10 The Conservative * TllE CONSERVATIVE - FOLLOWING FIIKMONT. TIVE is interested iii the movements of Captain J. O. Fremont , of Georgia , who traveled in the West in the summer of 1843 and in the two succeeding years , but is in some doubt as to the degree of credit , in the history of the develop ment of the Western country , to which those travels may entitle him. The prevalent belief , among persons only generally informed on the subject , places Fremont in the same category of explorers with Columbus ; but this is wholly incorrect. With the exception of a few eccentric spots , such as the islands in the Great Salt Lake and the summit of Fremont's Peak , he vis ited no part of the country with which white men had not long been familiar. In fact , the Reverend Samuel Parker's book , "An Exploring Tour beyond the Rooky Mountains , " with a large map , was iu its third edition hi 1842 ; and Fremont simply followed through the greater part of his course the trail of the Oregon emigrants , which was so well-defined that he calls it a road. "The road led along a ridge , " "the road kept the valley , " he says frequently. Even before this migration began , the country had been pervaded by hunters and trappers , who were estimated as early as 1885 to number "a few thous and. " Another current impression is that Fremont selected a route for the Pacific railroad. This is The Railroad. equally erroneous. Except that in crossing the plains he went up the valleys of the Platte and the Republican , which neither he nor the railroads could avoid , his route was widely separated from that afterward followed by them. Three out of his four crossings of the Rocky Mountains were effected by way of the South Pass , which is as innocent of railroads today as it was then. Nor , so far as THE CON SERVATIVE has been able to discover , do his journals contain a single reference to railroads. The Presbyterian'mission ary above mentioned , however , had this to say seven years before : "There would be no difficulty iu the way of constructing a rail road from the Atlan tic to the Pacific ocean ; and probably the time may not be very far distant , when trips will be made across the con tinent , as they have been made to the Niagara Falls , to seeNature's wonders. " THE CONSERVATIVE would not deprive any candidate for the presidency , living or dead , of his just meed of honor ; but it can neither perceive wherein Path finder Fremont deserved that appella tion , nor why ho is entitled to more credit for his explorations than a thous and other men , who had not the govern ment behind them. Nor does it con sider his account of his travels espec ially diverting. In fact , one can hardly follow his coffee-pot , his barometers and his unhappy German topographer -V ftt through all their xips and downs , with out becoming somewhat weary of the narrator's personality , If to come upon a route one has not previously traveled and travel it , mak ing use of the most ratliflii < lor.s. . . , „ . . . to date facilities upto - ties , is to be a pathfinder , then the mem ber of THE CONSERVATIVE staff dele gated to look into Fremont has as good a right to the title as that explorer him self. Fremont started with a menag erie of oxen and asses , an arsenal , an astronomical observatory , a rubber boat , 22 Frenchmen , one German topographer , one Illinois hunter , one Kit Carson and two boys. THE CONSERVATIVE started with an old hat , a toothbrush , a map , a volume of Fremont's travels and some four hundred entire strangers , on the morning train from Omaha over the Union Pacific. Three days later THE CONSERVATIVE was back in Omaha , after having eaten dinner in Salt Lake City ; while Captain Fremont had just reached the ford of the Kansas , near Topeka , and was preparing to swim it. The two routes do not converge for some 200 miles. Meantime there is plenty to see from our special rear-plat form. The first token of Fremont is a town named after him ; just why is not apparent , for though he passed down the left bank of the Platte in returning from his first expedition , there is no re cord of his having halted at that point. He gives a bare minute of an observa tion for latitude at the mouth of the Loup , and another three days later at the mouth of the "Elk Horn. " It must have been near the site of Fremont , however , that he met a messenger re turning from Mr. P. Sarpy's trading- post at Bellevue , with a "welcome sup ply of provisions and a very kind note. " We pass through many towns , with elevators and stockyards at each ; the _ . country between is Change * . . . . one great farm , with a powerful outcropping just at present of spring green. Our hungry predecessors found one village , and that on the south bank ; it was the village of the Grand Pawnees , who it seems were agriculturists , for they had vegetables for sale. When Fremont passed they were shucking their corn , or whatever was the Grand Pawnee equivalent for that operation. If the Indians raised regular crops at that date , how could the sweeping negation of the fertility of Nebraska soil have gained currency ? Here we cross the Loup ; three pictur esque river-names thus far , the Butter fly , the Elkhoru and the Wolf. But for sheer suggestiveness , a very recent sign post at a bare crossing outdoes them all : "Portal , " it says ; throwing open to you at a sweep the vastest of human theat ers , the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains. This crossing of the Loup fork , has , however , unique associations of its own , for hero , according to the theory worked out by the late Judge Savage , stood the great city of Quiviraj visited by an explorer from Mexico in 1GG2. It was miles in exten't autl con tained houses in many-storied plenty * The case is stated at length in Volume II of the State Historical Society's pa pers , and is highly plausible ; unfortun ately it rests at bottom on the word of a Spanish adventurer , a class who were , like a certain famous Rose , "happy and blest to lie on" every possible topic. It is curious , however , to note that ho too said that the Indians brought him corn , beans and pumpkins. The marvelous beauty of the land scape , one of the points in the argument , seems to have been somewhat over praised. It is a green plain , without apparent limit in any direction , having a fair stream of clear water flowing through it. This has been the charac ter of the Platte Valley from the start , the bluffs merely suggested by a faint roll iu the distance , and that never vis ible save on one side the stream at a time. And hero it is shown that two valleys can be flatter than one. If this should really have been the center of a great Indian population , it is passing strange that George Francis Train should have selected it indepen dently , as he did , for the spot to which ho proposed to have the national capital removed. Wo come to the city of Grand Island , and for an hour and more are passing , , the formation that „ i . . . Navigation. , . . gives it its name. A little way below the head of the island we come to Fremont and his path , though he was on the south side of the river. We are live hours from the Missouri , he is sixteen days. A few miles above , he met one John Lee with a party of the American Fur Company's men , who had left Fort Laramie for St. Louis two months be fore with their winter's catch , meaning to make the journey in boats , which drew only nine inches ; but had been obliged to abandon , first their boats , then their furs , and were now plodding down stream with what they could carry on their backs. We pass Kearney , which is too much of a subject , iu pioneer affairs , to be treated cursorily ; the place , about op posite Lexington , where Fremont met the first of the buffalo ; and come to the forks of the Platte , whore ou his return he attempted navigation himself in a boat which ho constructed for the pur pose , with brazen studs and tough bull- hide. As this craft was only large enough for the intrepid explorer to stow himself in , with the German topog rapher and a few other necessaries , it drew only four inches and the pros pects for a voyage seemed bright ; but four inches is a great deal for the Platte. Captain Fremont ( now doubly a cap tain ) respected his boat enough to call it she , but had little satisfaction from it otherwise. "We dragged her over the