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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1899)
Che Conservative. \ the dry plnte nnd film , had upon the artistic tnste of the ppople ? " "It hns greatly improved it. "While the general average of photographs nuido is below those produced by the old wet process , there are vastly more very , fine pictures taken than over be fore. For. when it was such labor to get n photograph , great pains were taken to got a good one , and there were there fore fewer failures. But the wonderful increase in numbers of photographs taken has resulted in a great many really fine pictures being taken. " "What has been the greatest advance made in photography in recent years ? " "Leaving our color photography out of the question , I think the only really great advancement is the production of the kinotoscopo. That photographs can be taken literally by the mile and shown as they may bo is something wonderful. In the old daguerreotype there is artistic beauty not surpassed to any great de gree by the modern picture. " "Do you love your work as much as over ? " "Yes , I think that I am as great an enthusiast as I have over been , and would like to spend my whole time at the work in iho mountains. Of course , in the work in which wo are engaged I have some pictures to make which are irksome to do , but also many which I enjoy doing , and it is a constant study of mine to get really artistic effects. " A rambling talk followed respecting the work of various photographs , size of pictures , the merit of cameras , etc. Mr. Jackson said that there are some really fine things here to take and ho wishes to get some good photographs of them. The beauty of Canyon Crest park he considers very great and the finest example he hns ever seen of plant ing for rpal artistic effect. The work for the Santa Fo railroad will keep them several weeks yet , then the car will go to Washington , D. O. Redlands ( Cal. ) Facts. On the 28th of Tribune contained an account of an interview with J. Sterl ing Morton which was sent from Omaha. But there was no such interview. On that day Mr. Morton was presiding over the deliberations of the National Sound Money League in New York City. Ho was not interviewed at Omaha nor did ho over assert th'at a now party woxild b organized July 4 , 1899 , though ho did say he wished there might bo a new political organization rather than that the independent voter should bo forced to cheese between McKinloyism on the ono hand and Bryauarchy on the other. However this is neb the first interview evolved , by enterprising journalists , out pf utter viewlcssness. "The Perfect" Sprayer. Will Hprny the orchard as well an the potato patch. 3 the Best , the Most Effective , the Lightest , the Simplest , the Cheapest Machine on the Market. Uses the least poison 1 Uses the least water 1 Never injures the plants I Ono pint equal to ton enllonsl Works equally well with dry powder. No Farmer , Gardener , Florist , Fruit Grower , or Poultrynmn can afford to bo without this innchino lor one hundred times its cost. For expelling and destroying potato bugs , cabbage , currant , tomato , tobacco and cotton worms , plum curoulios , codling moth and canker worms , raspberry , strawberry , pear and rose slugs , striped lion , beetle , cucumber and melon beetle , cuttle , horse , hog and hen lice , clothes moth , dog fleas. It will also pre vent inildow on grapes , plums , apples , peaches , cherries , berries , cotton , and all Kinds of fruit nnd vegetables , when the proper remedies are applied with this machine. The saving of malarial with this machine over any other will quickly pay for it many times. A pound of poison in the pocket , a bucket of water in the hand , and u Perfect Sprayer , the farmer can go out ami kill the bugs _ on a whole fluid of potatoes or other crops in one-tenth the timu consumed in Iho old way. For prk'us and further information address ( mentioning Tin : GoNSKitVATivn ) ENOS S. HARNDEN , Marshall , Mich. Let us figure with you on your PRINTING. MORTON PRINTING CO. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. JAV-0 A PERFECT DRINK JAV-O is a benefit to all who drink it. It takes the place of Coffee. Cocoa , Chocolate or Tea , and contains all that the human system demands for health and strength. JAV-O is made from Malted Grains Wheat , Barley , Rye , etc. It increases the weight and in vigorates the entire system. It is of the greatest benefit to children and people of weak stomachs. JAV-O has nearly the same taste as Coffee , and most people , after a trial , prefer it to all other bever ages. JAV-O is worth a trial , convince yourselves of its merit and health-giving qualities. iScts. for one-pound package , 25 cts. for two-pound package. Take no substitute. IT LEADS THEM ALL. JAV-O CEREAL COFFEE CO. , BUFFALO , N.Y. JOY WIORTOIN Sfc CO. MANUFACTUHEUS AND DEALERS IN CEREAL.S AROO STARCH SALT SODA SAL , SODA ASM General Office , Pier INo. 1 , Chicago. Shipping Docks and Soda Factory U. B. & O. SLiIP-I. 0. PIER 1 , CHICAGO. BBL.T RY. , C. R. I. & P. SO. CHICAGO. SaltWorka : WYANDOTTE , MICHIGAN , HUTCHINSON , KANSAS. Starch Factory and Cereal Mills , Nebraska City , Neb. HANDSOHE DESIGN. SpLENDID FINISH * . . . . . . . < _ . - i - * * ' - . . . QUALITY OF MATERIAL IS A-i though the price is somewhat less than is charged for work of this grade. Our work has all the up-to-date attachments. Open-head , brass-bushed springs , dust proof self- oiling axles , Bradley shaft shackles , etc. Ask your dealer to show you one of the MONARCH Vehicles. It will speak for itself. Beautiful " Purple and Gold" Catalogue - logue and name of dealer nearest to you handling our work furnished upon application. MONAJEtOH "VEHICLE CO.P COLUMBUS , - OHIO.