The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, June 29, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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Joseph L. Sharp
THK FIltST. , , . , .
wns the president
of the council of the first legislative as
sembly of the territory of Nebraska
which convened at Omaha , January 16 ,
1855. The council of that assembly was
equivalent to the senate of the present
state legislature.
Colonel Sharp had boon a member of
the legislature of Illinois and subse
quently of that of Iowa. Ho was a man
of alert nnd superior intellect and like
wise an experienced and quick parlia
mentarian. His knowledge of the rules
and of parliamentary tactics in general
was copious and correct. Never has ho
been succeeded by a better presiding
o llicer in the law-making body of Ne
Honorable Andrew Jackson Hanscom
was the speaker of the first house of
representatives in
Tins First Speaker.
the territory of
Nebraska. Pie was an educated and
able lawyer from the state of Michigan
where his family , especially his brother ,
Hon. A. H. Hansooin , was distinguished
for ability and brilliancy. Mr. Hans-
coin still lives at Omaha. Ho has seen
more than thirty legislatures convene in
Nebraska since 1854. But he has seen
not one with a speaker of more tact and
ability than that forceful speaker who
presided over the house in 1855.
During the whole
summer of 1858 ,
there continued in Otoe county , Ne
braska , an abnormal atmospheric condi
tion as to electrical perturbations and
surplus rainfall. Thunder and lightning
and torrential down-pourings of rain
continued until late in August. Wheat
grew in the shock and every stack was
green with sprouting grain.
Many settlers gave up their claims and
abandoned the valley of the Nebraska
because it was too wet to bo healthful for
human beings and too congenial to mos
And now in 1809 Otoe county is get
ting a renaissance of 1858. Rainfall in
May , this year , is four and a half inches
and promises to bo more than that in
Juno. Floods and drouths come to all
Wo are interested in so many new
places at present , that Harper's Weekly
relegates its inevitable continued story
to the back pages and sandwiches it in
among the advertisements. Really ,
there are better things than fiction these
days. If it were not for its two pages
of college-boys in knee-breeches and
statistics and wise comments on their
running , jumping and ball-playing , one
might almost feel tempted to preserve
The Weekly and have it bound , for it
has many good things in it. This week
its front-picture is a masterpiece of sim
ple human pathos ; two naked Apaches
in an Arizona village , watching their
well-dressed sou and daughter approach
ing their hut , just back from a govern
ment school.
K 4 i 4
M > 4
> 4
i 4
Y 4
> 4
; 4
' It is light running and durable * Has
i ; < a gradual force feed superior to all
i < others * Saves money and labor * Send
} for circular and prices * Agents wanted
tj 4 in unoccupied territory *
t j
j j Solar JVIanufactuHng Co ,
Kaultauna , jdi9.
It Turned Out This Way ,
After trying and trying nnd experimenting
yenr after year it was found that the Page Coil
Spring Feature was indispeiiHablo in a practical
wire fence , and to hold the coil shape necessi
tated the use of horizontal wires of a peculiar
consistency and composition. This peculiar
wire is called "Page-Wire , " and is used in all
Page Fences. This accounts for Page Fence
not sagging. Soft wire will not hold the coil
shape , but will stretch out straight and then
sag. Page Fences have to bo made of "Pago-
Wire. " If you will try our fence , wo will try
to satisfy you.
No. 6 Michigan St , Adrian , Mich.
N. 8. Harding. J. , T. Hochstetler.
Oldest Insurance Agency In the State.
Established 1857.
Fire Insurance.
711 Central Ave. Nebraska City , Neb.
John Cawloy. Dave Cawloy.
Practical Plumbers.
Steam and Hot Water * Fritters.
607 Central Ave. , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB.
See us before going elsewhere. We do our
work right the first tiros.
Arc Going
To Caliiorna
The National Educational Association and the
general public as well , at the time of the great
convention at Los Angeles in July.
The round-trip rate will be a one-way fare plus
Liberal stop-overs and choice of return routes to
those who go by the Santa Fe Route.
This route is the coolest , most replete with
interest for the educated traveler , and 24 to 36
hours shorter than any other.
Send for particulars.
Address General Passenger Office ,
The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway ,
, rjJivrr. .
fitti : *