Che Conservative. GOVKKNMKXTS. [ The views of : i Pennsylvania republican. For TIIK CONSKIIVATIVK ] , Mit. EDITOU My Denr Sir : * # * * Allow mo to state Ivn.s in the con vention hold in our city that organized the republican party and was familiar with the acts and feelings which domin ated the men that , gave birth to that party. As also an eye-witness and in terested spectator of the thrilling events which followed. I have arrived at this V conclusion ( reluctantly I must confess ) that the American experiment of man ? ! hood suffrage , or Abe Lincoln's govern ment of the people by the people and for the people is a most dismal failure and < . * is not possible of u successful issue. This will no doubt , startle you com ing from a native-born American citi- /en and yet the truth of our American history verifies the statement to the letter. No one will pretend it is the function of a good government to de stroy its own people ; and yet that is all we have to show for our first century's experiment at self-government. You will possibly point to the great achieve ments of the American people as an evi dence of the success of our nationality. I answer these great achievements were in no measure attributable to our politi cal sj'stem of government , but in spite of its great drawbacks , and are proofs of the great natural advantages of our agricultural and mineral resources and the genius of our people in all lines but that of common-sense political economj' . If the destruction of a million of lives of the flower of the land , the sacrifice of six billions of treasure , the devastation of the homes of one-third of the people of our nation along with the destruction of [ untold millions of property is the function of a good government , then our American much-vaunted popular sov ereignty is a howling success ; otherwise it is a dismal failure. Spoil * . I hold no other result was possible and as sure as cause and effect continue to succeed each other the second century will prove even a greater failure than the fii-st. How is it possible to bo other wise with a people who regard their city , state and national government franchises as "legitimate spoils belonging to the victors ? " When 75 million people ple are all united , or 95 per cent of them , upon the one great purpose of plundering their own government no other result than failure is possible. Then again , even if the integrity was not lacking , the intelligence essential to good government is clearly wanting. There is not one man in ten of the voters knows , much less cares , what are the issues involved in an election held by the state or nation. Hence this ; affords unscrupulous demagogues the opportunity to promote their own selfish ambitious by the facility our American manhood-suffrage affords them. If you tossed a copper in the air , "heads you win and tails I lose , " you have as intelligent n decision as a popular vote of the American people affords. The natural consequence is that the indus trial classes of the people are made serfs to support a corrupt official aris tocracy colonized at. the capitals of state and nation and fastened upon our mu nicipal governments , prostituting all our public offices from the public school teacher to the president of the United States to pot-house politicians , avarice and greed. IJankriipts. Hence wo have as a natural result , all our city , state and national governments in a bankrupt condition only awaiting ; he hands of a receiver and the univer sal repudiation that awaits the proud American people long ere their second century of manhood suffrage has rounded up. Sonu * Citiibvs. Allow mo to call your attention to some of the causes that as inevit ably lead to this result as day and night succeed each other. The first : , wo great factors which are work ing to this end are our American educators caters the public schools and public press. ( I am aware I am touching upon two boasted idols of the American ppo- plo and will not find many who will agree with me. ) But a state or nation no more than an individual "can do nothing against the truth but for the truth" saith the inspired Word ; and all human experience fully verifies the fact. "What a people sow that they also reap. " This is also an inspired truth which the experience of the Amer ican people during their first century's attempt at self-government most clearly established. Debts and Tnxcu. The bankrupt condition of the Key stone state treasury in the face of the fact that her ten million tax-payers are so burdened with taxes that their farms will no longer yield crops that will meet the necessities of the farmer and pay the taxes , along with the additional fact that all her industries and business enterprises are under such tribute to meet the burdens that the unscrupulous political adventurers impose upon them clearly demonstrates the fallacy of our state and national government pater nalism ; or of fastening upon the indus trial clnsses the hordes of political drones that are using our public school system to escape the necessity of earn ing their own livelihood. I will men tion one of the many ways our public schools ore used as plausible excuses for fastening these drones on the hive. We mve among the innumerable leeches ; hat have imposed the vast sum of 5 millions of dollars on our citizens to bo sweated out of the industrial classes what is styled county superintendent of public schools. The most important requirements of this state official is that 10 shall bo an expert word heeler , cap able of rendering the political boss : hrough whoso grace he secures the office the most efficient service. The office is of no more real benefit to the public school children "than a fifth wheel is to a wagon , " and if public schools were conducted as private schools or in dividual business enterprises the fraud would not be tolerated a single day ; and yet this political henchman and deadbeat - beat through collusion with school-di rectors whoso daughters depend upon tiis certificates to teach ( on the principle of jou tickle me and I will tickle you ) : ias in the past ten years worked the salaiy-grab racket up from ยง 3,000 a year : o $5,000 a year. He is adding house : o house while scores of poor men for whose benefit the schools are intended or pretended have seen their own little nomes pass out of their hands as a re- s\ilt of a decreased wage and increased cost of living , arising from the burdens fastened upon them under our sham public school S3Tstem of education. Tlie I'ross. Again , take our public press ; it sets up the claim only second to that of the pub lic schools ( which have contribTited the most to the present deplorable corrupt state and condition of the American people ple as evidenced by such scandalous crim inations and recriminations as those of Major-General Miles versus President McKinley and his cabinet. ) lam not prepared - pared to say , but these facts along with the no less disgraceful acts attending the attempt of the majority of our Key stone state legislators to re-elect that prince of political knaves to the United States senate ; and wo have as clearly demonstrated as experience can demon strate a truth , the character , not only of the educators who are fitting up our citizens for the duties of citizenship but the results from which there is no pos sible escape that is , that of our Ameri can republican system of government being built upon a foundation of sand. Permit mo now in conclusion to call your attention to some of the natural results flowing out from our political economy and system of education. And I challenge the history of the world to show in the same length of time like results. Coht of Government. The expense of our general govern ment in I860 when we were 80,000,000 of people was $60,000,000. In 1899 with all the advantages of cheaper transpor tation , etc. , the cost to govern 70,000,000 American people has increased to over seven hundred and fifty millions ; our