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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1899)
* m Conservative * A recent publi- 1VIIAT ? cntiou by n lead ing organ of Bryanarchy declares : "No trust ever contributed n cent to the democratic campaign fund since W. J. Bryan got control of the party. " Since the Nebraska Independent thus declares the Boss-ship of Bryan how can it fail to remember that the Silver Smelter's Guild the combination of all It v the owners and producers of silver bul lion in the United States put up for his election in 1896 hundreds of thoupauds of dollars ? That combine of capital and the Bryan combine of offlcehunters work for the same end. They co-labor to make silver junk worth a dollar and twenty-nine cents an ounce by a mere bo-it-euacted , when on the world's mar kets that metal is selling for about sixty cents an ounce. What would the silver combine re fuse to give to elect the Bryan combine ? What did it refuse to give in 1896 ? What did it put into Nebraska that year ? GODDAKD VS. SMYTHE. The attorney-general of Kansas is not a flabbergastic , flamboyant demagogue seeking to get votes for his party , by bringing suits against corporations just at the beginning of a campaign. Mr. Goddard even has the temerity testate state : ' 'If anybody can point out one benefit which the people would secure by my driving The Standard Oil Com pany from Kansas I will go into the supreme court and ask that it be en joined from transacting any further business in Kansas. " But in Nebraska Constant Blarney Smythe with benignant complacency smilingly paraphrases Goddard and de clares : "If anybody in Nebraska can point out one office , which the people will award to me , or secure to House Rent Holcomb or Bryauarchy in general , I will begin proceedings against The Standard Oil Company Justin the putset of our hunt for offices , under the triune trust of populism , Chicago platformism and silver republicanism. " Goddard wants cheap oil. Smythe wants cheap votes. Goddard uses com mon sense. Smythe uses blarney. General Attorney - SMYTHE. eral Smythe is not ignorant of the fact that the Omaha smelter became a member of the smelt ing works syndicate last April. Attorney-General Smytho must know that the smelter combine is as much a trust as The Standard Oil Company and that the aforesaid silver smelting com bine is also doing business in Nebraska , right under his nose , even in Omaha. Why does Attorney-General Smythe fail to begin an action to prevent the Silver Trust from doing business in Ne braska ? Would the tearing down of the enormous trust in silver which is represented , at Omaha , by Barton and Nash be anything more than an allur ing duty to Attorney-General Smythe ? How could the utter destruction of the combine to raise the price of silver be anything else than frantically pleasing to Allen , Clem Deaver , Bryan & Com pany ? Standard Oil is only a pigmy a Tom Thumb compared to the Silver Trust now and always for free silver at 16 to 1 , and always putting up money for Bryan 1 HiniETAI/LIST CEUNUSCHI. The howlers for free coinage who , under the instruction and command of Colonel Bryan , declare that opening the United States mints to the free and un limited coinage of silver at sixteen to one will make silver bullion equal in value to silver coin , abjure the teachings of Henri Ceruuschi. He said : "L'argent monnatjc vaitt plus quc Ic metal non monnaye. La faussete de cette maxime a ete denoncee a tonics Ics epoques da Vhistoire ; les anciens rois qui V ont praliquee enl rccu ct garde le nom dc faux monnaycurs. " Which being translated so that all Bryauarchists can read and understand that their tutors and leaders have been teaching "a maxim the falsity of which has been denounced in all the epochs of history" is as follows : "Minted silver is worth more than that metal non-minted. "The falsity of this maxim has been denounced in all the epochs of history ; the ancient kings who practiced it have received and retained the name of false coiners. " What have modern political bosses who preach this maxim to say in exten uation of the crime of misleading people ple by misinformation on the money question ? Ancient kings and modern bosses are always false coiners ! THE WSGUSTING. CONSERVATIVE stated , some weeks since , the fact that Colonel William Jennings Bryan when first he sought an office in Nebraska de clared that he wished that office because of the money it would bring him , and not for the honor , The New York Sun and several other papers have contra dicted THE CONSERVATIVE , and even in timated that it has an impediment in its veracity. The smaller organs of Bryan archy , however , merely deny , in a feeble way , the implied desire for money and denounce the allegation as "dis gusting. " The truth , sometimes , is ex ceedingly disgusting to a liar , and at all times overwhelming to falsehood. " " is tto money . in the office and not the honor which I seek" said Col. William Jennings Bryan when he first began making a fortune out of politics. _ The triune trust . . , 1JUYANAKCIIY. , . . . . . . . by which all the offices in Nebraska are sought to be monopolized held a meeting of its direc tors at Omaha on the 22d of August 1899. The allegedly democratic corporation , the pretended silver republican corpora tion , and the Allen populist corporation merged their stock into a blind pool. As trusts in manufacture and commerce bury all differences of methods , opinions and principles for the sake of profits , so this triune trust of office-seekers caused the silver office- - protection - republican - - hunter , and the free-trade-office-hunt- to shake ing-Ohicago-platform-democrat hands , embrace and fuse with the initia tive - referendum and irredeemable- money-populist for public position and ' 'for the money in it rather than the honor. " The platform is merely a personal pro- uunciamento. It was drafted , submitted and passed by Mr. Bryan who is "a boss" in Nebraska as Croker is in New York. THE CONSERVATIVE copies from the Douglas County World-Herald of August 23 , 1899 , the subjoined : " W. J Bryan , chairman of the com mittee on resolutions , stepped upon the stage to read the report of the com mittee , and was greeted with a storm of applause. IMiitforin a Scorcher. "The following is the platform , the reading of which was punctuated by repeated cheers : "We , the democrats of the state of Nebraska , in convention assembled , in dorse and emphasize each and every plank of the national platform adopted at Chicago in 1896. "Our confidence in the principles sot forth in that platform has been increased as those principles have been vindicated by events. The gold standard is less de fensible now than it was in 1896 since the president has confessed its failure by sending a commission to Europe to secure foreign aid is added proof that the people of the United States must act alone if they expect relief. The present legal ratio of 16 to 1 is the natural and necessary ratio and the opponents of that ratio have nothing to offer in its place but the evasion and ambiguous phraseology elegy which for years furnished to the gold standard advocates a mask behind which to hide while they secretly labored to make gold monometallism permanent. Any improvement in business conditions due to the increased production of gold or to a favorable balance of trade , in stead of supporting the gold standard doctrine , shows that more money makes better times and points the way to bi metallism as the means of securing a permanent increase in the volume of standard money throughout the world. "The republican scheme to lessen the volume of standard money by making