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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1899)
'Cbe Conservative 13 V tf tfH tiouoflife is the mainteuaiice of indi vidual equilibrium ; more plainly , the maintenance of itself in individuated form. As no state or people owe anything to another state or people save -within the limits of a compact made for it or its self-preservation , PO all wars or acts en tered on for any other purpose are an archistic and treasonable. Ignorance asserts that "evolution has been by steps "not knowing that Na ture is continuous and uninterrupted action. Ignorance anthropomorphises Nature able to conceive of , not-being no tion without an individuated or manlike actor. Perfection is simply man's expression of the adaptation of nn object to the necessities of its environment. That which is the fittest to survive , that which is the most useful in the vicissi tudes of environment , is infallibly the most perfect. Ignorance proclaims that "when a nation ceases to move forward it begins to die. " THE CONSERVATIVE says , that when a nation ceases to maintain itself , or wastes its resources in aggressive ex tension it plants the germs of de struction in its vitals. FUANK S. BILLINGS. Graftou , Mass. N. 8. Harding. J. , T. Hochstetlor. Oldest Insurance Agency In the State. Establinhed 1857. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , Fire Insurance. 711 Central Ave. Nebraska City , Neb. THE CHAMPION M FANNING MILL < * < AND - % - SEED SEPARATOR. ? > 4 It is light running and durable * Has \ \ gradual force feed superior to all > > \ * * others * Saves money and labor * Send J jj \ \ for circular and prices * Agents wanted \ $ in unoccupied territory * > \ Solar JWanufacturitig CoJ | t 4 Kauhauna , Ults * SHSBSB' Grand ' Canon of Arizona 220 miles long , 9 to 18 miles wide , a mile deep , and painted like n flower. You may visit that tremendous scene at trifling cost. It is a side trip on route to or from the N. E. A. Convention at Los Angeles this summer. Extremely low rates will be made by the Santa Fe Route. The Grand Canon is only one of numberless attractions of this exceptional opportunity. Write for particulars and free descriptive books. General Passenger Office The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Chicago The Affairs of Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which THE CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe ; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. The Chicago Record , alone of all American newspapers outside New York city , now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from - the leading capitals of Europe.