ft 4 "Che Conservative THE NEW GOLDEN EKA. AND ITS INFLUENCE. The Increasing Supply of Gold. UY HON. MEOItOK K. 11O11EIIT8 , VIKECTOll OF THE MINT. [ Rcpublished from The Forum of February , 1899 , by permission of The Forum Publishing Company. ] The articln appended was written for The Forum ( New York ) , by Hon. George E. Ro berts , director of the mint , for the public in formation , and not to uphold any one side of the currency question. The facts and figures which Colonel Roberts gives are , however , of such current importance that The National Sound Money League obtained permission from The Forum to republish the article both in Sound Money and in pamphlet form. The high reputation of Colonel Roberts while edi tor of the Fort Dodge , la. , Messenger , ns a writer on economic subjects and as a zealous defender of the gold standard imparts an ad ditional interest to these pages. The plain facts therein disprove abundantly the asser tions made by William J. Bryan and other upholders of the free coinage of silver , that gold was becoming scarce and had appreciated in value , owing to the increased use of it as standard coin by the great commercial nations. These assertions caused undue alarm among many people who were led to believe that the moneyed interests were engaged in a plot to control all the gold in existence. William P. St. John of New York , a zealous advocate of free coinage , said in a speech at Saint Louis : "The increase in the number of dollars , when dollars are confined to gold , is not suillciently rapid to meet the growth of our exchanges. The consequence is a growing value of dollars or a diminishing value of everything else ex pressed in dollars , which is to say , a tendency toward constantly declining prices. " All this is disproved by the abundance of gold and the general advance in prices that followed the gold standard victory at the polls in 1890. The silver party's platform of 1890 contained a like assertion. It said that "tho demonetiza tion of silver in 1878 increased the demand for gold , enhancing its purchasing power and lowering all prices measured by that stan dard. " Colonel Roberts' statistics show that the supply of gold is greater than the actual needs of commerce , while all people know that produce and manufactures have increased in price since the defeat of the silver coinage scheme in 1890. In the city of New York alone the specie held by the banks has increased from $05,023,000 in 1893 to the great sum of $204,103,700 the amount held on June 10,1899. The general information herein is now of immediate interest inasmuch as it confirms the wisdom and justice of the growing demand for the establishment of the gold standard on a firm legal basis that shall be permanent and unassailable. E. V. SMAI.I.EY , General Secretary. The average annual production of gold in the world during the ten years from 1851 to 1860 , inclusive , was $182- 298,000 ; for the period 1801 1870 , $126- 801,000 ; for 1871 1880 , $115,081,500 ; while for the ten years , 1881 1890 , it was but $106,005,800. In the five years , 1881 1885 , the average annual produc tion was only $99,116,000. For twenty- five years the yield diminished ; and the output of I860 , $184,088,000 , was not again reached until thirty-two years later. Out of this supply an amount , variously estimated at the time as be tween $80,000,000 and $50,000,000 , was annually consumed in the arts and man ufactures. It was during this period that grave doubts were entertained by many emi nent men as to whether the supply of gold was sufficient for that metal to bo made the universal standard of value and to enable all nations to base their currencies upon it. It was in these years that the statement erroneous then , and much further from the truth now that industrial uses consumed one-half of the annual products of gold , was generally set afloat , and that falling prices and every economic change which pinched anybody seemed to find a plaus ible explanation in the theory of a re stricted money-supply. This was the period during which many public men in the United States made records from which in more recent years they would gladly have been delivered. It was the time when international bimetallism won advocates among scholars and statesmen , and propositions less sane gained countenance and favor. In 1877 Dr. Edward Suess , the emi nent Austrian geologist , published his book , "The Future of Gold , " in which he developed an elaborate geological argument against gold as a single stan dard of value. He set forth that gold was found on the frontiers of civilization only , that lode production was unprofit able , that deep gold-mining had never proved successful , and that , therefore , the alluvial deposits in the yet remote and unexplored portions of the earth were the only dependence to maintain the monetary supply. More than one- half of the quantity of gold obtainable by the means thitherto employed , he es timated , had already passed through the hands of man. The inaccessible loca tion of the remaining scattered and un known placers made it probable , in his which he argued have undergone a great change. Gold-mining in rock and at deep levels was then , as ho said , of little promise ; but in 1898 in South Africa a field unknown when ho wrote rock was raised from nearly a mile underground , crushed , and treated at a profit , with a yield of $10 per ton. The average yield of the Witwatersrand ore in 1897 was about $9.50 per ton ; and the average working costs about $5.60 per ton. The yield of that district in 1898 was $80,000,000 ; and within two years it will probably exceed the entire yield of the world at the time Dr. Suess wrote his book. So recently as 1890 the gold product of Colorado was only $4,000,000 , and that of the United States , $88,000- 000. Chiefly by processes of reduction unknown when Dr. Suess wrote , the product of Colorado has been raised to about $25,000,000 a year ; and its miners do not think the figure reached by the whole country in 1890 a very distant figure for their state. Through the same improved methods , the product of Australia has advanced , from about $30,000,000 in 1890 , to about $62,000,000 in 1898. These figures are sufficient to show the importance of the new factor which was absent from Dr. Suess' cal culations , and which has wrought a revolution in the situation. The new "golden period" had its be ginning in the year 1884 , when South Africa appeared on the stage with a modest contribution of about $50,000 to the world's product. From that time , save for a slight check received in the latter part of 1895 , due to the Jameson raid , the production has been steadily progressing. The remarkably constant pace of its growth is shown by the fol lowing table , which gives the yield in crude ounces , valued at $17.50 per ounce , by mouths for 1896 , 1897 , and 1898. Gold Production of the Hand. January. . . . February. March April May June July August. . . . September. October. . . . November. December. Totals. 1894. Ozs. 149,814 151,870 105,872 108,745 109,778 108,102 107,958 174,977 170,707 178,878 176,804 182,104 2,024,159 1895. Ozs. 177,403 109,295 184,945 180,823 194,580 200,941 199,453 203,573 194,701 102,052 105,218 178,248 2,277,085 opinion , that they would be but slowly exploited , and would yield only a mod erate annual product. Vast TrouHiiro Discovered and Developed. The ability and learning with which Dr. Suess presented his view caused it to attract wide attention ; and great weight was given to it at the time. We may say for him now , as for the econom ists who shared his fears , that , under the conditions then existing , it was a rational view. But the premises from 1890. 118,178 107,018 178,952 170,707 105,008 103,040 203,878 218,418 202,501 109,880 201,118 200,517 , 2,281,874 1807. 200,832 211,000 232,000 285,008 248,805 251,520 242,470 250,008 202,150 274,175 297,124 810,712 8,034,074 1898. 818,820 207,975 825,007 835,125 844,100 844,070 859,843 870,011 884,080 400,791 893,810 419,504 4,295,002 The World's Production of Gold. The figures suggest the steady growth of a manufacturing industry , rather than the record of one usually regarded as extremely uncertain in results. Therein is contained one explanation of the extraordinary increase in gold pro duction. Lode mining , under modern scientific and business methods , has an assurance of stability which , with the profits that can bo reasonably forecast , has made unlimited capital obtainable