The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, May 04, 1899, Page 13, Image 13

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    Conservative id
'Ohnrter Onk' wherein the brnve Cap
tain Wndsworth concealed the charter
for the colonies of Connecticut. This
charter contained many privileges which
the liberty-loving people of that time
valued very highly.
"Penn made his treaty with the In
dians beneath a spacious , tall elm tree.
The savages said they 'would live in
love with "William Peuu and his child
ren as long as the sun , moon and stars
phould stand. '
' It was beneath the branches of the
old elm at Cambridge where George
"Washington took command and with
an army of true and brave patriots won
liberty for our land. Thus we see that
the trees of history have an intimate
connection with our country's early
"Bryant in his Thauatopsis says :
'To him who in the love of Nature
holds communion with her visible forms
she speaks a various language. '
"What of the forms of Nature are
more visible than the tree ? Let us learn
to hold communion with these visible
forms that we may listen to their various
languages. Perhaps it will come from
the rustling leaves and maybe from our
pure thoughts as we repair beneath her
shades for an hour of study , meditation
or repose. By so doing wo learn to ap
preciate these glorious manifestations
of the goodness of Almighty God to
mortal man. "
. late republican leg
islature of Nebraska has been accused
and convicted by the Omaha Daily Bee
of having enacted a very good law which
the populist Governor Poynter vetoed.
Therefore , the subjoined is reproduced
from the Bee of the 28th ultimo with
the hope that somebody will soon pub
lish the bill vetoed and the veto :
" J. Sterling Morton in his paper , THE
CONSERVATIVE , among other things up
braids the late republican legislature
because no law was enacted to enable
the people of the entire county to have
a voice in the election of all members of
their county board. Mr. Morton in this
is wide of the mark , probably from mis
information. He should know that the
legislature passed a bill restoring to the
people of this county their right to
choose their commissioners , but the bill
was vetoed by the populist governor out
of political motives. "
The June Atlantic Monthly will con
tain the opening chapters of a new ser
ial story entitled , "To Have and to
Hold , ' ' by Miss Mary Johnston , the rising
and popular young author of the bril
liant historical romance , "Prisoners of
Hope , " which has been so successful
during the past season. Miss Johnston's
work not only became immediately and
unusually popular , but is admitted by the
best critics to bo of the highest order of
historical lictiou , full of vigor and in
terest , and yet accurate and true to life
and time.
Miss Johnston's Atlantic story is
placed at a much earlier period of Vir
ginian history , that of Pocahontas and
her husband , John Kolfe. It is , how
ever , permeated with the same fullness
and accuracy of historical description
and detail , while the freshness and ex
ceeding interest of the plot will hold the
reader's attention from the very open
Cured at Home !
"Wo nro treathiK nnd curing more patients
than any other drink euro in the world. This is
because wo treat our patients at their homes ,
saving the time , expense and publicity of an
institute treatment ; because wo use no hypo
dermic injections with their bad effects , but
give healthful tonics ; because wo not only an
tidote the drink crave but euro the diseased
conditions arising from the use of intoxicants.
By our system of correspondence , each pa
tient receives individual care and instructions.
We have received the highest and
best endorsements of any cure In
the world , from leaders among men
whose commendation the whole
world could not buy. Hon. L. S
Coffin , president of the Railway
Temperance Association of Amer
ica , and founder of the "White But
ton" movement says : "The work of
the Bartlett Cure Is well nigh mirac
ulous. It stands In advance of all
other cures for drunkenness. "
Write us in confidence stating your case. We
will send free , in plain package , Dr. Bartlett's
latest work , an exhaustive treatise on the
cause , effect and cure of alcoholism.
D. C. BARTLETT , M. D. , Manager.
Room II , 157 Washington St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
JAV-O is a benefit to all who drink
it. It takes the place of Coffee.
Cocoa , Chocolate or Tea , and
contains all that the human
system demands for health and
JAV-O is made from Malted Grains
Wheat , Barley , Rye , etc. It
increases the weight and in
vigorates the entire system. It
is of the greatest benefit to
children and people of weak
JAV-O has nearly the same taste as
Coffee , and most people , after a
trial , prefer it to all other bever
JAV-O is worth a trial , convince
yourselves of its merit and
health-giving qualities. iScts.
for one-pound package , 25 cts.
for two-pound package. Take
no substitute.
the Development , Scope and Tendency of
Municipal Socialism. "
My Jllilo Roy Miiltble , I'll. I > .
f ,
8 vo. , 223 pp. Index. Paper CO cts. ; Cloth $1.00.
December number of MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS , pub
lished by the Reform Club , 52 William Street ,
New York.
"It is a remarkably thorough compilation of
facts as to the nature and extent of actual
municipal undertakings in the principal cities
of the World. " Review of Reviews.
& For Scratches and Grease Heals , J
Wire Fence Cuts , Sore Neckfc. . ! *
and Shoulders , Saddle Galls , K
Contracted and Tender Feet ,
Sandcracks , Quitter , Thrush ,
Canker , Lamimitis , NavichlarM
Disease , Etc.
K 4 Bruises , Cuts , Running Sore , Tat-J j
$ ter , Salt Rheum , ChappedO
Hands , Chilblains , Corns , All > <
Skin Eruptions , Piles , Etc. > <
J Will heal wounds where.everything
else has failed.
f <
NebrasKa City
The following list of the more important
manufacturing plants in Nebraska City
will be a standing advertisement in
Persons addressing any of them , because
of seeing this , will please mention THE
Argo Manufacturing Co. ( Starch ) ,
Nebraska City Iron Works ,
Dullenty Plow Co. ,
King Press Drill Co. ,
J. 6. Kees ( Trunks and traveling bags ) ,
Tank Building Co. ,
Paul Schminke & Co. ( Flour mills ) ,
Mattes Brewing Co. ,
Chicago Packing and Provision Co. ,
Nebraska City Packing Co. ,
Nebraska City Cereal Mills.
The above named make the best quality
of commodities. Their trade is con
stantly increasing. All their patrons
are pleased. Try them I