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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1899)
* > i , the Conservative. Splendid Train Service DENVER , AND AL.U To SAL.T LAKE CITY , PRINCIPAL SAIN FRANCISCO , WESTERtV POINTS. PORTLAND ONLY MEALS DINING CAR SERVED ROUTE A LA CARTE. TO STEAM HEAT. PACIFIC COAST. PINTSCH LIGHT. MAINY HOURS QUICKER TO vH SAIN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND AINY OTHER UIINE. Palace Sleeping Cars , Buffet Smoking and Library Cars , Dining Cars , Ordinary Sleeping Cars , Chair Cars. For RatcH , Tickets , Sleeping Car Uewrvntlojis and full information , call on vour m-art-st Union Pacific Apont or aclclresq JEJ. L. L.O1VIA.X , Qen'l Pass. & Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nob. N. S. Harding. .T. .T. Hochfltntlor. John Cuwloy. Dave Cawlcy. Oldest Insurance Agency In the State. CAWLEY BROS. , Established. 1857. Practical Plumbers. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , Steam one ! Hot Water fritters. 607 Central Ave. , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. Fire Insurance. 711 Central Ave. Nebraska City , Neb. work See us right before the first goin tinit elMiwheru. , . W do our Affairs Europe are faithfully portrayed in the original and exclusive cable dispatches which THE CHI CAGO RECORD prints daily from the leading capitals of the old world. This magnificent special service is in process of being greatly extended so as to include every important city in Europe ; and it is supplemented by the full regular cable service of The Asso ciated Press. . v. ( The Chicago Record , atone of all American newspapers outside New York city , now prints original and exclusive cable dispatches daily from the leading capitals of Europe. OLIVE OIHTMENT FOR MAN AND BEAST. For Scratches and Grease Heals , Wire Fence Cuts , Sore Neck and Shoulders , Saddle Galls , Contracted and Tender Feet , Sandcracks , Quitter , Thrush , Canker , Lamimitis , Navichlar Disease , Etc. Bruises , Cuts , Running Sore , Tat-S ter , Salt Rheum , Chappedjj Hands , Chilblains , Corns , All Skin Eruptions , Piles , Etc. Will heal wounds where.every thing ! else has failed. SIMMONS MEDICINE COMPANY , RACINE , WIS. Four , arc all that stand between you . and successful rose growing. , ; First you write for the New Guide ' to Rose Culture which is sent free. I It fully describes , accurately pic- I tures and plainly directs you how to grow the famous D. &C. Roses and a thousand other beautiful flowers. Shows you how to take the next step to get them by mail on their \ own roots ready to grow and bloom \ in pot or garden. Take the first step to-day. A sample of our floral magazine a ' 'Success with Flowers. " sent if requested. THE DINGEE & CONARD CO. BURPEE ' That Grow SEEDS Leading American Seed Catalogue for 1899 , Mailed FREE to nil. A bright Book of 176 pages , with elegant colored plates and illustrntioiiB from nature. Gives much valu able now information. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in cash prizes. Write a postal card TO-DAV I W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. PHILADELPHIA