The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, August 24, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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    Conservative *
and greed. I take it that as intelligent
and well-versed man as the editor of
TIIK CONSERVATIVE is has not failed to
note the fact that 95 out of every 100
American citizens , bo they day laborers ,
farmers , lawyers , doctors or preachers ,
will , on the slightest pretext , plunder
and rob their municipal , state or national
governments. This being true , who can
bring a clean thing out of an unclean t
And in this respect I am not certain we
are any worse than our ancestors. I
know distance lends enchantment , but
if Thomas Jefferson's patriotism was
no more sturdy than Grover Clove-laud's
and wo know Andrew Jackson proud
ly proclaimed that to the victors belonged -
longed the spoils then you have as
clear an exhibition of the children in
heriting their fathers' traits of character
as is possible to have. That which seems
to you a lack of dignity and decency on
the part of American citizens is simply
an increase of enterprising zeal and spirit
resulting from the incentive of increased
spoils to bo secured. No one should be
surprised to find \V. J. Bryan putting
forth greater effort to secure a $50,000
pull on the public treasury than Thomas
Jefferson or Andrew Jackson put forth
for one-half that amount ; yet they
fought duels for the spoils in their day.
Much less should they bo surprised to
see Bryauarchy , Allen and Kem practic
ing demagogy when the spoils are 100
per cent inoro ; and the spoils of one of
our municipal , county or state offices
offer greater inducements to the pot
house politician than a Kansas or Ne
braska farm that would yield 500 bushels
of corn to the acre without plowing ,
planting or reaping offers to the farmer.
It is a clear case of the lack of intelli
gence and integrity essential to self-
government and you cannot get wool
out of a goat's house.
Balloons expanded too much burst
and kill their passengers by a long , hard
fall , and governments also do the same
explosive act sometimes under expan
sion and give cheap statesmen a hard , kil
ling tumble.
An intelligent independent metropoli
tan journal remarks :
"The disposition to stand by the 'com
rade' in the white house is , of course ,
far stronger among his fellow-veterans
of the civil war than among the people
at large. The recent cauvass of 20,000
farmers by Farm and Home showed
that a large majority of the agricultural
population , in both the East and the
West , opposes the war of conquest.
That this canvass correctly represented
popular sentiment in the West is shown
by the similar reports which are made
by the business men from , that section.
The Providence Journal , which has
strongly supported expansion , is in
formed by its New York correspondent
rhat the city is full of Western men
who are hero to buy their season's stock ,
and that 'the one thing they are talking
about is the deep and general disgust in
their sections with the course of things
in the Philippines. ' The Washington
correspondent of The Portland Oregonian -
ian , another expansion journal , quotes
'a very observing man , ' who has made
a tour through Ohio and Illinois , as say
ing that 'there can bo no mistaking the
auti-McKiuloy sentiment that exists
among the people , ' and that 'it is not
democrats , but republicans , who are
complaining that the situation in the
Philippines is not what it ought to be. '
It is the opinion of this observer that a
severe reaction against the administra
tion has now sot in , and that the presi
dent personally is coming to bear more
and more of the responsibility for the
ugly situation. "
Now , wo do believe that Johnson
stands on so high a pedestal because he
is so representative an Englishman , but
we doubt if he ought to bo called repre
sentative of the eighteenth century.
Johnson was a typical Englishman in
his sturdy individualism , in his suspic
ion of "foreigners , " in his hearty hat
red of all humbug , all pretence , all glit
ter and show of rhetoric ( witness his
famous advice as to the ' 'purple patches"
in Robertson's ideal works ) , in his utter
incapacity for speculative thinking
along with his deep capacity for moral
izing , in his strange blend of conserva
tism in thought with radicalism inaction
( "Here's to the next revolution in the
West Indies ! " ) . He stood firmly on his
feet foursquare to all the winds that
blew , resolved to admit no sovereignty
over his life that was not a moral power ,
looking the world boldy in the face , an
insular , choleric , but merciful free-born
Englishman. As such ho is typical of
the nation for all time , perhaps as typi
cal a figure as could be found ; but was
he specially , typical of the eighteenth
century ? The eighteenth century , like
many other generalizations , is a mislead
ing term. There are two eighteenth cen
turies , that of arid logic and prosaic
common sense , and that of romantic
sensibility" and enthusiasm for the
simplicity of nature. The first we trace
in Pope , Locke , and ( spite of his bril
liant persiflage ) in Voltaire. The
second is mirrored in Richardson , Rous
seau , Sterne and Oowper. London Spec
No great teacher more magnified the
infallibility of individual reason than
Buddha , or the self-poise of independent
thought , when he said , as recorded in
the Kalama Sutta :
"Do not believe in what ye have
heard ; do not believe in traditions be
cause they have been handed down for
many generations ; do not believe in
anything because it has been handed
down by many ; do not believe merely
uecauso the written statement of some
old sago is produced ; do not believe
conjectures ; do not believe in that as
truth to which you have become at
tached by habit ; do not believe merely
on the authority of your teachers and
elders ; after observation and analysis
when it agrees with reason , then accept
it and live up to it. "
F. S. B.
Rabbits commence breeding at six
months and average eight young every
three months. It is proposed that wo
commence with twenty pairs , ten males
and ten females , which exclusive of
laud will call for au investment of four
dollars , resulting in the following pro
duct :
8 months 80
0 months 160
9 months 880
1 year 4,160
1 year , 3 months. 17,280
1 year , 0 months. 69,760
1 year , 0 months. 279,080
2 years 1,118,720
2 years , 8 months 4,475,520
2 years , 6 months 17,902,720
2 years , 9 months 71.011,520
years 806,446,720
This product can be sold in the mar
ket certainly at 5 cents each , giving a
gross income in 8 yearsjof § 15,822,866.00 ,
to be deducted from which are the fol
lowing expenses :
Rent of land , per annum , $4,000 $12,000.00
Superintendence , per annum , $2,000. . 6,000.00
Feed ( estimated ) per annum , $2,000. . . 0,000.00
To bo deducted from , gross income ,
leaving a net profit on a four dollar in
vestment of over fifteen million , two
hundred and ninety-eight thousand ,
three hundred and thirty-six ( $15,298-
886.00) ) in three years.
. The capital stock of four dollars will
be divided into 400 shares , par value
one cent- .
You are invited to subscribe.
Senator Hayward -
HAYWAKD. ward has been ill.
But he was not
stricken with paralysis nor smitten
with apoplexy.
Senator Hayward , with whom THE
CONSERVATIVE recently held a conversa
tion , is swiftly regaining health and
vigor. His robust constitution is unim
And there is good reason for conclud
ing that Hayward will be fully restored
to the performance of all legal and of
ficial duties within the next ten days.
Officeseekers might make him sick
again , but it is hoped that oven those
rapacious citizens seeking political place
will permit a rest and time for recuper