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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1899)
Conservative. THE DAY OP DOOM. Written for Tin : CONBEHVATIVK. Hark I The steady tramp of millioiiH , Stern as solemn us they come ! With thu banner waving o'er thorn But no Bound of flfo or drum. Flag xinfurled , Tell the world That a nation's hosts are rising , but the ranks with rage are dumb. Not , ns once in days of struggle , Hearts nro heavy with dismay ; Dim the eyes with tears of sorrow For the brethren gene astray ; Not for Union , Or Disunion , Rally now the grim defenders at the "wakening Reveille. Silent all the mass is moving , Beating time , with giant throb , For a heritage in danger , For the legacy of God. To the polls , On it rolls ; And the mullled cry is "Give us back the path our fathers trodl" God's elect are wo no longer , To uphold a banner free , "When wo plant the heel of Conquest On the lands beyond the sea. Right is Might In / / / * sight Who bestowed the sacred charter of Columbia's right to be. Stain the flag with wanton carnage ? Trail it in the Plunder sty ? Think yo 'tis "the white man's burden" To proclaim that flag a lie ? Let them say Who this day Have defiled the Nation's temple with the Vandal's battle cry I Not for long is stayed the Vengeance ; Honor comes to claim his own ; Soon the Golden Calf of Conquest Totters on his stolen throne. Through the gloom Swift the doom- When the sullen voice of ocean roars in Freedom's angry tono. SAMUEL P. Btm.Eii. Cincinnati , O. The World-Her- Sl'LKNDID , , , SAHCASM. ald ( Omaha ) has practiced sarcasm so long and so successfully upon The Omaha Bee and Mr. Rosewater , who constructed the triumph of the late ex position at Omaha , that it can now sat irize anybody or anything upon a mo ment's notice. Therefore THE CONSEII- VATIVE acknowledges a recent scathing received from that eminent authority on sixteen-to-oueness and the rights of cormorants and corporations. The arti cle which aroused The World-Herald to cruelly slash this periodical was merely a mild review of some of the prophecies and vagaries which that journal pro claimed in 1896. Everybody who will review the files of that interesting and profoundly learned organ of freo-coinage-sixteen-to- oneness and Bryanarchy may learn that The World-Herald predicted that if Bryan were defeated for the presidency there would be blood on the moon , no money in the banks , no bread in the bakeries , no grain in the fields , no bacon , no beef , no mutton ; and that all cows would go dry , and the calves die. And because in the mildest and most agree able manner possible considering the idiocy of the forecasts these columns reprinted some of the auguries , asser tions , predictions and denunciations of capital , and especially of incorporated capital , which that zealous Bryanarchist hurled down upon the public in 189(5 ( , THE CONSERVATIVE has been with great cruelty recently drawn and quartered. And all merely because it innocently wondered how The World-Herald could wickedly rejoice at a race between two insatiate railroads to see which should first throw its anaconda coils around a free nud fertile section of Ne braska for the purpose of monopolizing the transportation business of the dear plain people who tranquilly dwell with in its limits. The wonder was how railroads could bo built subsequent to Bryan's defeat The bewilderment was how money could be found , under the blight of the gold standard , to invest so as to secure the carrying trade of people who could have nothing to carry and no money among them with which to pay either fares or freights. And in the pleasantest and most naive manner we calmly inquired how such things could be if the pecun- ious prophecies of the Bryauarchists were true now , or to be verified here after , as to Nebraska and her railroad- ridden , capital-crushed plain people. And behold ! The scimetar is un belted and the scorching strokes of the white-metal knight are bestowed upon us with unmitigated fury and inexorable cutting-to-the-quickuess. We apologize. Wo in sackcloth and ashes recant. The World-Herald is an organ of the railroads. It loves corporate capital. It respects the gold standard and all the railroad-constructing and other pros perity which the term implies. It ad mits that good gold money is a blessing. It proclaims the boon to Nebraska of more and new railways. It lauds capi tal. It invites millionaires to bring their plutocratic influences to bear upon the development of the commonwealth. The World-Herald is a John the Baptist , crying in this populistic wilderness be cause more money , more power of money , is not coming with celerity to fertilize factories , mills and other needed enterprises. The World-Herald denounces the diabolism of that organized discontent which would tax to death insurance , tel egraph , railroad , manufacturing and banking capital in Nebraska. Every day , for years , the columns of this valu able crusader against the wild theories and suicidal legislation of the populists have been stuffed with sound logic in favor of the honest payment of pub- lie and private debts upon the eamo cur rency basis upon which they were con tracted. The World-Herald politically and personally has with valor and distinc tion reprobated any and all attempts to make a currency which should favor the debtor and cheat the creditor and has likewise bravely antagonized all popu- listio legislation intended to boat cred itors , such as stay laws and anti-de ficiency judgment laws. What more can THE CONSERVATIVE truthfully say of that great protector of capital , that great daily invitation for cash , and men with cash , to come into Nebraska ? Wo can only add from its wisdom this : "When Mr. Morton learns that op position to railroads is confined to rail road extortion , and not to railroads con ducted honestly and in a business-like way , he will have learned a great deal. " Will The World-Herald particularize ? Will it name a few railroads in Nebraska which practice "extortion ? " Will the World-Horald name roads era a road in Nebraska not "conducted honestly ? " Will The World-Herald name the roads not conducted "in a business-like way" in Nebraska ? It has declared that there are such roads and if it has courage and can tell the truth it will name and expose all the dishonest , ex- tortiouato roads. For forty years SOME WALNUT THE CONSEUVA NUT TKEKS. TIVE has been ac tively exhorting people to plant walnuts in Nebraska , and beside practicing what it preached THE CONSERVATIVE has it self several hundred fine black walnut trees to show as demonstrations of its theories. The May number of The Forester says : "The most noted grove of walnut trees in the United States , containing fifty-one black walnut trees , all of them of enormous size , was Fold at Cassopolis , Mich. , for $10,000 cash. There was strong competition from all parts of this country and abroad. The pur chasers were German and English par ties. The logs will be cut and squared for shipment. It is estimated that one of the trees will produce $1,200 worth of choice lumber. It was over one hun dred feet of good logging size , its lar gest diameter was seven feet , circum ference 21.99 feet , and it would require five men hand in hand to encircle it. " On a farm near Dunbar wo have nearly two hundred trees which will average five feet in circumference and are worth nearly as much as a whole quarter peotion of ordinary unimproved Otoe county land. Plant walnuts ! -