12 Conservative * Plain people do- TRUSTS sire some great and experienced lawyer , like Champ Clark or DeArmond , of Missouri , or W. 3. Bryan , of Nebraska , to explain under what laws or in violation of what laws trusts exist. What constitutes a trust ? Do they exist lawfully ? Do they exist unlaw fully ? If lawfully how will yon exter minate them ? If unlawfully why have you failed to exterminate them ? These plain questions are worth an swering for the information of plain people. THE CONSERVATIVE challenges the val iant gentlemen who fight trusts with their tongues to join together their cash and fight them with competition in all the markets of the United States. Who fight monopoly most efficiently the word-monger , the phrase-maker ; or men who compete with their commod ities by offering cheaper and better goods ? "In the past quarter of a century fed eral offices have been doubled in num ber , " remarks the Philadelphia North American ( Rep. ) . "Yet not even in Massachusetts , with its many towns , is there more than one office for each one hundred and fifty of the population. Most of them are insignificant , such as no man who is able to make a good liv ing at a steady occupation would accept. Still , the political activity of this small minority who hold office gives preced ence to their petty interests over those of the state and nation. Not until the political activity of office-holders is sup pressed will good government become the supreme consideration of political parties. " THE CHAMPION FANNING MILL AND - ISEED SEPARATOR. ! . r < r 4 4 < 4 > 4 > 4 4 4 > 4 4 I 4 It Is light running and durable * Has > 4 a gradual force feed superior to all \ 1 | others * Saves money ana labor * Send * ' i < for circular and prices. Agents wanted \ \ % in unoccupied territory , Solar JManufacturing Co. Kaultauna , Kits. WATCH FOR The Omaha Illustrated Bee EVERY SUNDAY. A beautifully illustrated weekly news magazine , printed on high grade paper with the finest half tone i engravings. Latest fashions from photographs of handsome , live models , specially posed , showing the newest gowns and bonnets. Pictures of the principal current events throughout the west with interesting reading matter. Carpenter's letters of travel , illustrated by his own photographs. Athletics and sports , with snap shots of events. Portraits of the men of the hour. BY MAIL , FROM AGENTS , $2.00 PER YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. Summer Trip to California A delightful experience by the Santa Fe Route. Do not fear discomfort ; it will be hotter at home. Ask about this and we will make it perfectly clear. We will also send particulars of low rates to be made by the Santa Fe Route this summer at the time of the N. E. A. Convention in Los Angeles. 24 to 36 hours shorter than any other route. Address General Passenger Office , The Atclrison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway , TOI'KKA , KAS. or CHICAGO.