The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, August 24, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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be Conservative.
The judicial as-
pirntions of the
former governor , Silas A. Holcomb
immortalized in Bixbian metres as the
chattel mortgage fiend of Broken Bow ,
who took "boar black pig" and cow
called "Speck" as security for the mite
ho loaned the widow have been rent.
Edgar A. Howard will repair the rent ,
tell all he ever meant , assure the pops of
good intent , and without dissent repent
his attempt to circumvent the ambitious
bent of Silas who charged two per cent
for money lent on boar black pigs and
U spotted cows with cuds content.
totters in Sympathy With the Object of
CHICAGO , 111. , Aug. 12. Those opposed
to the present admiuistiation of affnirs
in the Philippine islands have completed
the organization in this city of the Cen
tral Anti-Imperialist League , to cooper
ate with other like bodies in arousing op
position to the policy of imperialism.
This organization is not merely local ,
but is intended to promote the holding
of meetings and to carry on a general
agitation throughout the central West.
The following are the officers of the
league :
President , J. Sterling Morton ; vice-
presidents , A. C. McClurg , Herman E.
von Hoist , Richard T. Crane , Bishop
John Spalding , Graham Taylor , Bishop
Boyd Vincent and Judge Rufus B.
Smith ; secretary , Howard L. Smith ;
treasurer , Frederick W. Godkin ; execu
tive committee , Messrs. Edwin B. Smith ,
Edwin O. Brown , J. Laurence Laughliu ,
Daniel M. Lord , Sigmund Zeisler , Frank
H. Scott and Leroy D. Thoman.
The league has already published two
tracts and will issue others. It is pre
paring to hold meetings in the near fu
ture. Among letters it has received in
support of its work are the following :
Ex-Senator Edmunds.
-Senator George F. Edmunds
writes :
"I am glad you are to hold meetings
in the interest of the true principles of
our government and to oppose the con
quest of people on the other side of the
globe who do not wish to become either
citizens or subjects of the United States
a conquest which very few if any of
its promoters have undertaken to show
would bo finally of material or moral
benefit to our country , and one the im
mediate evils of which in losses of life
and health in our army and of the
treasure of the United States I fear , and
yet only half know. "
Senator Mason Says It IK a War to Make
Senator "William E. Mason says :
"That class of dangerous citizens who
feel above serving their country have
not yet heard of the unnecessary and
unconstitutional war now being waged
by ns to make slaves in the Philippine
islands. They Pay we bought the right
to govern from Spain. Then wo bought
what wo had no right to buy and what
Spain had no right to sell. To get the
technical right to kill we call them
rebels against a government to which
they had never sworn allegiance wo
must make them subjects before they
can bo rebels. Lincoln said no man is
good enough to govern another man
without his consent ; it was true then ,
and it is true now. "
We Are Worse Than Spain , for Sim Was
True to Her Principles , Which We
Ha've Always Denounced.
Mr. Moorfleld Storey , the distinguished
Boston lawyer , writes as follows :
"As was said of slavery , so may we
say of the attempt to subjugate the
Philippines , if it is not wrong nothing is
wrong. The moral law has not changed
in a year. If governments do not de
rive their just powers from the consent
of the governecl what is left but the
divine right of kings or the savage law
of might ? If Spain was wrong in trying
to subdue Cubans and Filipinos , our
country is not right in carrying on the
work. Nay , we are far worse than
Spain , for she was true to her principles ,
which we have always denounced , while
we are false to all that we have ever be
lieved in morals , politics and religion
since we were a nation.
"Those who seek in the will of Provi
dence an excuse for the bloodshed and
rapine which we condemn are but mod
ern examples of the men who from the
down of history have made their deities
responsible for their sins. Every tyrant ,
every persecutor has pleaded a divine
commission. "
The Nation Turned Toward ISaiharlsm.
Prof. Charles Eliot Norton , under re
cent date , writes :
"The course of the nation , against its
better will , against its conscience , has
been turned from civilization toward
barbarism. Every good citizen is called
upon at this moment to use whatever in
fluence , whatever power he may possess ,
to restore the nation to its old , true
course. One end is to be aimed at as
preliminary to all others to bring the
deplorable and shameful war in the
Philippines to a close. "
Mr. Carnutf ie Says AVe Are No Longer Upon
the Old Foundations.
Andrew Carnegie writes from Scot
land :
"Upon no Fourth of July celebration
till this year has there been reason to la
ment a departure from the great princi
ples which the Fourth of July heralded
in 1770. We are no longer upon the old
foundation , but have been carried to the
lower platform of the powerful military
states of Europe , to whom the republic
has been an instructor. The ship of
state has been in troubled waters , but
there is one of her citizens who believes
that the time is not far distant when
those who have endangered her will be
called to account and the principles of
the Declaration of Independence taken
again as the chart and compass which
will bring back the republic to the high
position from which it has temporarily
fallen. "
Mr. Morton Says Good Go\ eminent Should
at Home.
J. Sterling Morton writes :
"Good government , like charity ,
should begin at homo. After the Amer
ican mind shall have sufficiently ex
panded to perfectly assimilate Dr. Frank
lin's epigrammatic injunction , 'Mind
your own business , ' it will be in condi
tion to discuss the duties which annex
to citizenship. Up to this time the
average citizen considers only the privi
leges of his citizenship. Few voters in
the United States recognize any duty to
country as superior to party allegiance.
Partyism has warped and shriveled
patriotism throughout the republic. "
Let Us Not Imitate the Policy of
George III.
The Hon. Herbert Welsh , of Philadel
phia , the well known secretary of the
Indian Rights Association and editor of
City and State , writes :
"July 4 , 1899 , has witnessed a most
extraordinary paradox of our history.
The same free states which struggled
against the tyranny of George III , and
a century later cemented themselves
into what we trust will be a lasting
union for the extinction of slavery , are
now waging an unnatural and cruel war
in the distant Philippine islands , against
a people struggling for independence as
righteously and as passionately with
as much reckless bravery and stubborn
determination as we ourselves showed
in resisting the house of Hanover. In
union with the Filipinos , we fought but
a year ago to break the tyranny of Spain.
If we are wrong , let us say so , and set
ourselves right. Let us beware of the
stupid persistency of George III , and , at
least , remember that we are Americans. "
Ilishop Vincent Calls It an Inhuman War.
Bishop Vincent , of Cincinnati , writes :
' 'Aside from all questions of constitu
tionality or mere expediency it is the
moral situation in which we find our
selves placed in the Philippines , which ,
it seems to me , ought to distress every
true American heart. It is so utterly
un-American in spirit , so almost in
human. How any genuine American ,
with the principles of the Declaration of
Independence in his soul , can look com
placently at what is going on today in
the Philippines , I cannot understand.
What crime have those Filipinos com
mitted , that under the very stars and
stripes we should be shooting them down
by thousands , as the Spaniards did before
us ? Absolutely nothing but what they
want , independence and self-government
like our own. "