V : Conservative ; IA VOL. II. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , AUGUST 31 , 1899. NO. 8. PUUM8IIED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL IJEVOTEI ) TO THE DISCUSSION OK POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 6,240 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known npon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 20th , 1898. Edgar Howard > s > . . . _ . . . . . . m. TO vitiiiES.Papilhon Times is dancing and sing ing gleefully because Holcomb has been nominated for supreme judge and at the same time forbidden to accept free transportation on railroads. This is a direct insinuation , by Howard , as to Holcomb and all other populists , that susceptibility to bribery is a prevalent weakness. Railroad fare , two and a half cents a''mile ' , being averted by a the two-and-a-half cent intellects pass , - - - , which are , in Howard's estimate , liable to get fusion nominations will be deliv ered from temptation. Too susceptible are the two-and-a-half-ceut souls. Too easily led astray by being "passed ; " would Howard say. William Vin- UAH.BOABBH ALLKN. Cellfc Allonfor' merly United States senator and now district judge by the grace of the House-Rent Hol comb crowd , declared in many screeds and speeches for government ownership of all railroads in the United States. Perhaps ho will sometime toll how the government can come into possession of all , the railroads without paying for them and how the pay for them is to be raised without going into debt ? Railroads employ more men than gov ernment. Their ownership by the state _ , , would make more r „ „ . More Ofllces. . . places for politi cians , like Allento fill with their sons and other relatives. Even the Oxnards could . . . . . S &tfi ; " * not contrive soft jobs as rapidly as they could be evolved in the railway service if all the lines were owned and oper ated by a paternal government like that carried on by McKinleyism with the Brother-Abnerism attachment. Labor comprises sixty per cent of the operating expenses of a railroad. Rail road employees rank high in mental and manual discipline , skill and character. There are no bread-winners of any class who outrank the genius , industry and general capacity for useful work of the men and officers of railroads in the United States. At the close of the fiscal year ending June 80 , 1898 , the report of the Interstate - state Commerce Interstate Coin- _ . . . mission. Commission shows that the railroads of this republic were employing eight hundred and seventy-four thousand , five hundred and fifty-eight men. These men had been paid during that year for wages and salaries four hundred and ninety-five millions , fifty-five thousand and six hundred and eighteen dollars. That sum represented forty per cent of the net earnings of all the railroads in this country for that year. The figures show the direct outlay in dollars accruing to the benefit of labor ; but the indirect figures Talk. , lt advantages result ing from railroad enterprise are vastly greater , and are so numerous , so far- reaching , and of such stupendous mag nitude , that we cannot even attempt to grasp them all. "Without the railways this great country would'still ' be a howl ing wilderness , with the exception of a fringe of settlements near the coast. The population would probably be not much more than a tithe of its present rating. Millions of emigrants who have hewn out fortunes for themselves and families in the New World would still be toiling in poverty in their native lauds but for the opportunities afforded them by the transcontinental railroads. All this railroad development haa been accomplished by private outer- Prlvatu Plunk. prise , . for the hope , of gam. The dar ing exploiters of the wilderness did not in vest their money in transportation en terprises from philanthropic motives. The government of the United States did not compel the people to furnish means for constructing these roads ; on the contrary , the railway lines were purely private ventures. Yet there are some discontented grumblers people who nlways profess to believe that what ever exists is bad , and that what is un attainable or impracticable is good ( nmong them unfortunately , not a few railroad employees ) who wish to SPO the government assume control of all rail ways , telegraph and telephone lines , as well as of a host of other modern private enterprises. Some of these advocates of state socialism draw the line at one class of industries , some at another ; and still others have such vague and indefi nite ideas that they have indicated no boundary lines between private owner ship and state control. "Will Senator Allen elucidate his views ? THE CONSERVATIVE hungers for the crisp , lucid brevities of state ment which characterize Allen in eco nomic discussion. Turn on the Allen arc light ! The silver smelter IMPERTINENT WEALTH. ter at Omaha be longs to the silver smelters' and refiners' combine but con tinues to do business notwithstand ing Attorney-General Blarney Smythe's raid upon The Standard Oil Company. The former trust makes a lubricant for the wheels of Bryanarchy. The latter furnishes only a cheap oil for il luminating the homes of the plain pee ple. The former is avowedly working to put up the price of silver , in connec tion with the advocates of its free coin age at 16 to 1. It is the dynamo of pop ulism. ' It is the heart of fusion. It fur nishes circulation for the "Whole Stan dard Office-Seekers' Syndicate. Silver trusts they adore. Oil trusts they de test. THE CONSERVATIVE SIXTEEN TO ONE. TIVE wagers six teen to one that the great , good and zeal ous attorney-general of Nebraska will begin no action against The Standard Silver Smelter Trust with headquarters and leading officers at Omaha. How can Blarney Smytho attack the supporting and nominating power of The Standard Office-Seeking Trust of Nebraska ? Without the brains , money and energy of the silver kings whore would Sinytho , Holcomb , Allen and Bryan get contributions of large size for the cam paign ? How can Smytho smite the sil ver syndicate that nourished him all these years and promises rich and succu lent subsistence for this campaign ?