnut , should bo started in
the nursery , and then transplanted when
four to six feet high. The Russian
olive must not be forgotten for a road
tree. Its hardiness , rapid growth , its
fragrance in bloom , silver leaves and
fruit make it a charming tree , and in
springtime a drive through a highway
lined with this tree would be like a
drive through fairyland. Roadside trees
endure the drouth much better than
those in the forest , for they have more
Again , some sections of our highways
could be planted to evergreens. And
what a comfort in winter 1 The silver
cedar of the Rockies often grows on
hard , dry ledges , and is one of the most
attractive of our evergreens. There
are many in the Republican valley that
are thrifty , symmetrical and charming.
This is doubtless the mother of the
Platte cedar. This latter is a cheap ,
hardy , rapid growing tree. You can
get them for $10 to $20 a thousand.
Plant in a nursery , and in two or three
years place them in the road. One
avenue can bo planted to Austrian pine ,
and in the western part of the state to
the Ponderosa. Then line one street
with the noble and graceful concolor ,
which throws out a tremendous tap
root , and weathers the drouth well.
The Black Hills spruce , on account of
its proximity to our great plains , will
do fairly well east of the 100th meri
dian. A road lined with these could
not fail to be attractive. If yon want
something unique , something people
will drive miles to see , then plant one
street with the picea pungens , those
trees which glisten and shimmer in the
sunlight in their robes of silver.
But you say they are too expensive by
far. Some of them sell as high as $10
apiece. That is so , and they ore worth
it. Mr. Whitney , of Illinois , who
originated Whitney's No. 20 , refused
$100 for one. But. if you will send to
O. L. Whitney , of Warren , O. , he will
send you fine trees for about $100 a
thousand , well packed. Pat these in
your nursery a couple of years , and
they will be ready for your road. They
are the easiest to handle of all the coni
fers. I have planted 400 without the
loss of one. These trees will soon be
offered in York at reasonable rates.
These choice trees want the best of
cultivation and plenty of manure ap
plied to the surface of the ground to
bring out their best points. Left to
grass and weeds , they will get the sulks
and turn green , and I don't blame
The highway should be the lawn of
the farm. Why not ? When you plant
trees take care of them. Cultivate a
strip eight feet wide , each side of them.
Evergreens can bo planted a rod apart ,
and some deciduous trees between them.
The catalpa will do well in the eastern
part of the state , and when the ever
green crowds it cut it out. Oh , you say
the cost 1 I say the worth , the beauty
of it I Plant an acre less corn , and put
your work in your streets.
Of course a distinction must bo made
between the country east and west of
the 100th meridian. Many trees like
the choice poplars and catalpas do finely
east , while it would not be advisable to
use them on the plains. But there is a
choice collection which may be used
there. The silver and Platte cedars ,
the brown cedar and pinon. Then there
is the Russian olive , the honey locust ,
the hackberry , the ash and the elm , and
in low grounds and valleys the poplars.
Wherever you are , never plant your
trees on a ridge , but in a depression or
furrow which will catch the water.
Perhaps you can arrange so your trees
in some places can catch the water from
a hillside.
In a portion of Connecticut a few
years ago some progressive farmers
commenced planting roadside trees.
The fame of that region went for and
wide. It became a popular resort for
fine turnouts. The land rose in value ,
and many farms were sold for summer
What marvels have been accomplished
in beautiful York in twenty-five years.
Clean out all the trees , and the city
would hardly be worth half its present
What would be the effect on our state
of street planting thus outlined ? We
would have one of the most charming
states in the Union. Our highways
would bo ever changing delights.
Homes would be so attractive , and the
country would have such charms.
Young people would not leave for the
crowded city. Children , instead of
being reared on dreary farms , where
the steer and hog have the "right of
way , " would look back on home as the
dearest spot on earth , and the farm as
the richest heritage.
O. S. Harrison ,
President Nebraska Park and Forestry
"Disgusted with the country , dis
gusted with its inhabitants , disgusted
with the war , disgusted with the com
mander that is the state of mind of the
men who have done the fighting , " notes
the Philadelphia North American ( rep. ) .
"Scattered through the United States ,
these soldiers will necessarily have an
important influence in forming public
opinion as to the whole enterprise. "