Cbc Conservative , li TlIE CONSEUVA- regret that Gov ernor Poyntor has removed Prof. Win. A. Jones from the superiutendency of the Nebraska Institute for the Blind , located here in Nebraska Oity. Our re gret is founded on the fact that Gov ernor Poyntor makes the removal with out giving any reason therefor and without any charge having been made against the efficiency , integrity and character of Professor Jones. It is re gretted by every good citizen that this very capable , worthy and experienced pedagogue , who has passed most of the years of his useful life as a loading educator cater in the state of Indiana , should be removed for purely partisan purposes and to to ex-Lieutenant- merely give place - - Goveruor Harris because that gentleman was not renamed for office at the last populist state convention. Every decent taxpayer in the state must regret and sincerely lament the fact , which now is apparent to everybody , that the public institutions of an educational character carried on by this state are all regarded as proper homes for dependent politi cians where they can be maintained and paid for being petty partisans and noth ing else. Good qualifications , splend idly rendered service and general ap proval by the community have no weight seemingly with the present executive of Nebraska. The one thing he apparently considers is , how shall I billet my politi cal adherents upon the public ? How can I pay persons for being populists in my interests ? It is only fair that THE CONSERVATIVE ( which does not agree with Professor Jones politically ) should voice the unan imous sentiment of the best citizens of Nebraska City , relative to the notably faithful service which Professor Jones and his estimable wife have rendered to the sightless children entrusted to their care and tuition. Never since 1890 has the Institute for the Blind been so eco nomically , practically and beuignantly administered. The last annual report of Professor Jones , which wo have read carefully word for word , is without ex ception , the best official accounting of a stewardship which has been rendered in the state of Nebraska during the last ten years by any one of its officers. This report has attracted the attention of the best scholarship and philanthropy of the United States. Prof. Wm. T. Harris , United States commissioner at the head of the bureau of education in Washing ton , writes , relative to that report and to Professor Jones' general character , under date of April 14 , as follows ( and we have insisted upon copying and pub lishing the same ) : Your illustration of principles on pages 818 and 310 and subsequent is complete I wish that you would send me another copy of your report at once. You have certainly made a remarkable paper ; ii 39VSWW will suggest the true method of studying the blind children. Mr. Timothy Nicholson , member of ; ho Indiana state board of charities , writes under date of April 15 : The undersigned was a trustee of the Indiana state normal school at Terre jlauto during its establishment and or ganization and for some years there after. after.Win. Win. A. Jones , now superintendent of the Nebraska Institute for the Blind , was the first president. His ability and skill in organizing the faculty and school gave great satisfaction to the trustees. Faculty and students were enthusiastic under his inspiration and the school rapidly increased in efficiency and popu- arity during his administration. After a few years of remarkable success Presi dent Jones contracted malarial fever which so impaired his health that he was compelled to resign his position , to ; he sincere regret oV' the trustees , fac ulty , students and other friends of the school. Mr. W. A. Bell , editor of the Indiana School Journal , writes from Indianapo lis , February 14 : Having been editor of the Indiana School Journal for nearly thirty years , and having known all the leading educa tional men that have over worked in the state , I am free to say that no other man ever did as much for the state educa tionally as did Win. A. Jones. Others have worked more years , but their work was not so fundamental and far- reaching. W. H. Mace , professor of history in the University of Syracuse , New York , writes on January 81 , 1899 : The undersigned is personally ac quainted with Prof. W. A. Jones of Nebraska City and knows intimately the work ho accomplished as president of the Indiana State Normal school , Terre Haute , Indiana. I deliberately assort that as an educator Indiana has never soon his superior. The philosoph ical and pedagogical basis on which ho founded the professioual training of Indi ana's teachers remains today , and in my judgment , is the best , in both theory and practice , in the United States. There are hundreds of able men and women teaching today who bless the good for tune that placed them under the per sonal and professional supervision of W. A. Jones. There is not an educator in Indiana who knows his work but still regrets the occasion which took him out of the state. Prof. Arnold Tompkius of the depart ment of pedagogy of the university oJ Illinois , writes of Professor Jones : I have never known a normal sohoo ! equal to the one he organized and con ducted. His old faculty have uniformly praised the helpfulness of his though ! and his deep insight into oducationa principles. Students were decidedly enthusiastic over his rational discipline and his invigorating touch in the class room. He was distinctively the educa tional philosopher of the state. Commissioner W. T. Harris , from the bureau of education in Washington wrote to Dr. A. Hugh Hippie , 200 Bee ) uilding , Omaha , Nob. , relative to pro- 'essor Jones , saying : Ho is one of the most remarkable rnoii ihat over entered the work of education n the United States. His influence is Hio most powerful influence in the state of Indiana to this day , and Indiana has one of the best educational systems in ; ho world. Prof. W. A. Jones did more to create a spirit of thorough study into the prin ciples and practice of education than any other man in the Northwestern states. I think that Nebraska is to bo envied in having such a man placed at the head of its institution for the blind , and I enow that there is a widespread feeling among teachers in Indiana that Professor ser Jones ought to bo called back to the work of education in that stato. Ho .eft Indiana originally on account of his lealth , having lived for many years in ; ho malarious part of Indiana. The foregoing tributes to Professor Jones are given circulation by THE CONSERVATIVE as corroborative and con current evidence of the truth of what it has heretofore said as to the capabilities and practical useful ness of the present superintendent of Nebraska's Institute for the Blind. It is regrettable that such men should be removed to make places for those inexperienced in teaching , no matter liow good they have been at preach ing or as presiding officers of a state senate. It is barely possible that the last position was regarded by the gov ernor as peculiarly qualifying Mr.Harris for directing and superintending the blind. The logical ending of the partisan management of state institutions , like normal schools , insane asylums , reform atories and institutes for the deaf , dumb and blind , will bo their abolition ; and Tins CONSERVATIVE is free to say that the sooner the state divests itsplf of all these institutions and leaves the Holds which they now occupy to private enterprise , the better it will bo for all concerned. The private sanitar iums in the East , the private insane asylums in many states and the insti tutes for teaching the blind , the deaf and the dumb which are carried on by personal enterprise are muoh cheaper and far better than those paid for by the state. When the indigent insane or blind or deaf and dumb are sent from Otoo or any other county to a state in stitution , wo are taxed to pay for it and it costs more than it would to send the same indigents to private institutions of the same sort. A comparison of the cost of keeping the inmates of our asylums and institutes in the state with the cost of keeping them in private institutions and asylums in Now York , will show that this state is not an economist ; in fact , as a rule , the comparison will show that it is cheaper to keep the unfortun ate classes referred to in private asylums.