aftj TTbe Conservative * is proparationa for Braddock's invasion as to have drawn Indian allies from bo- yoiul tlio Mississippi , and perhaps as much at finding that they had suffi cient influence to enable them to do so. Of the fact , however , there appears to be no question. Warriors from the Otoe , Osage and Kansas nations made the journey , being engaged by one M'Cartie , in command at Fort Ohartres ; which was in Illinois , not very far be low St. Louis. The Kansas did not reach the place in time for the battle , but the Otoes and Osages were present and took part. Captain Pike , in 1806 , saw and talked with warriors who had been of the party. One Wet Stone gave him his recollections of the affair , which were naturally somewhat scanty , as half a century had already inter vened. Wet Stone told him how all the warriors who could be spared from the villages went forth ; they were supplied witli powder and ball at Fort Ohartres , and the place of assembly was near a lake and a great waterfall , in which Captain Pike thought he identified Ni agara. They were absent on the expe dition seven mouths , and so little pros perity accrued from it to them that when they reached their homes again they were obliged to eat their horses. N. 8. Harding. J. J. Hochstetlor. Oldest Insurance Afency In the State. Established 1857. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , Fire Insurance. 711 Central Ave. Nebraska City , Neb. THE CHAMPION FANNING MILL AND - SEED SEPARATOR. It is light running and durable * Has > < i < a gradual force feed superior to all ij < 11 others * Saves money and labor * Send J _ for circular and prices. Agents wanted $ r ; i in unoccupied territory * 11 Solar JVIanufacturing i i Kauhauna , die. SEND ONE DOLLAR CUt this ad. out aft 1 send to UH ; statu whether you wish tlcntu' or LiullcH' lllcyclc , also color ana ircur wantecl.and wo will send you this HIGH CRADE S4O.OO 1899 MODEL WAY MAN BICYCLE , by oxpressTc.o : 1) . Hiilijcct to examination. You can ox- amlno It at your express ofllco and if found prrfeellr * atUfaelory , exactly at rtpreienled , the mont vronilvrllil vnluo you over saw or heard of , equal to bicycles that retail nshlRh as $40.00 , If you think you can soil It txt 810.00 profit any day , pay the express agent Our "peclul C'lnnn Out Offer Price. S13.7 5 ana express charges , less the 81.00 sent with order. TIIK WA If HI AN Is covered by a binding Kuarantccstrictly high grade two-ploco hanger , boatcntilpinent. t'olnmbui YOU CAN MAKE S5OO.OO T1II8 YKAU HKLLING SEARS , ROEBUCIIC & CO. ( Inc. ) Chicago. Guaranteed on Safe Investment for 6 Per Cent Net a term of FIVE YEARS , 25 quarter sections (4000 ( acres ) improved land , smooth and tillable , black loam soil , in one of the southwestern counties of Nebraska , for $20,000 cash , with a peed bond given that $1200 cash rental will be paid to the purchaser yearly in advance ; also the taxes on said lands , both for a term of 5 years. The undersigned requires the purchaser to give an agreement- that ho will share the profits of the sale of any or all of these lands , if sold within the life of the con tract. Those quarters are especially selected and do not lie in a body. For full particulars call on or address , Second St. HASTINGS , JOV MORTON & CO MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN GO STARCH GAIT SAL SODA REALS OrVUi I SODA ASH General Office , Rier No. 1 , Chicago Shipping Docks and Soda Factory : C. B. & Q. SLIP I. C. PIER 1 , CHICAGO. BELT KY. , C. R. I. &P. , SO. CHICAGO. Salt "Works : WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN. I HUTCHINSON , KANSAS. STARCH FACTORY AND CEREAL MILLS , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. I We carry a We receive stock of goods from 10.000 tom vnluccl nt 25,000 letters $1,500,000.00 every d ' . /Tc , , 'fi's.r ' , ! g9/r m / / / Sr wSr w- - : isia. j _ , : isa u ; ihnc IM < r 0 We own and occupy the tallest mercantile building In the world. We have over 2,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly engaged filling out-of-town orders. OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the people it quotes Wholesale Prices to Everybody , has over 1,000 pages , 16,000 illustrations , and 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 72 cents to print and mail each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith , and we'll send you a copy FREE , with all charges prepaid. .MONTGOMERY . WARD & cOMichigana ? MGa2sonStreet