The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, June 29, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Conservative. fi
TIVE will end the
first year of its existence with number
fifty-two. The first number was issued
July 14 , 1898.
TIIE CONSERVATIVE'S circulation is
now more than six thousand (6,000. ( ) It
is steadily becoming a most valuable
medium of advertising. It is patronf
ized by industrious , thrifty and successc
ful citizens who think and read for
supporters have , as a rule , faithfully la
bored to achieve and , by self-denial and
self-respect , to conserve homes for
themselves with comfortable compe
tency to match them.
Every subscriber must observe when
his year expires. He will find the date
with his name printed on each CONSER
VATIVE. Renewals and remittances
are now in order. Address Morton
Printing Company , Overland theatre
block , Nebraska City , Nebraska.
The Bryanarchists denounce the use
of money by corporations for the pur
pose of influencing elections and legis
lation. Beading the subjoined from
The Kansas City Star of Monday , June
20 , suggests introspection by Coin Har
vey , Sam B. Cook and the other concen
trators of campaign cash. Looking into
their own minds , recalling their own
methods of distribution of money , in
Nebraska particularly , at the closing of
the canvass for the presidency in 1896 ,
they will observe inflammation of ambi
tions and corruption of methods which
need reforming.
The two hundred thousand dollars
which they propose to use for pumping
votes into the free-silver reservoir could
be better expended in teaching citizens
their obligations to the government. A
college of citizenship inculcating the
fact that partyism is not patriotism and
that the individual conscience is a safer
guide and governor than a party plat
form would be a splendid institution
which the $200,000 could establish.
The ways and means committee of
the democratic national committee has
$150,000 in bank to be used in the com
ing national campaign , and expects the
fund to be $200,000 before long. This
money was all raised by popular sub
scription. "Coin" Harvey was in
charge of this fund at first , but he had
to resign because the calls upon him for
public speeches took him away so often
that it left him little time to attend to
the fund. Sam B. Cook , chairman of
the Missouri state central committee ,
has charge of the fund now. His office
is in Chicago. Mr. Cook was at Con
gressman Eland's funeral Saturday.
He said of the fund to a reporter for
The Stnr :
"We have about $150,000 now. This
money came from all parts of the coun
try and came mostly in small subscrip
tions of from $5 to $25. It was given by
friends of the free-silver and anti-trust
cause. The money will be spent as the
national committee directs. "
Alfred Henry
VERDICT. L ° W1S 1S n11 on&-
unl writer and he
jolts the proprieties and tranquillities of
ordinary newspaper style with The New
York Verdict in a manner quite shocking
to staid and solemn citizens of all sects
and parties.
In the Verdict of June 26 , on page 5 ,
Mr. Lewis begins a drastic article with :
"There are too many of Bryan's fool
friends going about New York. And
they talk. When they aren't talking
through their papers , they're talking
through their hats. "
If the "fool friends" are weaned from
Mr. Bryan how can he be elected presi
dent ? A minority could not even nom
inate him. "Fool friends" must domin
ate * the disciples of Bryan or the Chicago
platform and sixteen-to-one the one
being Bryan cannot be rehabilitated
and made a recurrence for 1900.
The Bryanarch-
HARD LABOR. . . . ,
t i
ists in Nebraska
and elsewhere prate everlastingly of
their high regard and affectionate solici
tude for all the plain people who do hard
work. Their universal adoration of
labor is possibly the cause of their never
defiling it with their own hands or
THE CONSERVATIVE will pay a round
sum in gold coin for proof that any
loader of fusion and confusion in the
state of Nebraska has ever by any effort
mental or manual , outside of endeavors
to get or hold office , made twenty-five
hundred dollars in a single year.
THE CONSERVATIVE will pay in gold
coin a reward for the discovery of any
capital in manufacture or farming ,
which has been brought into Nebraska
and made productive by populism.
Who of all its leaders has accomplished
anything for the general welfare of Ne
braska ?
The era of antiquity in Nebraska runs
back only forty to fifty years and yet
some of its historical problems are by
no means simple. In view of this fact ,
THE CONSERVATIVE takes off its hat to
the antiquarians of Rome , who have
just found and identified the column
erected to Julius Ofiosar on the spot
where his body was burnt , and set it up
again where it stood 2,000 years ago.
No true conservative is liberal.
Self-denial is self-righteousness.
Self-sacrifice is acute or chronic.
Liberalism is indifference to the truth.
Truth and wisdom fecundate in the
same womb.
Only the wise are conscious of their
wn ignorance.
Truth is a perennial plant that needs
o cultivation.
Truth requires no fig-leaves to shade
ts immodesty.
The toleration of indifforentism is
'ool conservatism.
Ignorant toleration is the conceit of
He who is not infallible in his own
eason is incapable of trust.
True conservatism is the positivism
) f an intelligent individualism.
Intelligent toleration is inseparable
torn rational self-preservation.
The martyr has been and still is the
unfit in his day and generation.
'Twos a wise man who said "the child
s wise that rnisseth being born. "
Money is the golden crown with
which Nature designates imperial indi
Intelligent toleration is that degree of
self-confidence which fears not the scal
pel of truth.
The weeds of error grow but on stony
soil while truth blossoms only on the .
tree of knowledge.
Monuments to martyrs are grave
stones raised by penitential ignorance
to its own memory.
The emancipated woman is a public
benefactor for she neither multiplies her
own nor any other kind.
"It is a wise child that knoweth its
own father. " That is why there are so
many Japhets in the world.
That which has been and still is the
root of salvation to the race has often
been the curse and destruction of the
The weeds of error have kept the wise
men busy since history's beginning.
When a draught strikoth the children
of wisdom the weeds of error flourish.
First brute strength , then brute
strength plus a minus of intelligence ,
now sharp intelligence minus brute-
strength is the root of individual salva
There are three kinds of fools : The
fool who knows nothing , the young
fool who knows it all , the old fool who
has forgotten what little ho may have t
Graftou , Mass.